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Alphas Second Chance Mate Sidonie Carlyle

Chapter 118
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Chapter 118

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As | stood before the guards who had allowed Raina to leave the pack boundaries against my orders, anger

burned withinlike a raging fire. Their betrayal had costmy sister, and there would be no forgiveness for

such negligence.

| asked them severally how it happened and when but they seemed to have no idea about it. How's that

possible? Was Raina a needle? Or has she turned to breeze that one cannot notice or get hold of?

Then, it was either they were bribed by her or they were hiding the truth from me. But my patience wore thin

and | couldn’t wait for their response any longer.

“You have betrayed the trust of this pack,” | thundered, my voice echoing through the meeting hall. “And for

that, there will be consequences.”

Their faces paled with fear as they shifted nervously under my gaze, but their feeble excuses fell on deaf ears.

“We were just following orders, Alpha,” one of them stammered, his voice trembling with fear. “We didn’t mean

any harm.”

But their words only fueled my frustration. “You were entrusted with the safety of this pack and it’s members,

and you failed miserably,” | spat, my patience wearing thin.

Their pleas for leniency fell on deaf ears as | pronounced their sentence with a heavy heart. “You will be

executed at dawn,” | declared, my voice heavy with sorrow.

“Rex, you're doing this wrongly.” My Beta intervened in their stead but | was way too angry and pained to listen.

“You can say that towhen you know how it feels to lose your sister, the only family you have left!” | fired at

him but he was intimidated.

“Fine, | understand you. But...”

“You understand nothing!” | cut him off.

“How about we put them in prison first? They might as well be of use later.” He suggested through our mind link.


Emergency calls onlyOC

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Chapter 118

“As you wish!” | said to him and dismissed them allto face their fate.

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Now, | was left with the maids, Raina’s maids. | instructed the head maid to fish out the new one assigned to her

and send her to me. Then, | began questioning her as soon as she showed up.

As soon as the maid arrived, | wasted no tin questioning her, my tone firm but measured.

“You were assigned to Raina,” | began, my eyes boring into hers.

“Yes, Alpha Rex.” She answered

“Telleverything you know about her activities leading up to her death.”

“She’s dead?” The maid's hands began to trembled.

“Do you know something?” | asked, focusing more on her. Seemed like she'll be of help in sway.

Her hands trembled more as she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. She recounted the events of the past

few days, her words painting a picture of Raina’s restlessness and determination to leave the pack boundaries

despite my warnings.

“There was a day she returned from your office and she was really angry and upset about something. I tried

asking her what was wrong but she wouldn't say anything to me. Instead, she began pacing to and fro all about

the room, muttering words to herself.”

“Did you hear anything she was saying?”

“I'm not quite sure about that. But I think | had her saying things like; she can’t get married to him...this can

be.... and sother things | can’t really place my hands on.”

“So, what happened after then?” | pressed the maid for further details, determined to unravel the mystery

surrounding my sister's death, no matter the cost. Only then would justice be served, and the truth revealed.

“By that time, it was evening and | was about to prepare her bed so that she could retire for the night but she

askedto go prepare her leisure outfit. | asked her where she was going but she wouldn't tell me.”

“Then, you prepared the outfit, right?”

“l......." She stuttered as she avoided my gaze


Emergency calls onlyO

Chapter 118

“Speak, young lady, before | descend my wrath on you.”

Lowering herself more, she pleaded.

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“I'm so sorry, Alpha Rex. | had no choice but to do whatever she toldto. I'm nothing but just a maid here and

| have no power to oppose her.”

Like | knew it, she aided Raina in whatever she did.

“You are just a maid but you had the power to report towhatever she did. | told you to report every of her

action which seemed strange tobut you failed to do so. You fucking failed in your responsibility. You led her

to her death.” | fired at the maid, full of anger.

“I admit my mistake, Alpha, and I'm willing to be punished for it in any way you want, but trust me, | didn’t allow

her go out. | prepared the clothes just like she asked of me, but | blocked her path strongly when she wanted to


“Then, how did she leave if you did that?” | retorted.

“It seemed like you used a talisman onbecause | didn’t know what happened for a while, not until she

returned the next morning.”

As | listened, a nagging sense of doubt crept into my mind. Could there be more to Raina’s actions than met the

eye? And if so, what secrets lay hidden beneath the surface?

“A talisman? How did she get it?”

“I have no idea how she got it just like | had no idea what she went out to do and why she went there.””

“But how did you cto the conclusion that she used a talisman on you?”

“| figured it out after checking her wardrobe when I didn’t see her. One of the talismans there was missing and |

placed the puzzle.” She explained.

“But why didn’t you report all these?” | was angry beyond control. “Now, it’s too late!”

My Beta dismissed her quickly with a motion of his hand, just before | could pass my verdict on her. He knew if

she waited in front ofany longer, | might pass a very harsh verdict on her and it wouldn't be that good

because deep down, | knew it wasn’t her fault. | knew just how Raina could be.


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Emergency calls only

calls only C

Chapter 118

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Given her clues, | headed for Raina’s room to see if | would find anything definite..

As | combed through Raina’s room, memories of her flooded my mind, each item a painful reminder of her

absence. Her clothes lay untouched, her scent lingering in the air like a ghost. | couldn't help but imagine how

she would have reacted to my intrusion if she were still alive, her laughter ringing in my ears.

But amidst the nostalgia, my determination remained unwavering. | scoured every corner, every


searching for any clue that might shed light on her death. And then, just as | was about to give up hope, |


a, fz

A bottle, similar to the one Carlyle had shown me, caught my eye. My heart raced as | reached for it, my fingers

trembling with anticipation. | wanted to open it, but | decided against it as the memory of Carlyle’s words.

echoed in my mind.

| resisted the urge to open the bottle, my instincts warningagainst it. Instead, | continued my search, hoping

to uncover another clue that might provide answers.

And then, as | was about to leave, something caught my eye. | flipped the bottle over, and there, at the bottom,

was a familiar sign. My heart skipped a beat as | struggled to place it, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into


With a sense of urgency, | pocketed the bottle and made my way out of Raina’s room, my mind racing with

possibilities. Whatever secrets lay hidden within that bottle, | was determined to uncover them, no matter the


With that, | drew the pattern and sent the message about my findings to Moon Shadow.