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The Marvelous Elijah's Return

Chapter 115
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Chapter 115-The media will not know about this

When Melina finally stopped crying, Elijah slowly withdrew her off him, his patience below breaking

point, and yet he smiled at her softly, saying in a gentle tone almost like a whisper, “I am so sorry, Melina

for being insensitive to you and feelings during the entire ordeal... So sorry... Okay?”

‘Boss, what the fuck?!‘ Larry blurted in his head, looking at the other men‘s faces to see that they too had

this look in their expression that says dude–you–are–tripping–big time.

For a while, Melina said nothing and just stared at Elijah, like she was trying to find any signs or traces of

lies in his words. But when his eyes remained steady on her, and still holding her gaze, she felt

overwhelmed with relief, she had never been so happy to see the man he once was before her, and she

smiled as these words played in her head, ‘You are a Chameleon... You change for women like some

fool. Well, since Peach is taken care of, I will not mind being your comforter for the fun of it.‘ A shaky grin

curved on her lips, and she placed her hand on his cheek as she whispered, “Thank you.”

“Let‘s go. I will drive you back to my hotel.” Elijah said, a soft smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

Like the woman he knew she was, Melina played right into his hand, beaming with excitement and

happiness as she looked at him and replied, “Yeah. Let‘s do that.” Looking over to the doctor, Melina

smiled stiffly and gave him this look that told him whatever she had to say was a warning and not just


“I hope you can keep Elijah and me coming here a secret... After all, lawsuits are not a pretty thing and

are very costly... You know that you have to keep all your patient records confidential... right? So, Elijah

and I... We were never here, for whatever reason, and that‘s that, okay doc?” Melina said in a soft tone

with the same stuff smile. With his eyes on her, Elijah kept brushing his thumb over his wedding band

and trying to suppress all of his emotions that were screaming at him from behind the cage he shut them

in. “Also, you didn‘t hear that I am going over to Elijah‘s hotel... got it?” Melina said, feeling more

confident now, knowing that Elijah was once again the Elijah she could use, bend, and manipulate to her

will. Nervous, the doctor darted his eyes towards Elijah, waiting for him to reply to whatever she said, but

Elijah just raised his eyebrows, and the Doc sighed, looking back at Melina.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Miss Hayes, I swear on my mother‘s life that a word of your presence here would not

get found out by the media or anyone else. I will make sure my nurses and other staff know this too.”

With Elmer going to jail because of Elijah and her family losing the company to Peach because of him,

the last thing she wanted them to find out was that she was screwing him again and back in bed with

their so–called enemy.

One thing she was thankful for was that it was late hours and only hospital staff was able to see her

because of Elijah‘s men shielding them. “Good... Thanks, doc.” Melina said, her lips curving into a small

smile, giving him the benefit of the doubt for now. “Elijah. Let‘s go.” After throwing the doctor one last

look, Elijah squeezed his ring tightly for a second before turning to look at Melina with a small smile, and

then he woke from the chair. As he was about to walk off, she immediately clutched onto his arm,

hugging him, and Elijah tensed up for a moment before walking for the door with her clenching along. A

moment later, when they got back to his car, Elijah opened the door for her, and her smile widened at

him before she entered the front seat, then he closed it. When Elijah got behind the steering wheel and

was driving out of the parking lot, Melina took her eyes off the window and to him the moment she heard

all the doors locked.

There was this look on Elijah‘s face that she remembered way too well from a couple of minutes back

when he was asking her for Peach, and that sent chills down her spine as her stomach dropped and her

heart beat increased rapidly.

Yet, she still had hope... She still believed that he was a man that she could bend and control if

necessary, even though right now, all she saw was a man, lost in his own world with only his thoughts for


“Elijah,” Melina called out in her most soothing voice that sounded like velvet, and then she reached for

his hand.

But he suddenly turned the curve in such a quick movement that she yelped in surprise before he pulled

his hand away from hers as he put the gear shift in neutral and pressed the accelerator a little more than

it should be, making the car speed up.

“Elijah... this is not the road back to your motel,” Melina said, her face scrunched into an uncomfortable

expression as she tried to hold back her panic that grew at every second.

Ignoring her words, Elijah split his attention between driving and his phone since the road was partly

free, quickly dialing Jerome‘s number as he decelerated a bit, causing Melina to stop clutching onto the


“J, where are you?” Elijah asked the moment his call got an answer, his eyes glued on the road, hitting

the accelerator again, making Melina grab the handle, and Larry along with the other nine drivers picked

up their speed.

“At the warehouse, waiting for my father to send orders for me and the guys if we are needed for the

chase... I heard about what happened to...” Jerome‘s voice trailed off for a moment and he cleared his


“It‘s good that you are there. I am on my way.”


“I have a guest that will be spending some time there.” Feeling like Elijah was talking about her, Melina

snapped her head to glare at him, feeling a pit forming in her stomach, and she couldn‘t help but ask,

“Where are we

going, Elijah?”

Knowing not to ask any more questions after hearing a female voice echo from Elijah’s end of the line,

Jerome paused for a moment and said, “We are waiting on you then, boss.”

The intentional silences she was getting from Elijah had Melina feeling uneasy, but she held in her

tongue, biting her lip as they crossed another intersection.

A couple of moments later, when he shifted direction to a dusty road that looked dark and deserted, fear

pulled her into a tight hug, causing shivers to run through her spine.

“Where the fuck are you taking me, Elijah?!” Melina shrieked, her eyes widened the further inside he

drove at full speed, leaving the main road behind. “Where” “Stop talking,” Elijah snarled in a low tone.

The murky cloud had covered the moon, causing darkness to shadow the ground, leaving only the

eleven SUVs lights brightening the rocky paths until they came to a stop in front of a warehouse.

And the moment they did, all of Melina‘s fears became real, and she looked at Elijah as he turned off the

engine and then unbuckled his seatbelt.

“Get out,” Elijah said as he opened the car door.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“This is not your hotel,” Melina blurted out.

Halting, Elijah turned around to look at her... his eyes were dark and cold, and there was no love in those

orbs, she noticed that his mouth was set in a thin line and he seemed tense.

“You are not the only one who can put on a shitty show to get what they want... Now get out of the damn

car!” Elijah ordered with a cold tone.

Her face became pale at his words as she watched Elijah pull out his key and get out of the SUV,

slamming his door so hard that it made her flinch.

‘Who the hell is this guy?‘ Melina thought, realizing after years of marriage that she didn‘t know her

husband like the way she believes she did... or at least the sides of him, she never got to see because

she didn’t give a damn to know him beyond her selfish


Suddenly, her door opened, making her jump slightly, and turned her gaze to see Larry standing with

fourteen men behind him.

“Boss said we should get you inside by any means necessary, so you can walk on your own two feet or

we can make it happen another way...” Larry said, his words more of a warning than a request.

And Melina knew that, so she slowly unbuckled her seatbelt, swallowing her pride and anger and getting

down from the car.

When they got into the warehouse, she realized that fifty men were just a mere number as she stared at

the other bunch of dudes with Jerome standing about in the room... a number too much for her troubled

brain to comprehend.

“Where is my wife, Melina?” Elijah‘s cold voice made her dart her gaze to see him seated in a chair, his

legs crossed as he leaned back while watching her closely with this look on his face that she couldn‘t


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