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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 3608
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"All right. Let's get out of here."

Austin stood up after finishing his chat with his family.

Now that he had found them, he had already fulfilled one of his wishes.

However, there were still a lot of things that he needed to do to accomplish all his tasks.

As he waved his sleeve, he lifted his parents and brother in the air so that they could proceed easier and faster.

However, just as before they left, Austin noticed something strange.

"What's that sound? Is it coming from that direction?"

Austin raised his head and looked into the depths of the deserted area.

From there, he perceived a tremendous Buddhist power, seething between heaven and earth. This energy continuously fluctuated

with violent force. It was so intimidating and overwhelming that the affected would have the desire to kneel and worship before it.

"I've never seen such an enormous Buddhist power before!"

Austin had achieved scomprehension of the law of Buddhism and also practiced several omnipotent skills related to it. But

despite all of that, he was still stunned as he felt the inconceivably strong Buddhist power spreading out from the depths of the

deserted area.

Austin's eyes narrowed as his curiosity heightened. He looked intently into the direction where the power was coming from, trying

to perceive everything that was hidden in that area.

Then, he sensed a billowing fluctuation of the Buddhist power, which was surging with great momentum.

Additionally, he also noticed that there were several ancient mountains in that sdirection, stretching towards the horizon.

Since he was already here, he didn't want to waste the opportunity of checking these things out.

As he stared past into the mountains, the scene gave him the feeling that he returned to ancient times where savageness was still

very common.

"Are you hearing that too? We've heard it a lot of times. After we had escaped here, we originally intended to go further ahead.

However, we clearly felt that there is an incredible pressure from that direction. It was so eerie that the more we went further, the

more difficult it felt to move forward. Moreover, we could hear those monks chanting from tto time.

The three of us had been constantly looking around all the time, but we haven't seen any monks. It was so strange that we didn't

dare go any further.

We started wondering if what we were hearing were actually ghosts,"

Austin's mother described what they experienced.

"It's probably not a ghost, mom.

The chants that you have been hearing are actually laws of Buddhism that were left here.

In the past, there must have been a pretty powerful monk who often chanted Buddhist scriptures in this land. His dedication must

have been powerful and impressive that his chanting was embedded deep into the environment here. Thus, until now, those words

echo every now and then,"

Austin explained in detail what those strange noises really were.

He was now a divine god, so he already knew all kinds of laws of suprenlightenment in the world.

No matter how bizarre something was, he could now easily see and understand these things at a glance.

"Really? That's amazing then!"

The three were surprised as Austin told them the truth behind those strange noises.

"Why don't we go into that deserted area to see which monk had practiced and meditated in that place?"

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With that, Austin began leading his family towards the depths of the deserted area.

"But Austin, it must be dangerous ahead.

Besides, you just killed a lot of people from the Court. I'm sure that the headquarters of the Court will send more of

their people once they received this news.

Why don't we go back to the temple of the mountain god and hide there for the tbeing?"

Austin's mother persuaded him out of concern.

"Mom, relax. You don't have to worry too much. Currently, no one on Earth is capable enough to beator scarein any way.

As for the guys from the Court, it would be actually better if they appeared in front ofso that | would not waste my time

finding them one by one.

Don't be afraid now. Let's just go ahead and have a look,"

Austin assured them with a smile.

"Well, your son is correct. He's a divine god now. He can protect us from everything, so we shouldn't be afraid of anything,"

Clement said as he talked ssense to his wife.

As they continued discussing, they had already started entering the depths of the deserted area under Austin's leadership. They

had been talking for a while, so they had no idea how far they had already gone.

Looking around the area, all they could see were the towering mountains that were at least hundreds of thousands of feet high.

They stood shoulder to shoulder and soared into the vast sky. On the surface of the mountains, thick and tall trees covered them

that almost blocked the sunshine. The wild creatures inhabiting the forest used this to their advantage to easily hunt their prey in

the dark. Eagles could be seen soaring in the sky, and the roar of beasts could be heard from within the depths of the forests.

As they went deeper, they started hearing several roars from different creatures lurking around. They all sounded intimidating as if

telling the outsiders to step out of their territory

Seeing their surroundings, they couldn't help but compare it with the prehistoric times.

'I didn't know that such a place exists here on Earth.

Well, it must be a secret realm that was left behind from the ancient times, *

Austin thought to himself.

For Austin's family, it was their first tto personally witness such magnificent scenery that seemed to only exist in ancient


"This is amazing! It's like what we've seen in movies!"

Chad exclaimed in utter shock.

"I wonder what mountain that is. It looks so different from the ordinary ones."

Austin's gaze suddenly fell on a huge mountain near the horizon. What he saw piqued his curiosity, so he really wanted to inspect


"Let's go to that one!"

Austin hurriedly took his entire family in his arms and quickly strode towards the towering mountain about a thousand miles away.

The place was filled with strong Buddhist power that fluctuated and surged like billowing sea waves during a thunderstorm.

All creatures had the impulse and desire from their souls to prostate and worship as they got to the place. There was also a strong

yearning to sacrifice every bit of oneself and beca pious believer of Buddhism.

In an instant, Austin found from the eyes of his parents and brother that they had becdevout. They stared with longing at the

towering mountain in front of them as if they had fallen into skind of realm that they could not get out of.

"Wake up!"

Austin roared and used the power of his spiritual sense to release his family from the Buddhist power that had enveloped them.


His family members groaned painfully as they cto their senses.

"What was that? | felt like | entered a dream just now. In there, | knelt on the ground and was chanting skind of Buddhist

scriptures led by a very kind old monk,"

Austin's mother told what she experienced.

too. | had the exact sdream!"

Clement and Chad repeatedly nodded as they agreed.

"It's not true and it was just an illusion. The Buddhist power enveloping this area is overwhelming that it already affected your


Austin said firmly.

"Let's continue moving and ascend the mountain."

Then, Austin started climbing the mountain as soon as he assured that his family was already fine.

Crash! Boom!

Soon after Austin climbed the mountain, it suddenly trembled violently. Deafening high-pitched noises also resounded everywhere.

On top of it all, they heard constant chanting of ancient Buddhist scriptures while all the chaos was happening.

However, Austin wasn't fazed at all and he just continued walking ahead.

Then, a fierce roar of a lion was heard all of a sudden.

Endless terrifying sound waves fell from the mountain and attempted to press Austin down.

'Wait a minute. Is this the Lion's Roar? | couldn't be mistaken! It is an omnipotent skill of Buddhism."

Austin stretched his arm and threw a punch towards the direction where the sound waves were coming. The waves were warded

off in an instant and a voice was heard immediately after.

"Who the hell are you to dare trespass into the Spirit Mountain?

Turn back now or be prepared to be crushed into ashes!"

Suddenly, a Bodhisattva appeared in front of Austin, holding a golden pestle in his hand. Dazzling light spread out from his body,

instantly blocking Austin's way ahead of the mountain.

"Did he just say Spirit Mountain?

So this is the Spirit Mountain?! What? | can't believe it!"

Austin was in utter shock as he heard what the Bodhisattva said.

He once heard that on the Spirit Mountain, there stood the Thunder Temple, which was the holiest and most sacred place known in

Buddhism. It was said that Buddha Hawley, the leader of Buddhism, once cultivated in the Spirit Mountain.

Therefore, the Spirit Mountain was actually the field where Buddha Hawley spread the laws of Buddhism.

"But how could that be? The laws of Buddhism in our country originated from another ancient state. Then, shouldn't the Spirit

Mountain also be in that ancient country? Why is it in the Hiding Area?"

Austin asked with a confused expression.

"You rude intruders dare to question me? Go to hell!"

Suddenly, the Bodhisattva raised the pestle in his hand and dashed towards Austin. He then released immense Buddhist power

that surged and spread like a vast sea.

"| see you're going all out. Then, letsee what you've got!"

Austin immediately answered with his own power, releasing tremendous chaotic energy from the secret realms in his body. The

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energy burst out like raging rivers that clashed against the waves of Buddhist power.

Crash! Boom!

Austin retracted his arm again and threw a massive punch. The impact from his attack sent the skies and the earth to tremble

viciously. With his monstrous strike, the Bodhisattva's pestle flew in the opposite direction with great momentum.

"If this really is the real Spirit Mountain, then you can't stopfrom climbing the very top of it!

Get out of my way before | crush you," Austin declared through gritted teeth, glaring at the Bodhisattva with fiery eyes.























