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The Marvelous Elijah's Return

Chapter 123
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Read The Marvelous Elijah’s Return By Rever Chapter 123 – Men in Black The sound of the door

opening drew Peach’s attention, and she held her breath as she stared at Jacob entering the room, and

immediately, she noticed the blood on his knuckles, causing her heart to clench in worry.

“Get up, and don’t say a word, or else I will hurt you, and your husband has my hand tied from doing

that, so don’t dare push my buttons,” Jacob growled, and with a sigh. Even though she was hesitant,

Peach slowly stood from her seat and sealed her lips, although she wanted to ask for her ring.

“Walk,” Jacob commanded, and he grabbed her wrist tightly, making her gasp slightly as he led her out of

the room. All his men had this disappointed look on their faces as he led her down the corridor, and

Peach dared not look at any of them a****s he obediently followed him.

When they reached a black ford pickup, he opened the front door, enraged at his cord and hating every

moment of the shift in the game and obeying Elijah.

“Get in,” Jacob uttered, finally letting go of her wrist. Pouting, she looked down at her skin and the

redness where she had been gripped, before turning to face him once more. “Get in,” Jacob repeated

firmly, glaring at her.

With a huff, Peach stepped into the truck, and he slammed the door shut before walking around to the

driver’s side and getting in. They drove in silence for a while, and then Jacob eyed Peach, noticing that

he had grabbed her way too hard and her skin was slightly bruised.

“What the f****k?!” Jacob roared angrily, looking at her furiously. “How the hell can your body be so

delicate?!” A confused look settled on Peach’s face, not knowing why he looked so freak out over a skin

bruise since she was glad that he didn’t cause more damage to her body than that.

“If your so‐called husband asked you, you didn’t get that from me…! Do you understand?!” Jacob

snarled, staring at her.

“Do you hear me?!” Why he suddenly looked so nervous when he spoke of Elijah had Peach confused,

but she still said nothing, because she couldn’t risk saying anything to anger him further.

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“Yes… You didn’t bruise my hand,” She whispered, finally speaking after almost a moment of silent

driving. After a couple of hours’ drive, as they were getting closer to the hotel, Jacob suddenly pulled

over, glared at Peach, and said, “Get out.

You can walk from here. Your husband knows that you are going back to him.” Not even hesitating,

Peach pushed the door open, stepped out onto the curb, and immediately froze when she saw Jacob put

the car in gear and drove off at full speed. In shock, she watched until Jacob turned a corner, and was


A small sigh left her lips as she started walking towards the hotel, feeling relieved that she got to leave

without being harmed.

When she arrived back at the hotel, she stopped in her steps as a group of men in black suits got out of

a couple of SUVs and then Larry smiled at her, but Peach knew none of them, and fear slowly took over

her senses. ‘Not again,’ Peach thought frantically as they all started coming towards her.’

Please no…? “Good evening, Madam,” Larry said with a bow, causing the other men to do the same.

“Welcome back,” Immediately, Peach froze, confused by his words. Her mind raced, trying to figure out

what the heck was going on.

When Larry raised his head, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, dialing Elijah’s number.

The quietness in the kitchen was deadly as Madam Jewel nervously stared at Elijah’s unreadable

expression because even though he was restless inside, he did not want to give her the pleasure of

seeing his stress.

“When Peach gets here, how am I going to be sure that you will keep your end of the deal?” Madam

Jewel asked, her eyes never leaving Elijah. “After my wife gets here, I will let you know then,” Elijah

responded in an annoyed tone, which earned him another glare from Madam Jewel.

She was growing impatient, not knowing what was going on in his head, and yet, all she could do was be

quiet and wait. The sudden sound of Elijah’s ringtone made him grab his phone, glancing at the caller id

before answering it. “Larry,” Elijah said.

“Boss, your wife is back.” Larry’s voice came through the speaker. Like Elijah had taken an ice bath, his

entire demeanor changed, his tense muscles relaxed, his heartbeat calmed, and his breathing became

slower, back to normal.

“Where is she?” Elijah asked, waking from the stool. The moment Madam Jewel heard those words, she

instantly knew who Elijah was asking for, and her ears became alert. “We are escorting her to the suite,”

Larry stated. “She looks fine, boss.”

“Jacob?” Elijah asked, feeling even more relieved by his man’s word that Peach was alright. “She was

alone,” “I see,” Impatiently, Madam Jewel waited for Elijah to end the call before asking, “Has Peach

turned up?” The way she said those words, like a concerned grandmother, disgusted Elijah greatly.

However, he refrained from saying anything because his mean concern now was Peach. A couple of

minutes went by in silence and then the echo of a knock broke the calm atmosphere, and both Elijah and

Madam Jewel turned to look at the kitchen entrance.

Then Elijah rushed from his seat, walked out with his phone, and headed into the hall way to get it. When

he opened the door, he froze, staring at his wife’s perfectly unharmed face, and then a shaky smile

formed on his face.

Calmly, Peach took two steps towards Elijah, rested her forehead against his chest, and hugged him by

the waist, closing her eyes as she breathed in his comforting scent.

Even though he was trying not to get emotional, the familiar warmth from her body caused Elijah to hold

her tighter and bury his nose in her hair. “Did they hurt you?” Elijah muttered, tightening his grip and

squeezing her even more as if he was afraid that if he loosened up, she would disappear again.

When she silently shook her head against him, he breathed in deeply and kissed the top of her head, not

caring about anyone else watching. “You are alright, right?” Elijah asked, holding her tighter as his

fingers ran through her hair soothingly.

Peach nodded against him, before lifting her head and smiling softly at him. ”I’m fine, just exhausted.”

“Peach!” Madam Jewel’s voice interrupted the moment between them, and both Elijah and Peach turned

to stare at her with a frown.

“You are here!” “What is she doing here?” Peach whispered to her husband. The tension between the

three of them grew more intense with each second, and Elijah sighed before saying, “She was just


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”A frown instantly appeared on Madam Jewel’s face, and she shook her head in disbelief, stuttering,

“Peach is… She’s now back ho‐me… You said ‐” “I know what my words were, Jewel. You can leave… I

am a man of my word.” Elijah calmly spoke in a tone that sent chills up Madam Jewel’s spine.

For a moment, Madam Jewel hesitated, glancing towards Peach standing next to Elijah with her eyes

downcast, but then she quickly averted her gaze to the men at the doorway before she glared at Elijah,

downcast, but then she quickly averted her gaze to the men at the doorway before she glared at Elijah,

giving him a curt nod, and then quickly walked past the couple, leaving the room.

A short while later, it was just Elijah and Peach alone, in the comfort of their suite, and she couldn’t help

asking the thought that had haunted her all through the days, “Melina‐” “Is not pregnant,” Elijah finished

her sentence, knowing what she was thinking.

“She’s not carrying my baby.” As tears settled in her eyes, her lashes fluttered as she darted her gaze

from one side of the suite to the other as a s***b escaped her, her lips trembling in sadness. “Peach, I am

so sorry.”

Elijah whispered, pulling her close and wrapping his arms around her waist, resting his chin on the top of

her head. “Everything she said was a lie… It was a setup from Madam Jewel and Melina to get me

distracted with useless words so Jacob’s men can kidnap you and I was stupid to fall for it.”

“We are both stupid then… Because I fell hard for those words… I believed her… I thought she was

telling the truth.” Peach laughed in tears, raising her hand to cup his cheeks, her thumb gently caressing

his warm skin.

A smile settled on his lips, but disappeared immediately when he noticed the redness on her skin even

though it was a bit faded by then. “Are you sure you are okay?” Elijah asked worriedly.

“No bruises, cuts? Nothing?” “Nothing,” Peach said, shaking her head. “I am just tired.” His face

immediately lost its expression as he gently took a hold of her hand and then kissed the bruise, raising

his gaze to meet her eyes, and he did not need to say a word for her to know that he knew.

“My skin bruises easily,” Peach whispered, knowing that Jacob had a gun, and she didn’t want her

husband confronting that kind of guy.

“I am fine, honestly.” Without saying a word, Elijah pulled her into his arms, and kissed her forehead

before resting his chin on her head, rage clouding his eyes and making them glow dangerously.