We Cant Help It: Ep5 John, Sam and I had a conversation today. She knows." "Knows what, Amanda?" "Everything. She guessed that we had sex last night and I eventually told her the whole story. She promises to keep it an absolute secret." "I sure hope so. We would be ostracized if others found out." "They won't. Also she hinted around about her andgetting together again." "You mean, like years ago? Sex?" "Yes. I told her that was in the past, and besides, I didn't know what you would think." "I don't know what I would think." "You mean you're not offended by the thought?" "Maybe, maybe not. She's a very sexy girl and it might be fun to watch, assuming you would let me." "Damn, Johnny, you are certainly full of surprises. I have thought back many times to when she and I did it. Maybe subconsciously I want to do it again, but not if it in any way affects our relationship. Would you be jealous?" "Probably not. Letask you a question. Would you be jealous?" "What do you mean?" "She's very sexy, obviously has a great body. You said she also fucked guys. I have a hunch she might have sinterest inas well as you." "God, you think so? You would fuck her? I don't know if I like the idea of you lusting after my friend." "I'm not lusting, just making an observation. I am totally satisfied with just you." "You better be, buster," she said with a laugh, the tension broken.
That night Amanda moved her stuff back into our bedroom. We spent almost an hour having fun in bed, knowing full well her friend could hear.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"Damn, you guys are so bad. I masturbated while listening to you go at it last night." "Sorry, Sam. We really do enjoy each other." "Sounded like you cseveral times, Amanda." "I usually do. John eats my pussy until I come, then he fucks me. Then he eatsagain, cleaning out his cum, and finally we do another fuck. So sometimes, like last night, I cfour times" "God, girl, that is unbelievable, I'm so impressed. You said John was good but that's not the word for it. That's world class performance. I can count on one hand the times when I ceven twice. God, four times! And did you say he eats your creampie? No way!" "Yep. I love it Wild, isn't it?" "I'll say. None of my boyfriends have ever done that, and I wouldn't even be brave enough to ask. God, that's too much. And do you suck his cock and swallow?" "Sometimes. But he prefers to have his cock in my pussy, so I mostly just do a little sucking as a warm-up." "How about anal?" "Oh, no, no way. John's got a really big cock, no way he could ever get it in. He would wreck me." "Well, Amanda, you certainly have the perfect lover. You are really lucky." "I know. I told John about yesterday, when you asked about us getting together. He didn't say no but has reservations. Neither of us wants to jeopardize our relationship. He thinks you are really sexy so maybe you could play up to him a bit. That might make him willing to let us do things." "Sounds tothat you have decided to do it if you can." "It would be fun, and like old times. I still remember how much fun we had together." "So you wantto show interest in your man, so we can get together? If I do he might want to get involved, to fuck me. John's a stud and I sure wouldn't resist and I can already imagine his tongue working magic on my pussy." "I guess that would be ok since I would be there. Let's do it." Early in the evening the three of us sat around, drinking margaritas. The conversation turned to a possible get- together.
"Honey, I think it would be fun for Sam andto play around while you watch. You know, eat each other's pussy. Then she could watch as you and I fuck. I want to show off your big cock. How's that sound?" "Letunderstand. You and Sam will both be nude and take turns eating pussy? And Sam, you don't mindseeing you nude?" "Of course not. Actually I think you are quite the stud and I like the idea of showing off to you." "From what I can see, you have a very sexy body. Amanda, do you think I could join in?" "Of course. Just as soon as we are through, you can stick your big cock into me." "Well, what I meant was, while the two of you are at it, could I fuck you or for that matter, Sam." "Oh, I see." "I think that's a great idea," Sam jumped in. When I'm doing your sister you can fuckfrom behind. And then when she does me, you can fuck your sister. God, that would be so sexy. Is that ok with you, Amanda?" We moved to our bedroom. Amanda spread her legs to give her friend access to her pussy. I watched for several minutes and then scooted up to Sam's butt, pushing my cock into her tight pussy. She wiggled and thrust back atand just a few minutes later I filled her tight pussy. Amanda climaxed a few moments later and they switched positions. Amanda ate Sam's pussy, sucking out my cum and quickly bringing her friend to a climax from our combined efforts.
My sister's dripping pussy looked so delectable. I stroked my cock, hoping to quickly get it up again, and finally I was able to shove into her. She pushed back against each thrust and we went at it for quite a while as Sam looked on.
Afterwards the three of us snuggled together and fell asleep. Sometduring the night Sam moved to her bedroom. In the morning I pushed my cock into Amanda's still slippery pussy and fucked her hard. We took a shower together, then joining Sam who was already up and making coffee.
"Good morning, John, Amanda. I feel so good this morning. Nothing like sgood fucking, don't you agree," she said with a big smile.
"Last night was great," I responded. You have a very tight pussy and a beautiful ass." "Thank you. I've not had many cocks inand that cock of yours is by far the biggest. You really filledup. Amanda, did you like what we did?" Hey there! Just a friendly reminder that if you're not reading this book on nel5s.com, you might be missing out on the complete story. Head over there to dive into the next chapter-it's all free! "God, yes. I cso quickly when you were licking me. And your pussy tasted great, especially with Johnny's cum." "Yeah, you did a good job, just like years ago. It's been far too long." By mutual agreement Sam decided stay longer so we could play smore. Snights were just for Amanda andand others were erotic threesomes. We decided to tell people that Sam was a cousin who had lost her job and was staying with us before moving to Seattle. "Hey, guys, I've been thinking. It's been three months and I'm starting to feel like a third wheel." "What do you mean, Sam?" Amanda asked.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
"Well, at spoint I would like to find someone that I can settle down with. You and Johh are a couple and nothing's going to change that. Tforto move on." "Oh, Sam, please don't go. It's so great having you here. You and I have such a good ttogether and John really likes fucking you." "I agree, our sex has been fabulous, the best by far I've ever had. But anyway, I think it's best if I head on to Seattle." "Why Seattle? Do you know anyone there?"
"A sister of an acquaintance lives there. I talked with her months ago and called her yesterday. I have an invite to con up. Several years ago we played around some, and this seemed like a good tfor a change of scenery. And I think she and I might have slong-term possibilities." A week later Sam was gone and we were already missing her company very much. We settled back into a nice routine of sex which now seemed a little tame.
"Johnny, I think we should find someone to play with." "You mean like we did with Sam?" "You liked having two pussies to fuck, didn't you? And I liked the girl-girl fun." "Having two luscious babes around sure kept my cock going, I must admit. Do you have anyone in mind?" "Nope, not a soul. But there are sreally cute girls in my classes at school. Maybe one of them?"
Almost all of the girls in her freshman class were two years younger than her. She made a point of making friends with several good-looking girls. They believed Amanda was married so she beca confidant. One girl was very attractive but exceedingly shy. Over tAmanda learned that she was a virgin and had never dated. Something about her suggested that she could be enticed into our bed.