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Will You Marry Me My Ex-Wife

Chapter 1630
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Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn’t Easy chapter 1630

The bald man sneered, stood up, and circled Luna a few times before finally squatting in front of her and grabbing

ho Id of her chin. “Why would a gorgeous woman like you be on a blind date with a man like Master Crawford?

Don’t you think I’m so much manlier than him? Hmm?”

A glimmer of lustful greed flashed through his eyes. “Have some fun with me tonight, won’t you?”

“Harris! I’m the one you should be looking for, so don’t make things difficult for this woman,” yelled Caleb,

frowning. “She’s from Merchant City, and her family is very powerful and wealthy here, so don’t you dare touch


The man named Harris chuckled and reached out to grab hold of Luna’s neck with one hand while the other

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pinched her cheek. “What’s wrong? Are you worried about this woman, Master Crawford?

“You had simply gone o n one dinner date with this woman, but why are you already so concerned about her? I

never knew you were such a hopeless romantic!”

Harris’ sweat and wine-stained fingers brushed across Luna’s face, the sticky texture of his skin making Luna feel

nauseous. She instinctively dodged away from him and said, “You know that he and I have just met, so why do you

have to capture me as well when kidnapping him?”

“You two seem like long-lost friends and hit it off almost immediately,” Harris replied, smirking, as he continued to

pinch her face adoringly. “Besides, you’ve already witnessed us kidnapping him, so what would happen if you called

the cops on us?”

With that, he curled his lips into a sneer and continued, “Do you know that every person who witnesses our

wrongdoings in Lincoln City… has to be…”

He reached out and slid his finger across Luna’s neck. ” Snap.”

The glimmer of malice in his eyes, as well as his tone, made Luna’s blood run cold.

These men were just as cruel and heartless as Luke’s.

Luna knew that just like Caleb, it was unlikely she would be able to make it out alive tonight.

“Harris.” Caleb let out an exhale and said, “Let go of her; you and I should settle our vengeance on our own.”

“What right do you have to talk terms with me?” Harris snickered, took out a knife, and slit it across Caleb’s


Caleb let out a painful grunt, and a deep knife wound spread across his right arm, so deep that one could see the

bone underneath.

Luna bit her lip and did not even dare to breathe when she saw how painful Caleb looked.

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“Don’t worry, my precious, I won’t do this to you.” Harris chuckled, took a small pill from one of his men, and

shoved it into Luna’s mouth.

Luna knew that this pill was bad news, so she struggled against his grasp, refusing to swallow.


After trying to shove it into Luna’s mouth to no avail, Harris smacked her right across her face.

The slap landed on Luna’s face so hard that she went dizzy for a moment and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Harris quickly pushed the pill into Luna’s mouth and forced her to swallow it.

After doing all this, he tossed Luna onto the ground.

“What did you give me?” Luna asked weakly, her body slumped on the ground.

“It’s a pill that would make you capable of having all of us inside you,” Harris replied, snickering, as he returned to

his seat. “Someone was willing to pay us two million dollars to rape you and three million more for you to be killed.”

With that, he glanced at Caleb and added, “You’re worth even more than he is.”