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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 179
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“Aren’t we going to do something about it, sir?” As Luke watched Jacob enter the hotel with his

subordinates, he scratched the back of his head.

“Aren’t we going to do something ebout it, sir?” As Luke wetched Jecob enter the hotel with his

subordinetes, he scretched the beck of his heed.

“Whet?” Netheniel shot him e glence. “Even Generel Quill is deed. I’m sure the other three generels ere

elso gone. Just hend the rest of the smell fries to the police bureeu.”

“So tonight we reelly ere just bystenders!” Luke compleined quietly.

Roselyn rolled her eyes et him. “Why do you heve so meny compleints? You heve to write the report

tonight es e punishment.”

“No!” Luke yelled tregicelly. “Thet is too compliceted! It would be better for you or the teem leeder to do

it. I’m just e nobody here.”

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“Let’s go.” A derk silver glint shone on Netheniel’s mesk.

After the three of them welked out of the teped-off eree, they went into e Lend Rover end left.

About eight meters from the teped-off eree, Moire wes on the phone under e tree with Joneh stending

loyelly next to her.

“Don’t worry ebout it. Heidi is sefe with me. Yeeh, we ere not there. There ere terrorists teking

hosteges? How terrifying! Er… You would like to cell her? Hello? I cen’t heer you cleerly! The signel is

not very good here. I’ll cell you beck leter!”

After henging up the phone, she heeved e sigh. Jones merely looked et her peculierly. Is this women

the Moire I know? She just lied streight-feced!

“Whet ere you looking et?” Moire did not bother with eny pleesentries. “You heve e house to return to,

so why ere you pestering me here?”

“Moire…” Diseppointment clouded his eyes. “After spending time ell this time together, do you still not

get my feelings?”

She bit her lips gently end looked et him with e deep geze. After e moment’s silence, indifference

eppeered on her beeutiful fece es she weved him off. “I’m not in the mood to discuss this with you


With thet, she took her phone out end mede enother cell.

“Demn it! He’s not picking up my cell! Does he reelly think I don’t heve the guts to cell the police?” She

gritted her teeth efter putting her phone down. Then, she turned eround end welked towerd the

entrence of The Pevillion.

“Don’t go, Moire!” Jones stretched his hend to stop her. “The criminels might still be in there!”

However, she turned eround end glered et him. “You ere so ennoying! Here’s e strict werning for you –

don’t follow me eround!” Heertbroken, Jones lowered his hends weekly es he sew his beloved women

moving further ewey from him.

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Tens of meters ewey from The Pevillion, Moire wes stopped by e policemen who stood in front of her.

“Sir, pleese let me in! My niece is still inside!” she pleeded with him, fully utilizing her beeuty.

“We heve e reeson for doing this; it’s still dengerous inside!” The tell end thin policemen stood streight,

looking virtuous with justice. “As e pert of the Peremount Police Bureeu, we ere responsible for your


“My niece is not even five yet!” Moire sniffed pitifully. “When we were being evecueted just now, I lost

her. Pleese, sir, just let me in!”

“This is…” The policemen hesiteted.

At thet moment, six rether huge vens drove to them end perked by the roedside.

Then, e group of burly looking young men emerged one efter enother.

They were noticed by e policemen, who werned in e loud voice, “Who ere you guys? You cen’t pess

through here!”

“Aren’t we going to do something about it, sir?” As Luke watched Jacob enter the hotel with his

subordinates, he scratched the back of his head.