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The Marvelous Elijah's Return

Chapter 156
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Read The Marvelous Elijah’s Return by Rever Chapter 156

Dead or maybe

not… The feeling of a soft kiss on her bare back made Peach‘s lips pull into a smile, and she rolled over

to face Elijah, her eyes beaming.

“Hey, sleepyhead.” She grinned as she raffled

her fingers through his messy hair, giggling when he groaned and nuzzled closer to her side. Her other h

and traced shapes across his chest, and she could feel him shiver at her louch.

“Our flights leave in the next three hours… Don‘t make us book another ticket.”

Elijah whispered huskily, and she laughed again, turning so she was laying on top of him.

Her hands moved down to rest on his lips, and she leaned forward, placing small

kisses along his collarbones. Then she stopped to take his lower lip between her teeth, smiling against it.

“Peach,” Miss Grace‘s voice drifted through

the open door, and Peach froze, looking at the doonvay. “Elijah,” Immediately Peach tried to jump off Elij

ah when she heard his father‘s voice, but he grabbed her waist, pressing her down against his bare ches

t. “What are you doing?” Peach whispered, nervously looking at him. “Fix this.” Elijah mumbled, raising a

brow. Confused, Peach was about to ask, but then she looked down at his hips, and her eyes

widened, mumbling, “Babe, our parents are right outside our room.”

“Well, you better be quiet while doing it then,”


A chuckle escaped Elijah‘s laugh, which soon turned into a full–

blown laugh seeing the look of horror on her face when she

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called his name, and then she buried lierself in his chest.

“Seems like they are awake,” they heard Miss Grace said to Mr. Maxwell.

“Are we leaving at noon?” Mr. Maxwell asked. When Elijah raised a brow at a Peach, she scoffed at her h

usband, and then looked back

at their pack suitcases, uttering, “We will. I just need to finish packing and we will join you all downstairs l

ater for breakfast.”

Trying not to chuckle at her lie, Elijah looked away from her, and

yet he was wheezing so badly that Peach threw him a hard stare, mumbling teasingly, “Continued laughi

ng and you are fixing this on your own.”

Immediately Elijah clapped his hands over his mouth., and yet that only made him giggle harder, and Pe

ach had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep her laughter in check.

“I hate you,” She childishly mumbled under her breath. Immediately Elijah locked eyes with her, and she

casually darted her gaze around like she didn‘t know if he was staring at her or not.

“Well, I love you,” Elijah said in a serious tone, causing her to settle her eyes on

his. “Why are you being so serious all of sudden,” Peach whispered with a pout, her lashes

fluttering cutely. Smirking at her, he pulled Peach close by

her neck and pressed her against him as he mumbled, “Forever, right? “Always. No matter what.” Peach

responded before kissing him deeply, her hand moving up to tangle in his hair. 1

“Good morning. Welcome to Bordoria International Airport, The announcement came over the monitor.

Secure under Elijali‘s arms, Peaclı struggled to get rid of the sense of

nervousness she felt, but still, she was excited, glad that he kept his word, exactly one month later, she

was finally meeting his mother.

The fear that came with that thought was not foreign to her, and while she was sure she could handle it.

Peach still couldn‘t help but feel nervous. When she subconsciously looked over at Mr. Maxwell, the

smile that he gave her made her feel a slight sense of hope since Elijah told her about his childhood, and

his father seemed to be the one who was hard to please. When they got outside the airport, a line of cars

parked outside and men in black crowding the parking lot of the airport. The moment they saw Elijah and

Mr. Maxwell, they all bowed, shouting, “Welcome back Master Romney and young Master Elijah!

Welcome Lady Peach and Madam Grace!”


humbleness within the force of their voice made Peach freeze, stunned at the sight of a bunch of men bo

wing to her, and she nervously eyed Elijah, her heart beating loudly in her ears.

Like he could sense her nervousness, Elijah took her hand in his, squeezing it tightly as they began

walking towards the black Knight XV. ‘Albert, are you seeing this?‘ Miss Grace cried in her head tears set

tling in her eyes as she watched Elijah open the car door for Peach while his men bowed to them.

The ride was long because of how long the convoy was, and Peach kept getting lost in her thoughts won

dering what it was going to be like to meet his mother

As the cars finally slowed down, she peeked at Elijah, and when he felt her eyes on him, he smiled and

winked, making Peach blush lightly.

“Don‘t worry… She‘s going to love you,” Elijah murmured in her ear, and Peach blushed even darker.

Pacing around nervously in the living room, Lisa Maxwell couldn‘t stop the excitement from welling up ins

ide of her, her smile so wide that it burt, as she listened for the sound of footsteps. Finally, she heard wha

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t she had been waiting for all along, and she faced the doorway, smiling even liarder.

When she saw Elijah leading Peach into the room, Mrs. Maxwell

couldn‘t contain her happiness and hurried to

them, wrapping her arms around Peach, causing Elijah to step away from them.

“My dear,” Mrs. Maxwell whispered, pulling her into a warm hug. “Thank you,”

Even though Peach was confused as to why her mother–in–

law, whom she just met, would thank her, that feeling quickly melt as she hugged Mrs. Maxwell back, clos

And all of her doubts and

fear about meeting Elijali‘s parents immediately vanished as the sweet scent of roses filled her nose. Mrs.

Soon, the huge dining room, designed with a mahogany table, white chairs, crystal chandeliers, and a hug


Not a single moment passed that she didn‘t smile or chuckle at their words and the only thing that change

started ringing, making the room unintentionally grow silent.

When Elijah met her eyes, he smiled and said, “Excuse me… I should take

this.” Quickly, he scooted away from the table before Peach could say anything, walked out hastily, and th

expression going cold at the thought of an unknown number calling him.

“Am I speaking with Elijah Maxwell, Peach Hayes‘ husband?” A lady‘s voice spoke on the other end of the

“Who is this?”

“Are you him?”

There was a long pause as Elijah let out

a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose and then he let out, “Yes. I am Elijah Maxwell. Now, it‘s your turn. W

Meeks, Lawyer Meeks.”