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Will You Marry Me, Again by Pear Heart

Chapter 138
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Chapter 138 Grandpa Wants to See You
Maia’s eyes widened. Cedric was the last person she would expect to see here!
“Maia...” Hope said to her. “What’s Cedric doing here?” Cedric used to be Maia’s husband. That made him her former brother–
Maia frowned. She had no answers for Hope. Hope was frightened to see Cedric advancing toward them. “I’m going to go help
Hope might be naive, but she had spent a long time in the entertainment industry. Her emotional intelligence and intellect were
solid. She knew how to read a situation, and knew when to make herself scarce.
Maia started backing off when she saw Cedric taking steps toward her. She needed to keep a distance from him. He suddenly
caught her arms when she took another step backward.
“You’ll fall into the ditch.”
Maia was startled. She turned and saw that there was indeed a ditch at the side of the
“Let me go!” Maia said coldly. She could not even look at him.
He did as she asked. Maia could hear humming in her mind as her hand fell. Was that disappointment she felt?
“How have you been for the past month?”
“Great,” Maia answered swiftly. “I had a wonderful life because you weren’t a part of it. I was
free of trouble.”
“That’s great, then.” He was relieved to hear that.

“If there’s nothing else, you should probably leave. This place doesn’t exactly fit your status, Cedric.” She was trying to chase
him away.
He raised his brow and asked, “What about you?”

Maia frowned, “That’s none of your business.”
“Well, then. You shouldn’t poke your nose into my business either.”
Maia pursed her lips. She turned and left, refusing to converse further with him.
Just as she was about to climb the stairs, he said, “Grandpa would like to see you.”
She was stunned. Grandpa? It felt a little strange to hear about Hans after an entire year. He protected her time and again when
she was first married into the Larkin family.
He was the reason she Rita and Zera occasionally spared her from their abuse. She was Cedric’s wife for many years because
of him. He defended her status as his grandson’s wife.
When he had been strong and healthy, Hans protected her honor so that the others would not mock her. However, everything
went downhill when he got sick. She became vulnerable without his protection.
Maia could feel tears building up when she recalled the past. She tried hard to compose herself and let the summer wind dry her
She was indebted to Hans. She had to repay him.

“Beverley Manor.”
Maia did not say anything to him. Instead, she walked toward her car. Cedric stood where he was and watched her.
Suddenly, Baz got out of his car and ran to Cedric. “We have confirmed that there was something strange about Ms. Zera the
night she was murdered, Mr. Cedric.”
Cedric nodded. Then, he gave an order to Baz, “Move the boxes.”
Baz paused slightly before he looked at the boxes on the ground and knew what Cedric meant. So, Cedric wanted him to move
boxes for his beloved ex–wife! Why did it always have to be him?
Baz might have felt bitter, but he nodded at once. “Roger.”
At the same time, Buck and Hope came down with a few more boxes. They were surprised to see Baz helping them. Maia, on
the other hand, was already in her car. Cedric was still standing out here, looking a little downcast.

It was summer now but Maia felt a little cold nonetheless. She adjusted the air conditioner and kept her gaze lowered.
“Beverley Manor...” She took out her phone and was about to search for its location when she saw a text message. It contained
Beverley Manor’s location. Cedric had sent it to her.
“How could he have been so sure that I would go?” Maia was a little upset. She tucked her phone back into her pocket.
Buck was able to make quick work of the boxes with Baz’s help.
“ThankFollow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“You’re welcome. I’m just doing my duty! Anyway, we’ll meet on more frequently from here
on out.”
Then, Hope hopped into Maia’s car with Buck after she thanked Baz.
Buck drove the car to the neighborhood’s entrance.
“Maia...” Hope called out for her. “Take a look at that. Cedric’s still standing there.” She sounded a little sympathetic to him.
Maia watched his silhouette get further and further away from the rear–view mirror. She smiled bitterly. It was an apt metaphor
for their relationship.
“Mr. Cedric.” Baz said to Cedric, who was still frozen in the same spot. “Ms. Maia’s far away from us now. S–Should we get
moving as well?”
It v
It was really hot! He was sweating buckets after giving them a hand with the boxes.
Cedric tore his gaze away from Maia and started walking toward his Aston Martin. Baz kept up with him, clearly delighted.
“Why are you so happy?”
His wife ditched him and yet Baz was happy!
“I’m happy because it’s a sunny day.”
“Is that so? Well, then. You can stay out here with the sun.” Then, Cedric got in the car. Baz almost cried when he shut the door
“Come on, Mr. Cedric. Don’t do this to me! 1-1 helped you, didn’t I?”

Baz, a burly man, started yelling in the neighborhood. An Aston Martin was already
conspicuous enough. They were drawing more attention to themselves now with a five–foot- nine man yelling..