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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 76
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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize 76 - Betrayed Third Person POV Aurora woke up from her deep slumber feeling restless and sad. She had dreamed of her four devils; their faces haunted her thoughts every second even in her sleep. This Marco guy was good-looking, don’t get her wrong, she kept thinking. He certainly was eye-candy and any woman would be stupid not to order off that menu, but she was not that woman. She felt dry and cold in her belly; she was terrified of him even if she tried not to show it. He had kidnapped her just like her men, but there was a different aura around him. He was cold and calculated, a few screws loose, you know? His eyes held an evil glint and not the mischievous, playful evil either.

It had been three days since she first woke up in this weird room. It was cute and comfortable, but it didn’t feel like home. She learned really quickly that the window was really thick and had bars on the outside and a padlock on the inside. All the fixings were bolted down; even the office chair was connected to a steal chain so throwing anything larger than a hairbrush was pointless.

The first full day she was conscious, after examining her room more closely, she had taken sof the throw pillows and sat under the large window the whole day and read various books until she passed out. The next day she had. woken np and a soft pink chaise lounge was placed in front of the curtains. She has magically been placed back in her bed and her clothes had been changed into ssilk pajama top and shorts.

She spent the second day at the desk. She started doodling and ended up painting a large mandolin art piece with these bubble paint pens she found in one of the drawers. She had a lot of fun and got lost in her work. It was so pretty with pastel colors. It was definitely one of the best pictures Aurora had ever done. She always enjoyed painting and coloring. At night, she fell asleep to watching The Great British Bake Off on Netflix.

She was alone most of the time. A new young maid would cand put food on the table for her and leave immediately. They wouldn't speak to her. And to her surprise, her captor didn’t ceither.

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So on this third day, she was preparing for another day of isolation. She had been awake for a few hours because of her never-ending thoughts; the sun was already beaming brightly through her barred window as she sat on the chaise and let herself soak in the Vitamin D.

The familiar click of the locks sounded and in walked two maids, one carried her breakfast tray. Two guards also cin. One ccloser to her and the other stayed by the door, but not in front of it. The maids then began to clean her room, even though it was tidy.

She sat up but noticed that the guards were watching the maids and not her. The door was open wide and she could see a large empty hallway.

Aurora got a really stupid idea but she had to try.

She slowly rose and went over to the tray of food and picked up the porcelain bowl of mixed fruit. She took a few bites of grape, pineapple, and strawberry while subtly looking at the guards who were busy checking out the maids, still bustling behind her.

Here goes nothing she thought.

1/3 76-Betrayed Aurora POV My heart hammered in my chest as 1 took a deep breath and clutched the bowl tightly in my grip. I looked at the guard. my left and then chucked the bowl at the guard. | turned to my right and ran. | heard a small grunt and then a small crash but | wasn’t going to stop and look back. | made it to the door just as the guard reached out to grab me, | sidestepped him and with my right arm, backhanded him with my fist against his face, making him stumble.

It wasn’t hard but it was enough to getthrough the door. | didn’t have to tto admire my surroundings. | quickly started down the left side of the hall and started running. It was a really big hallway. My god, are we in a fucking castle? | stop in my tracks when | almost reach the end of the hall, seeing a familiar face step out of a room and closing the door behind them.

My heart stopped for a moment and my breath hitched. There was no way. But when they turned around and saw me, | knew | wasn’t dreaming. The spiercing hazel eyes that | adored for so long.

“Brianna?” | whispered out in disbelief. She cocked her head and had a small smile on her face.

Without thinking, | ran and leaped into her arms. I held onto her like a koala and | was not ashamed. She huggedhack and | started to sob.

“l saw you die!” | whimpered into her shoulder. She just patted my back. My precious reunion was interrupted when | remembered where | was and what was going on. | detangled myself from her quickly and took her hand.

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“We don’t have time. We have to get out of here! Let’s go.” | yelled and tried to pull her but she stayed rooted in her spot. | had switched spots with her when | tried to lead her away and now could see the two angry guards standing behind her, their arms crossed but not moving.

It took a moment but then it clicked. | started shaking my head. “No, no, no, no, no, no. Please Bri, please tellthis is ssort of sick joke!” My eyes were still full of tears, my vision was blurry with the salt. The sad look in her eyes toldeverything | needed to know at that moment.

| tried to rip my hand away from her but her grip tightened and before I could blink, she had pulled my arm to hers and twisted it behind my back. My heart had shattered all over again. My one and only friend betrayed me.

| felt a cool metal clasp on my wrist and | becangry, | remembered my training and quickly rolled my shoulder like Kai had practiced withto get out of her grip. | turned my body just enough to land a punch to her rock-hard torso and she let go of my wrist. A pair of handcuffs was dangling on my right wrist. | took the moment that she buckled over to then shove her shoulders as hard as | could, sending her flying to her ass. A look of shock was on her face. “Take that, bitch!” | yelled triumphantly, | was no longer the weak and meck Aurora. As soon as | saw the guards running towards me, | turned to run. But sadly a foot had jutted out against my legs and madetrip.

| fell flat on my face, my hands taking most of the fall and the subsequent carpet burn. | felt a heavy pressure against the small of my back and a quick look behindsaw that Brianna was straddling me. | tried to move her off but she just sat her whole weight on my body, almost crushinginto the floor.

She quickly restrained my flailing arms behind my back and secured the other handcuff to my left wrist. | cried silently and kept my head low as | was hoisted up over one of the guard's shoulders. | could hear Brianna talking in a different language but | didn’t look up, instead watching a few of my tears hit the ruby red carpet below me.

2/3 76-Betraved | was taken back to my cage and thrown onto the bed. I felt one guard keep a rough hand on my back, pinningto the bed and saw the other guard and Brianna open up a secret compartment in my headboard. They removed scables or chains and started setting up ssort of contraption, but my vision was limited.

In mere minutes, the guards make quick work of undoing my cuffs only for them to adjuston the bed and bring my wrists up to the beadboard. There was a clip on each wrist that connected to those bracelets that were already sitting on my wrists. They pulled the chains and my arms extended the length of the bed. | tried to kick them with my legs Not they were able to secure my feet so | made an X shape. | started screaming and using very colorful language. It may have been a bit excessive, but | was extremely emotional right now, Brianna cover and secured a ball gag in my mouth but not before 1 spat in her face. I finally noticed the massive along the whole left side of her head. Her hair was shaved on that side, showing the bright pink gnarly and aged scat She kissed my forehead before leaving, not saying another word. | broke down for like thirtieth tin three days. My best friend was alive and she was with someone evil. The guards listened to her orders and even bowed to her. | had so many questions | don’t know how long it was that | was laying in this bed when the door opened and in walked the Satan's spawn himself. He looked disappointed as he cup to my bed and sat next to me.

Tsk Tsk Tisk Aurora. You have been a very naughty girl! And naughty girls get punished...” and then | felt an unrelenting surtling electrical current buning the inside of my body, the most pain radiating from my wrists.