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Alphas Second Chance Mate Sidonie Carlyle

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90


“Don’t tellyou're thinking about him. Don’t tellyou want him!” A thick, ungodly voice yelled into the air,

cutting through space.

“Definitely not, Varef.” A feminine voice replied.

In the far reaches of Moon Shadow, where the land stretched into the horizon like an endless sea of shadows, a

group of Canthrastras gathered. Their presence was unmistakable as their aura shrouded in mystery and


Among them stood a woman, fierce and imposing, her deeply black hair cascading down her shoulders like a

waterfall of flames. Clad in a cloak of darkened leather and adorned with intricate runes, she exuded an air of

authority and power that demanded respect.

Beside her stood three or four men, their features twisted and contorted in strange and unsettling ways. Their

skin bore the markings of ancient rituals, symbols etched into their flesh with the precision of a master

craftsman. Their eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, casting eerie shadows upon their faces.

But it was not just their appearance that set them apart; their attire spoke of a bygone era, a tlong forgotten

by the rest of the world. They wore garments of silk and satin, embroidered with symbols and sigils that spoke of

arcane knowledge and forbidden


Their clothing seemed to defy logic and reason, draped in layers of fabric and adorned with jewels and trinkets

that glinted in the pale light of the moon. It was as if they had stepped out of a history book, their attire a relic of

a twhen magic and mystery ruled the land.

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After all, it wasn't their fault.

There was so much tension in the air as Varef's thunderous voice cut through the silence like a knife, his anger

reverberating off the walls of the chamber. His eyes bore into Amelia with an intensity that sent shivers down her

spine, his words laden with accusation and suspicion.

“Don’t tellyou're thinking about him. Don’t tellyou want him!” Varef’s voice boomed, echoing through

the space with an ungodly force.

Amelia's heart clenched in her chest at the accusation, her own anger simmering beneath the surface as she

met Varef's gaze head-on.

“Definitely not, Varef,” she replied, her voice firm despite the tremor of fear that threatened to overtake her.

But Varef was not convinced, his expression twisted with rage as he glared down at her. “You're lying, Amelia. |

can see it through your face,” he spat, his voice dripping with contempt.

“I'm not, Varef,” Amelia retorted, her tone defiant as she knelt on one knee before him, refusing to back down in

the face of his anger. Her gaze remained steady, fixed on her toes as she spoke, unwilling to give him the

satisfaction of seeing her fear.

The story between Varef and Amelia dates back to years ago since they were still in the seal, before they found

ways to escape.

Varef have always had a crush on Amelia but she doesn’t like him, no matter what he did, disregarding his

powerful status over hers. So, when Varef found out that she has seen her mate on one of her adventures, he

had schemed against her, using her mate who was from another pack as a leverage to achieve the aims of the

Canthrastras which was to get free from every supernatural beings and not seen as a wicked being, cwhat


Right now as she spoke, a sense of frustration welled up inside her. How could she make him understand that her

feelings were her own, that she would not be swayed by his manipulations or his power? She had seen her mate,

yes, but that did not mean she desired him or wished to be with him. Her loyalty lay with her pack and her duty

as a Canthrastra, and nothing would change that.

As the silence stretched between them, the weight of their unspoken thoughts hung heavy in the air. Amelia

could feel Varef's gaze boring into her, his anger simmering beneath the surface like a volcano on the verge of

eruption. But she refused to let him get to her with intimifation.

“We need to focus on the task at hand, Varef,” she said finally, her voice steady despite the

turmoil raging within her. “Our allegiance lies with the Canthrastras, and we must do whatever it takes to further

our goals, no matter the cost.”

“That should convince him at least.” She thought.

Varef's expression softened slightly at her words, his anger giving way to a sense of begrudging respect. “You're

right, Amelia,” he conceded, his voice still tinged with “But remember, I'm watching you. One wrong move, and

you'll regret it.”


With that ominous warning hanging in the air, the discussion cto an end, leaving Amelia feeling more alone

and trapped than ever before.

The other men that were present didn’t say a word at all. No, they couldn't. Who were they to speak in Varef's


“Appreciate the presence of Queen Mother Minerva.” A guard said and they all stood upright, as the queen

mother entered, including Varef. He could have so much power but not in front of their queen mother.

“Canthra Minerva!” They said in unison.

“Well done, everyone.” She said, studying their faces while she stood in front of them.

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“Amelia, have you done what | sent you?” She asked.

“Yes, she has...” Varef wanted to answer for Amelia but Minerva shut him off with a wave of

her hand.

“Yes, Queen mother. | showed myself to him just like you ordered. Just like you wanted, he was strucken by me. |

made sure of that.” Amelia replied courteously.

“Good. I'll know if it had the effect | want depending on their next action.”

“Ill dictate your move to you later today. Make sure you don’t fail me.”

“Sure, your ladyship.”

“Queen mother, | would love to suggest something. Why don’t we leave Amelia out of the gand plans? It's

dangerous.” Varef interrupted.

Amelia rolled her eyes in disgust as she listened to the trash he was saying.

“Why did you say that, Varef?” Minerva asked suspiciously. Everyone thought she was

oblivious to the feelings Varef had for Amelia but she wasn’t.

“You know, the mate bond between them could be so strong that she'd falter....”

“That's off point. I'll deal with that myself.” Minerva cut him off. Amelia couldn’t hold her happiness, hearing


“So, like | was saying, move ahead with the next task I’m going to give you.” Minerva faced Amelia.

“Mind you, no mistakes!” Minerva warned.