Chapter 153
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The car rolled to a stop in front of an old brick house. From my seat, | studied the place through the
A peculiar smell wafted from the house, one that instantly unsettled me. The scent confirmed my suspicions-a
wizard lived here-but there was something else about it that didn’t sit right.
I didn’t bother waiting for the driver to open my door. Instead, | unlocked it myself and stepped out, my boots
crunching against the gravel driveway. Finn followed closely behindas | made my way
toward the house.
The daylight illuminated the faded exterior, the peeling paint making it clear the house hadn't been maintained
in years.
“He couldn't even afford a fresh coat of paint, yet he was working for the Royal Family?” | scoffed, rolling my
eyes. “Alpha Magnus must've been a real miser if this is how he paid the man who did his dirty work.”
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Stopping at the front door, | glanced at Finn, who was shifting uneasily behind me.
“Kane,” he started cautiously, “are you planning to kill him?”
| didn’t answer, my gaze fixed on the door. My mind was already made up. The man who helped Selene hide my
children deserved to pay. How could he have dared to meddle in my life like that?
Ignoring Finn's question, | lifted my hand to knock on the door.
Before my knuckles could make contact, the door creaked open from the inside.
Standing in the doorway was an old man. The sunlight streaming behindcontrasted sharply with the
shadowy interior of the house. It was as though the darkness inside actively resisted the light from
Our eyes met, and | froze for a split second.
This wasn’t just a wizard. He was a werewolf too-a hybrid. That explained the strange scent I'd picked up earlier.
| frowned at the old man, who stared back atwithout a hint of fear. Instead, his expression was one of quiet
amazement, as though he had been expecting me.
“All hail our new Alpha,” he said, his voice calm yet laced with something | couldn't quite place.
| raised an eyebrow, faintly surprised he already knew about the war. News must've traveled faster than |
thought. But in a desolate area like this, who had informed him? From what Finn told me, this man lived here
“Raven?” Finn asked, breaking the silence to confirm the man’s identity.
It was a valid question. | could tell Finn was just as surprised as | was to find out Raven was a hybrid.
The old man nodded at Finn before bowing to me.
| couldn’t help but notice the way he moved. Despite his age, he still had enough strength to bow
< Chapter 153
deeply and with purpose.
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But that scent hitagain, stronger this time. It was unlike any other hybrid I'd encountered before, and I didn’t
like it. I had never been fond of witches or wizards. They weren't like us. They didn’t live like us. They didn’t have
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Yet hybrids like this man-those who wielded both a wolf and magic-were something else entirely. They always
abused their power. Just like he had, using his abilities to hide my children from me.
“How dare you cast a spell on my children?” | demanded coldly, my voice like ice as | ordered him to
Straightening up, the old man locked eyes with me. His gaze was unnervingly steady, and | could sense his
power radiating from him.
“Alpha, let's talk inside,” he said calmly, stepping aside and motioning forto enter.
| glared at him, seeing through his calm demeanor. He was trying to appear strong, but | wouldn't fall for it. Still, |
accepted his invitation. | wanted to see how long he could keep up this act.
Crossing the threshold, | stepped into the dimly lit house. Raven moved to the long glass windows at the far end
of the room and opened the blinds, letting in just enough light to push the shadows back.
As the room brightened slightly, | began to glance around, taking in my surroundings.
But before | could truly examine the space, his voice from behindstoppedin my tracks.
“I knew you'd chere one day,” he said, his tone calm yet laced with an eerie certainty. “I've been waiting for
you. Patiently. For years.”