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True Luna by Tessa Lilly

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True Luna by Tessa Lilly (The Unknown Magic)

The White Wolf Series Book 4 – CHAPTER THREE – You Are An Idiot

Andrew & Daisy (Andrew’s POV)

My mate’s scent reached me even before she knocked on the door. “Come in, honey,” I said, keeping

my eyes on the papers in front of me.

She walked inside and closed the door behind herself.

“Am I disturbing you?” she asked me quietly.

I looked up at her and smiled.

“Never,” I said as I reached for her. “What’s up?”

She approached me and sat down on my lap. I placed my hand on her t*high and rubbed it softly.

It’d been three months since she moved to our pack, and I couldn’t have been happier. She was an

amazing woman, and I was so lucky to have her. “I wanted to wait until you came home, but Daphne

made me come here,” Daisy sighed.

She kept her eyes down, and she was fidgeting with her f*ingers nervously.

I furrowed my eyebrows. My heart raced. Was there something wrong? Was she hurt?

“What’s wrong, Daisy?” I asked worriedly.

She looked at me and gave me a small smile.

“Nothing is wrong,” she said softly. “I am just a little worried about something.”

I cupped her cheeks and pressed my l*ips against hers. I loved k*issing her. “Talk to me, honey,” I said


She looked up at me and caressed my cheek.

“I can’t help but think that you still don’t trust me when it comes to Emma,” she said quietly. “I’ve been

worried about that for a while now.”

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I froze.

I didn’t know what to tell her.

She wasn’t wrong. I didn’t trust anyone after Sienna. It hurt me so f*ucking much to say that I didn’t

trust my mate, but a small part of me was still suspicious.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I leaned my forehead against hers.

“I am so f*ucking sorry,” I mumbled. “There is a small part of me that is still so afraid.”

Daisy cupped my cheeks and pressed her l*ips against mine.

“I know,” she said softly. “I felt it.”

I opened my eyes and looked at her.

“Sienna was my best friend,” I mumbled. “She was a huge part of my life. I trusted her with my life. I

believed in her to the point of endangering my sister’s life. Looking back, I can’t believe how f*ucking

stupid I was. I can’t believe that I trusted her more than I trusted my sister.”

I stopped talking and took a deep breath.

Daisy caressed my cheek.

“I can’t even explain why,” I continued. “I don’t know why I trusted Sienna, but I do know that it f*ucked

me up. It made me suspicious and so f*ucking afraid. I am so sorry, honey. It’s so f*ucking hard to let

that fear go after everything that happened.”

Daisy sighed and placed a small k*iss on my l*ips.

“Sienna was an idiot,” Daisy said. “I can’t even explain to you how angry I am at her. Emma is an

amazing girl, and I love her so much. I love her because she reminds me of you. If Sienna loved you,

she would have loved Emma too. There is so much of you in Emma, and I am so excited to discover it

all. I love that girl, and I promise that I am not a threat to her.”

My heart skipped a beat, and I felt tears in the corners of my eyes.

The woman in my arms was so f*ucking amazing!

I didn’t say anything. I just k*issed her. I wanted to show her how f*ucking much she meant to me.

A knock on my office door interrupted us.

I was so focused on my mate that I didn’t even hear anyone approaching my office.

“Come in,” I mumbled against Daisy’s soft l*ips.

The door opened, and I looked up.

My sister walked inside, closing the door behind herself. She kept her eyes on the papers in her hand.

“Andrew, can you…” she spoke but stopped when she looked up and saw Daisy in my arms.

Her eyes widened a little, and she smiled.

“I am sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. I will come back later.” “No, it’s okay,” Daisy said as

she stood up and went to sit on the chair in front of my desk. “We were just talking.”

“I will be out of here soon,” Emma said as she approached my desk and handed me the papers. “I just

need Andrew to sign something for me.”

I took them from her and placed them on the desk in front of me. “It’s okay, love,” I said, giving her a

small smile. “You weren’t interrupting. We were talking about you.”

Emma furrowed her eyebrows. “What about me?”

I looked at my mate and gave her a small smile.

“How protective I am of you,” I said, looking back at my sister. “And how suspicious I am of everyone.”

Emma raised an eyebrow at me. She glanced at Daisy and sighed.

“You are an idiot, Andrew,” she said. “Daisy would never hurt me.”

I chuckled and shook my head. Daisy laughed.

“Maybe I should have just talked to Emma about my concerns,” Daisy said with a small smirk. “She is


I rolled my eyes at my mate.

“Get your head out of your a*ss and stop being so suspicious of your mate,” Emma said sternly. “She is

not Sienna.”

I took a deep breath and nodded.

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“I know,” I said. “I explained and apologized to Daisy.”

Emma looked at Daisy and smiled.

“Andrew loves you so much,” Emma said. “Please don’t be angry at him. What Sienna did was horrible,

and she hurt him so much.”

My heart clenched. Sienna hurt her more.

“I know, Emma, don’t worry,” Daisy said as she stood up, approached my sister, and pulled her into a

hug. “I am not angry at him. I understand why he is suspicious.”

I smiled. Daisy did love Emma.

“And Sienna is a b*itch,” Daisy said angrily. “I wouldn’t mind if you let me go to the cellar to teach her a


Daisy looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

“No,” I said sternly. “I am not letting you near that b*itch.

Daisy let Emma go and sighed.

“Fine,” Daisy mumbled, giving Emma a small smile.

Emma chuckled and looked back at me.

“Bring me those papers when you sign them, please,” she told me. “I have to go back to work.”

I smiled at my sister and watched as she left my office.

As soon as the door closed, I reached out for my mate.

She approached me and sat down on my lap.

“I love you,” I told her.

“I love you too, idiot,” she grinned and pressed her l*ips against mine.

I smiled and k*issed her back.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!