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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 51
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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize 51 - Don’t Grammy Aurora POV “Don’t you Grammy me!” the woman scolded Jason, twisting his ear more and Jason yelping in pain, not fighting back. | couldn’t help but giggle at the sight.

The other guys started to slowly rise trying to excuse themselves stealthily, but this Grammy lady's head whipped up and in equal anger quipped “don’t you fucking move gentlemen. Sit your ass down now before | whip that ass black and blue with my cane.” They all sat down gently, true fear on their faces. | covered my mouth to hide my giggles.

She twisted Jason’s ear again and said to him in a much calmer tone between clinched teeth: “what the hell were you thinking Jason? You decided to finally settle down with a girl and YOU DIDN'T CALL ME? | had to hear it from MARJORIE! FUCKING MARJORIE! She is the biggest gossip whore as it is! And then | learn that you and your little friends went and KIDNAPPED HER, not once but THREE DAMN TIMES to boot?” This Grammy lady was livid and yet her tiny little body twisting a very red and pained mighty Jason was comical.

“Grammy I-" Jason stuttered. “SHUT UP!” She interrupted him and he shut his mouth quickly.

Kai then tried to ease her saying sweetly “Grammy, please let him go, we can explain everything.” He even had his hands up like he was approaching a hungry tiger. “Don’t you tellwhat to do Kaiser Alexander Anderson” she pointed her gilded cane at him and he sat back down in defeat. Her strong grip on Jason’s ear never faulted and Jason's face was contorted in pure pain although he stayed silent.

“And don’t you dare say anything Charlemagne Kenneth DuPont” she quipped and pointed her cane at Charlie's stunned sitting figure before turning to Ben and giving him a verbal lashing saying “and wipe that smirk off your face Benedict Francis Vikram! You boys are in just as much trouble!” She then turned to Draco, Jason's ear still latched painfully in her grasp, and smiled sweetly. “Draco dear, nice to see you again honey. How are you?” Draco just nodded and whispered “I’m good. Thank you. it's always a pleasure Mrs. 0.” Now | see where Jason gets his mood swings from. | continued to giggle and let out a little squeak. These grown ass men were being schooled hard by a little old woman.

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They easily had two feet over her and was like four times the body weight and yet they sat there sulking like toddlers in timeout.

She clearly heardbecause when her eyes met mine, she visibly relaxed her tense stance and gavethe first genuine smile. It was so sweet and motherly. She finally released Jason's ear and made her way over to me.

| stood when she cclose and she immediately embracedin a warm, tender hug. “Hello dear. Aurora right?” | nodded in response. “I am Melinda O'Donnell. Jason's grandmother. But you can callGrammy!” “It's so nice to meet you... Grammy” | said sincerely, tasting such an informal non my tongue. She smiled even brighter.

“You are absolutely breathtaking.” She was staring at me. The complement made my cheeks redden immediately and | looked down at my feet, a habit that the guys often scoldedfor. She lifted my head so our eyes met. “| can see why 1/3 13:47 Mon, 19 Feb 51-Don’t Grammy OX 74%f my grandson and my adoptive grandsons are so smitten with you.” She placed her hands on my arms in a comforting manner. “Letlook at you.” She commanded and madetwirl. She pinched my cheeks before she turned to Jason. She pointed her finger at him and commanded “You, Charlie, Kai, and Ben will joinin your office. Now. We have things to discuss.” And with that she just walked out of the dining room, without looking back. She kept her head held high and all the guards at the door parted like the red sea and bowed to her like royalty.

Wow, | just met that woman and | love her.

Jason and the guys wasted no tin hurrying up after her while Draco cto my side and took my hand to escortback to my room. He got comfortable on my bed while | readied myself for the evening. We played Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock for whoever gets to choose what we watch. | won naturally and chose Big Bang Theory.

Draco was cool. He and | had fun chemistry. | saw him like a big brother now and | felt comfortable around him.

He was protective but not overwhelming like the other assholes. | don’t remember falling asleep, but | do remember feeling a few kisses on my forehead sometlater and the feeling of being tucked into bed before sleep consumedonce again.

Jason POV For the last hour,and the guys have been in my office explaining everything to my very eccentric grandmother. She wanted the whole story, from the beginning, so we told her everything. She made herself comfortable on the sofa and took a glass of bourbon that Ben made for her. We sat on the opposite side of her.

Grammy helped raise us and she is one of the few people we will actually let talk to us the way she does. Charlie practically lived at our house since he was four and Kai and Ben since they were twelve when they were recruited by my grandfather.

She listened patiently, only asking a few clarifying questions. After a moment she spoke. People are truly scared ofwhen | am calm, it's one of my superpowers. | learned this calm from my grandmother, so when she remained calm, | gulp down the invisible ball of air stuck in my throat. Charlie, Ben, and Kai do the same.

Her words were stern like when we were kids. She stood up and walked over to us so she was right in front of us.

“Aurora is NOT a fucking possession or object you can throw around a room and when it breaks put it back together with glue. Aurora is NOT a feral animal that needs to be caged. Aurora is NOT splay toy that you can have a little fun with and then let it collect dust and dirt until you decide to give it to someone else or throw it away.

Aurora IS a PERSON. She is beyond beautiful and not just in looks She is clearly very smart and she is humble.

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From the brief interaction | have had with her and from what you have told me, she even seems to be a natural bratty submissive. She complements each of you and if you play your cards right, she will be the best damn thing you have in your lives. She needs love, attention, guidance, and discipline. She needs you to stop being douchebags.” She then bent down and took off her little ballet flat shoe and held it in her hand and proceeded to whack us hard all over our heads and then our arms as we tried to cover ourselves with her shoe while she screamed “But you four little shits fucked up!” WHACK. WHACK. WHACK. WHACK. WHACK. “What. The. Fuck. Were. You.

Thinking?” WHACK.


After our mini beating, she sat down at the coffee table and caught her breath. “This is not how your grandfather and | raised you. You are breaking her soul. You are hurting her for pain not for pleasure. You have brought her into this world and now she has no choice but to stay or take a bullet to the head. | am not going to let you sully our good name. You are not like the Marcos, Biachi’s, Salvador’s, or Singhs where we treat women like dirt and slaves. You are 51- Don’t Grammy 074% not cavemen. She is not your prisoner. So stop treating her like one! So now you need choose: Is she the one to love forever or is she just a toy?” She finished her speech, put her shoe back on, patted my leg lovingly while getting up and then walked out of the room. The door shut with a loud bang.

The guys and | stayed back and finished our drinks and then had another one, nursing our headaches and our egos. Grammy sure has a wicked swing and we were grateful in that moment that she chose to put us in our place in private.

Ben and | went to Aurora’s room, saying goodnight to Charlie and Kai. When we walked in, we found her passed out next to Draco, who was busy eating popcorn and watching scooking show. When he saw us enter, he turned off the TV and headed out the door saying good night.

Ben and | got her tucked in, kissing her head. She stirred a bit but went back to sleep. We stripped down to our boxers and climbed into bed, letting her snuggle in between us. | spent a good hour caressing Aurora's head and thought about everything that that old hag said to us.

My last thought before sleep consumedwas ‘this is why | always hate and love it when Grammy visits’. Ugh! Fuckbackwards with a telephone pole.

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