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The One He Claimed by Cooper

Chapter 36
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Chapter 36: Amelia Sophie My sister's response tobeing hwas surprising, until she announces that she's pregnant. Then I understand.

My mother and I rush to hug her, Alpha Calvin stepping back and giving us space.

"Congratulations!" I say.

"How far along are you?" my mother asks.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" we ask, all in rapid succession.

Amelia laughs, hugging us.

"I'm just a couple of weeks along so we don't know if it's a boy or girl yet, but we're both so happy," she says, looking back at her mate. "Yes, we are," Alpha Calvin says.

"And Sophie. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for that to sound like I'm not excited to see you again. I'm so happy that you're safe and home. But, well...now that you're mated, I'm sure you understand what it's like," she says, looking at her mate again. This time, he comes up and wraps his arm around her.

"After...well, after being claimed, it's hard. I'm sure it's still hard for you and Alpha Hunter," she says, looking from me.to him and back again.

1657 "Well..." begin.

"Perhaps we should move back to my office. We can chat 1288 Vouchers before dinner. Now I have two very exciting announcements to make to the pack," my father says, rescuingfrom having to tell Amelia that my claiming was much better than hers.

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"Yes, let's. I want to hear all about it. I'm so happy. I'm finally going to be a grandmother!" my mother says. She givesa look like I shouldn't say anything yet as she wraps her arm around Amelia, steering her toward the office. I let them pass and Hunter comes up, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Give her this moment. It's important for both of them. It's taken them two years to get pregnant. I know from talking to Lucas that it's a huge struggle to get to a point where you mate is willing to be with you," he says quietly.

I stop and look up at my mate, once again thanking the Moon Goddess that she gavethis man.

"What?" he asks, stroking my cheek.

"I'm so thankful for you." He smiles, leaning in to kissgently. "Not half as thankful as I am for you." "Hmm, I doubt that," I say and turn to follow my family. I stop when I see Amelia staring atopen mouthed.

"How long have you been mated?" she asks me.

"Sweetheart, cinside. Let's talk privately," my mother says.

Hunter puts his arm on the small of my back, gently guiding165 *288 vouchers" into the office. The moment the door is closed, she turns back to me.

"How long?" "Two days," I say and watch as something close to envy crosses my sister's face.

Then she looks at Hunter before turning to Calvin and then back to me.

"How is this possible? There's no way. I know you, Sophie. You would never be this comfortable with your mate after...." "Amelia, csit. I don't want you getting worked up. You're pregnant, you need to remember that your emotions impact our pup," Alpha Calvin says.

When she doesn't move, he walks over to her. "Amelia. I'm pretty sure that we will hear their story, and based on their interactions, I would bet money that there is a story," Alpha Calvin says, but it's more of a question and he's looking at Hunter.

"That's correct. I was glad to hear that you were going to be here this evening. I have something I want to talk to you about. Why don't we all sit. As you said, your mate is pregnant, and this is a very happy time." "Yes, indeed," my father says. Hunter waits until Calvin gets Amelia settled and then he gestures forto sit on a loveseat that we can share. As soon as he sits beside me, I lean into him. I know I've changed a lot in two years, but apparently, my sister has as well.

208 Wouchers Amelia frowns, watching our interaction, watching how I'm completely comfortable being in close proximity with Hunter.

"How?" she asks again.

I turn and look at Hunter. He leans in, kisses my nose, then turns back to Calvin and Amelia. He's about to speak, but Calvin beats him to it. He's been watching us closely, but not saying anything. "You marked her in private, didn't you?" "WHAT? What do you mean?" Amelia asks, looking between her mate andand Hunter.

Calvin continues to look at Hunter. "He did what I should have done two years ago, Ame. He took a stand, right? That's why your mate doesn't flinch every tyou touch her. It's why she has no problem with you kissing her in front of others. You have more with your mate in two days than I have with mine in two years," he says, his frustration apparent.

"Calvin," my sister says gently, reaching out to take his hand.

"Look at them, Ame. This is what it should have been like for us. It should have been this easy. But it wasn't, although I'm thankful you've at least givena chance to prove that I can be a good mate to you," he says, his eyes softening as he looks at his mate.

He reaches out to stroke her cheek and I see her body tense, just a bit, then relax. He smiles, but it's not a happy smile, having seen her reaction.

"So, you've taken a stand?" he says, turning back to Hunter. 1658 248 Vouchers "Yes. I chere today, first for Sophie to be reunited with her parents. I didn't know the two of you were coming but it's a bonus for Sophie to see her sister as well. But, I also need to know who my allies are. Who will stand by my side," he says.

Alpha Calvin huffs out a breath. "Two weeks ago, I would have said yes, no hesitation. But now, I have a pup to consider." "Calvin!" Amelia says.

"Amelia, what Alpha Hunter is talking about is war. I just finally got you. I have no intention of losing you or our pup." "Calvin..." Amelia begins.

"Why don't we all take a step back. Alpha Dutton will be joining us for dinner, and I know Hunter would like to speak to all of us. I have already told him he has my support, but each Alpha will have to make his own decisions on this," my father says, trying to keep an argument from breaking out between Amelia anu Calvin.

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"Who else are you going to talk to beside Dutton? Kayce and Robin, I assume?" "Yes, and also Alpha Ezra," Hunter says.

"Alpha Ezra? Why do you think he'll side with you?" Calvin asks him.

"He was mated to my sister," Hunter says, and I can feel the sadness in him. I know how much his sister meant to him, how much taking this stand is as much for her as it is for me. I reach our and take his hand, intertwining our fingers together. He turns and givesa sad smile.

16:58 288 Vouchers "I had forgotten that Ezra was mated to your sister," my father says.

I can see my sister's mind working hard. She's in agreement with making this stand and based on what she's said tonight, I can understand why.

"You're the legend," she says softly, she's looking down but the wheels in her mind are spinning so fast I'm surprised I don't see steam coming out of her ears. "You knew that, right?" she asks, lifting her head and looking at me.

"Hunter toldthe night he marked me. I had no idea before that." She nods, looking down again as she thinks through whatever is going through her mind.

"They will cto you, Sophie. They will trust you, the ranked she-wolves. If you and Alpha Hunter are making a stand, the she-wolves will rally behind you. I will rally behind you," she says to me, but she turns and looks at her mate.

"Amelia, our pup...

|| Is exactly the reason why we should stand beside Alpha Hunter and my sister. Calvin, what if this pup is a female? Shouldn't we do everything in our life better to make her life better than the one that I had." I watch as pain flickers over his face at her words. She reaches out, cupping his face in her hands. "We have a responsibility to our children, to all she-wolves, to make this life better for them, Calvin. I know you love me. I know it scares you to think that something might happen tonow that we've finally found our 16.54 788 Vouchers

way together. I understand that, but this is more important than you or me," she says, turning her head to look at me. "And whether she wanted to be the face of this revolution or tabeth not, Sophie is the legend. They will follow her, they will rally behind her, and they will win. WE will win Calvin," she says, turning back to him. My sister is a lot of things, loving, caring, kind, and generous, but I've never heard her speak so passionately about anything in my life. She really has changed in the past two years.

Alpha Calvin takes his hand and covers hers, pulling her hand to his "won't mouth and kissing her palm. "I won't say no. I'll listen to what Alpha Hunter has to say. But my first responsibility is to you, Amelia. I swore to you that I would never put anyone or anything ahead of you again, and I meant it. But, for you, I will hear what Alpha Hunter has to say. "Thank you," she says, turning to the room. "Now, when do we eat? I'm starved!" 16.58