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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 3286
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Chapter: 3286

Where did this tree vine come from?

The man in yellow turned his head stiffly, trying to see clearly what was attacking him.

As a result, in the next second, there was another series of sounds of flesh breaking, and

more vines shot out, pricking it with holes.

The man in yellow tilted his head and died on the spot.

Until his death, he never expected that what he just said would actually become his last

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“Senior…senior brother?”

Another man was stunned when he saw the man in yellow who was impaled by a tree


He stood there in a daze, unable to react for a moment.

Why did the person who was chatting and laughing just now die suddenly?


The b*dy of the man in yellow was lifted high by the tree vines, and the blood in his b*dy

continuously spurted out, and was quickly absorbed by the tree vines.

It can be clearly seen that the dry tree vines have become more plump and shiny after

swallowing the blood, and the surface is stained with a light blood color.

While the vines were devouring the blood, the b*dy of the man in yellow began to shrivel

up at a speed visible to the n*ked eye.

In just a few breaths, the man in yellow had completely turned into a mummy!

“Someone…come quickly! There’s a monster!”

It was only then that the other man began to yell and run away as if he had woken up

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from a dream.

He didn’t even care if the knife fell to the ground.


Just as the man turned around to escape, another vine shot out from the ground and

penetrated the man’s head at lightning speed.

Like a javelin, the tree vine pierced the back of the man’s head, passed out of his mouth,

and pinned him to the ground.

The man’s eyes widened, his face full of horror, and he refused to rest in silence.

If he had known it was so dangerous, he shouldn’t have come here to hunt for treasure.

Unfortunately, it’s too late to regret.

“Enemy attack!”