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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 96
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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize 96 - My Big Mouth, Part | 73% Aurora POV Ever since | chfrom the Marco compound fiasco, all the guys have been a little more on edge. At first, | thought they were being extra cautious since the events were still fresh. It’s been nearly 6 months and | can sense there is something they are not wanting to talk about. | can only presit has to do with the Mafia world. If they are talking and | cin the room, they immediately switch the topic or stop talking altogether. | asked them to keepat arms-length with the mafia stuff for a while and | thought they were just keeping their promise, but something is just not adding up.

It had been about three weeks since we had dinner with the Tsolomytis clan. | spent my days in the library, finding solace in fantasy and romance books. Kai and Jason were spending a lot of tin the warehouse, always training, or testing out new products. They only cback when | was already in bed and usually left right after breakfast. Ben was usually sitting with me. | had started my self-defense training again and when | wasn’t with the guys in the various gyms, | would either be here at hin the library or Ben lethang out with his nerd herd.

Charlie, however, was practically non-existent the last few weeks. He had been more reserved the last few months too | noticed, not participating and more watching. Even when | tried to be a brat, he wouldn't be nearly as harsh as used to be. He was distant and | wasn’t sure what was going on. | honestly was missing him.

It was another typical Friday afternoon and raining heavily outside, the contrast of the amber lighting in the library heavily illuminating the dark furnishings against the grey-black sky outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Ben was tapping away on his computer and | was just staring outside watching the trees getting pelted with water. | had spent the morning at the warehouse with Kai and his omega team, my muscles were still sore from eating the mat for hours.

| was feeling overwhelmed and | guess the storm was puttingon edge until | finally blurted out to Ben “Did | do something wrong?” He looked up atand raised his eyebrows. “Why are you all keepingat arm’s length lately? Do you not wantanymore? Am | that bad in bed? Do you not like my company?” | went on and on and ended up breaking down saying | missed everyone and | felt like | wasn’t good enough. Ben lethave my meltdown and tried to reassurethat nothing was wrong but | ignored him and pushed him away.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| was mad and still upset. | didn’t notice him step outside with his phone in his hand.

Maybe an hour or so later, the double doors burst open and in walks Charlie with a purpose, like he was on a mission, his face stern and emotionless. And he was heading straight towards me. Without so much as a word, he comes toand | see a fire in his eyes: mischief. All of a sudden | am thrown over his broad-suited shoulder and we turn around to exit the library.

“Charlie! Put. Me. Down!” | screech out, | start banging on his back and swinging my legs, trying to inflict ssort of pain or just a reaction, but all | got was a very hard SMACK on my ass.

“Ow!” | screamed. “PUTDOWN NOW ASSHOLE!” | screamed again but there was no other response except another swift and even more powerful SMACK on my sore bum. | huffed and stopped my futile attempt to escape his grip knowing | was not going to win. | looked up as we moved down the hall and saw Ben following behind with a smirk on his face and his hands in his pockets. Boy, I'd love to punch that gorgeous face right about now.

We make our way to the main foyer and then sharply turn and practically fly up the main set of stairs and then another set of stairs. | find myself holding onto Charlie’s pants to steady myself.

1/3 11:45 Tue, 20 Feb tiN 96-My Big Mouth, Part | 0473% I hear a door click open, it's dark inside as we continue to walk through the space. Suddenly | am airborne and find myself tossed on top of a cloud. But not a cloud, nope the very familiar black satin sheets of the second playroom. | look behind a panting Charlie and notice Ben has taken a seat on his throne. Without a word, Charlie saunters over to his throne and sits down, legs wide like a damn demigod.

“Strip and submit he commands while pointing to the marked spot on the floor in the middle of the room; a spot | have becvery familiar with. I lick my lips in anticipation.

I quickly follow his command getting off the bed and going to the center. Before | lift my sweatshirt over my head | hear Ben say “Slowly Angelo.” | mutter a quick “Yes sir!” And proceed to strip my sweatshirt off slowly over my head. | wasn’t wearing a bra so my ladies giggled freely, my nipples instantly becoming erect because it was cold in the | hear both men take a sharp intake of breath. | see Charlie in the shadows rubbing his hardened dick over his pants. | have to admit, it feels good to know I can still elicit such a physical reaction from them.

| look sinisterly over my shoulder at Ben and wink before | tuck my thumbs into my yoga pants and gently slide them down my legs and step out of them, giving Ben an extra view of my bruised ass. | was wearing a purple thong that Jason insisted | wear this morning. Just yesterday he gave35 paddle marks because | decided to be a brat. What can | say, | like to be difficult.

Ben lets a low whistle of approval. | turn back to Charlie and look at him. He commands silently with his fingers forto tum around and | do, moving my hips like in a figure eight, teasing them slightly, a smile on my face.

“Thong. Now.” Charlie orders and | know | better comply. | do the sagonizing slow pull of my thong down my legs. When | reach my ankles, Charlie decrees “Stop. Hold your pose.” | froze. | just realized what was happening. My entire princess area was on full display for one of the most famous, richest scariest men in the world, in a literal spotlight too. | felt my insides clench and wetness pool down in my core. The humiliation of being at my most vulnerable is somewhat intoxicating- “Already dripping wet for us, sweetheart? Charlie teases. His familiar pet nsent pleasant shivers down my body.

| nod in response. Words love,” Ben says.

“Yes Sirs,” | say breathlessly. The blood in my head is rushing, making my senses disorienting.

“Rise, Charlie says. | do but take a moment to settle myself, the blood draining from my head leaveseven more breathless.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Submit Aurora‘ Ben then commands. | look over at him and be too is massaging the bulge on his pants. | close my eyes, kneel in the submissive pose, and wait. | hear both men rise from their seats and shuffle around the room. | don’t dare look up. | feel the ache on my sore ass from my heels digging into my flesh.

| see two pairs of shiny polished designer dress shoes stand in front of me, so close to touching my bare knees that are glued to the cold black hardwood floor.

“Look up” | hear Charlie say and follow without question. The spotlight on my head casts a deep shadow on their towering frames, creating a menacing dark aura around them. | gulp in anticipation.

“Beautiful!” Ben gasps out. From where they are standing over me, | bet they can see my exposed breasts, my breathing 2/3 11:45 Tue, 20 Feb ti N 96- My Big Mouth, Part 1 is a bit rapid and | am sure my ladies are putting on a show.

0072%0 Their very obvious bulges are tight against their pants and just happen to be practically eye-level with me. | unconsciously lick my lips, thinking about tasting them. They are all very well endowed and | have grown to thoroughly enjoy the pleasures they give me. | find my lower core is pulsing at the thought of them. God, they have turnedinto a wanton whore. Good thing | am their whore! “Sweetheart!” Charlie warns, “Keep licking and biting those lips of yours and | may just have to give them something else to do.” Don’t say it Aurora. Don’t give in to your need to be a brat... don’t do it. Aw fuck it, here | go.

“Make me... Sir” | smirk, emphasizing sir a little sarcastically and biting my lip consciously this tto prove my point.

Two sets of raised eyebrows and | realize my mistake. Fuck!and my big mouth.