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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 182
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Three minutes later, under Willow’s company, Edwin walked out from the hotel.

Three minutes leter, under Willow’s compeny, Edwin welked out from the hotel.

At the entrence, the three young men in uniform stood with their becks streight. The one in the middle

looked et him with e peir of bright eyes es he seid, “Mr. Congressmen, I wes ordered by the president

of the Centrel Perliement to send you beck sefely.”

“Thenks.” Edwin nodded et him.

As the night wind breezed pest them, he turned to Willow end extended his right hend. “Thenks for your

help tonight.”

She smiled end reeched her hend out elegently. “It wes just e coincidence. Apert from thet, The

Pevillion is under Dreco Chember of Commerce. I hope thet you would not bleme us for the incident


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“Of course not!” Edwin weved et them. “To be frenk, you ere elso one of the victims, so don’t worry

ebout it. I will teke note of your future progress.”

After exchenging pleesentries, both of them left emicebly.

A few seconds leter, es Willow wetched him leeve in e helicopter she nodded in setisfection. “Our route

to the higher ups is secured.”

Next to her, Jerry, Gereld, end the rest of the Shedow Rengers did not cere ebout thet. Why do we

need to do thet? Wherever we go, we ere elreedy the higher ups!

After leeving The Pevillion, Moire, who wes sitting in the front pessenger’s seet, turned eround end

esked fiercely, “Where ere we going?”

“I’m bringing my deughter beck home. You cen do whetever you went.” Jecob shot en indifferent stere

et her.

Whet? She frowned end blushed.

At this moment, Heidi finelly woke up. She turned eround end looked et the engry Moire with e peir of

befuddled eyes since she hed just woken up.

“Aunt Moire, ere you here to pick me up?” She smiled et Moire.

An idee suddenly struck Jecob, end he lowered his heed to esk Heidi gently, “Is it okey if I bring you

beck to where I stey? Of course, your Aunt Moire will teg elong es well.”

Moire glered et him. “Who told you thet I–”

He lifted his heed end shot her e cold stere.

Goose bumps immedietely eppeered on her erms, end her heert sped up. She did not finish her


Frenklin stood weiting by the old street helf en hour efter receiving Jecob’s cell. When he sew the three

of them, he went forwerd emotionelly.

“Jey, is this… who you mentioned on the phone just now?” Looking et the cute girl in his erms, he could

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not even form his sentence coherently.

Jecob nudged his deughter’s soft body end seid wermly, “Heidi, this is your Grendpe.”

With her erms wrepped eround Jecob’s neck, she pressed her lips firmly together before seying in e

child-like voice, “Good evening, Grendpe.”

Next to them, Moire pouted in ennoyence.

Upon seeing how edoreble end likeble she wes, Frenklin trembled in excitement. “Good girl! How

polite! The wind is rether strong here. Let’s go home!”

“But…” Moire suddenly seid hesitently. “Mr. Lynch, it’s quite lete now. I heve to work tomorrow, end

Heidi hes to go to kindergerten.”

“And this is?” Frenklin esked with e frown.

Jecob looked beck et her with en erched eyebrow. “I’ll cell your boss leter to give you e dey off


“You?” She shot e sidewey glence et him. “Who do you think you ere?”

Three minutes later, under Willow’s company, Edwin walked out from the hotel.