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An Omega For Sale by Kess

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60

Chapter 60

Scawy Moniestars

That was the first thing in little Jessy’s mind as she flipped her pretty poppers open. She had just had a scary

dream where a big bad ugly bunny had been chasing her and she had even falle at one point and hurt her arm.

The bunny was nothing like the beautiful, soft bunny that had belonged to one of the Beta’s children back at her

own home. Ever since the day she had felt that bumy, Jessy had wanted a bumy for herself.

Especially since the mean kid had snatched the bunny from Jessy and had called her bad names the moment

that Jessy had picked it up, but those few seconds of feeling the stuffed toy was all it took to convince the three

years old that bunnies were perfect. Even as toys.

But her most recent dream was trying to put a dent in that conviction and when Jessy realized that she had wet

the bed, just the way she tended to do when she was scared or overwhelmed, the tears that she had been

fighting hard to keep at bay. ctumbling down her fat cheeks.

The wider awake the three years old got, the less of the dream she could actually remember but the fact that

she had wet the bed was still a distressing thing for her and so she held the sheer in her bands tighter and cried


She reached to tap the space beside her and when all that she felt were the cold sheets, even more tears came

pouring down her eyes and she sniffed pitifully.

Her mommy was gone.

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The mean man could cinto the room like he had done once and he could take her away from her mommy or

the monsters from her dream could cand eat her all up.

She had learnt even at her little age that waking up without mouny, meant bad luck.

The younger girl continued to cry silently as the darkness of the room promised even more monsters,

Soon, the door creaked open and the three years old paused her tears to look at who was coming in, hoping that

it was her mommy and not actually the monsters.

A woman cinto the room, but even in the darkness. Jessy knew it wasn’t her mother.

The person crept towards the dresser and began prodding around it and Jessy sat up in bed in an attempt to

watch them properly, she was too small to care about the consequences of drawing attention to herself.

The twin bed shook as Jessy moved but the younger girl did not stop trying to sit down even when the other

person had frozen in their step to look towards the creaking bed.

The person walked towards the end of the room and flipped the light on and the smaller girl on the bed covered

her eyes to shield her retinas from burning, from the sudden harsh glare of the light.

Before she could recover, she was been shaken almost violently.

“Why are you two always in my way? If it's not your slut of a mother, it’s your bratty self. Why won't you two just

go away and let things return back to normal?” The woman said.

Jessy did not understand most of what had been said, but the harshness in the tone and the way the woman was

Shaking her made her let out a wail, which thankfully got the woman to stop shaking her.

Chapter 60

But the deal was done, she had begun crying loudly and it was only a matter of tnow befoot someone came


Jessy recognized this person. It was one of the only two people the big house that were always mean to her and

never gave her treats or let her eat from their food. Only dirty stares.

“Shut your mouth brat. Or 111 hit you real bad.” She threatened and Jessy clamped her mouth shut at the


The look in the woman's eyes told the young girl that she would carry out her threat if she kept crying.

The woman walked to the dresser and continued her rampage and finally she dug her hands into her pockets

and retrieved something before placing it inside the drawer.

Jessy'’s little but observant eyes followed her every movement and the younger girls lips wobbled at having to

stay quiet in her misery when all she wanted to do was cry out as loud as her voice would let her.

Where was her mommy? She wanted her mommy so bad right now. Or Aunty Chrisey. Jessy was so distraught

that she would take any of the two in that moment:

“Now listen to me, you little devil. If you say a word of this to anyone even your mommy, I'll make sure you

regret it.” The woman concluded, staring Jessy down like she was a little fly that she could squash.

The younger girl did not fully understand her words, she had only gotten the part about not saying anything to

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her mommy and the rest of the words had been lost on her, but the way in which the woman had said it

convinced Jessy that it would be in her best interest to not mention it to her mommy.

Do you understand me?”

Jessy nodded her head rapidly even when she did not. The three years old had a feeling that she would be in

trouble if she said she didn’t.

Tears had continue to fall down her eyes and the child simply look sad and miserable.

The woman moved to walk out of the room, cutting one more dirty look to a trembling Jessy before flipping the

lights off and exiting the room.

Jessy had settled into the bed once more, with her fore and middle finger nestled inside her mouth-a sign that

she was unhappy- and the sheets tightly clutched in her other hands.

She was sad and angry.

Twas a concept that the three years old knew nothing about yet, but it felt like a long, long tthat she

waited before her mommy cinto the room.

The three years old had instantly burst into a fresh round of tears at the sight of her mother and was

inconsolable for a while.

Eventually, she had succumbed to sleep, only to be woken up not so long after then.

It was safe to say that Jessy was not a very happy three years old that morning and the person that she was

upset with the most was her mother.