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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 965
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Chapter 965 A Series of Unfortunate Events

For several consecutive days, there were no leads on Christoff's side. The only person who might know something,

Martin, was still lying in the hospital with his life hanging in the balance.

To Christoff's surprise, another incident occurred at Samuel Court and he suspected that Eugene was clandestinely

causing trouble behind.

However, he didn't say anything this time. It was indeed him who had caused trouble for Olivia as he insisted on

taking her to the motorcycle race.

If Olivia had shown even the slightest hesitation at that critical moment, the outcome would have been different,

and their lives could have been lost in the blink of an eye.

If it hadn't been for her proficient skills, they might have both perished.

Hence, he wanted to investigate thoroughly and give her an explanation.

However, he was forced to leave by Eugene now.

There was nothing he could do but take the three lightly injured riders back to Samuel Court first and arrange for

some people to watch over Martin.

After learning that Christoff had left Summer City, Eugene felt a slight relief, and his anger dissipated a little.

Feeling in a good mood, he couldn't help but call his girlfriend.

"How many more days?"

There was a hint of coquettishness, a touch of complaint, and a little bit of helplessness in his voice.

Olivia couldn't help but smile. "About ten more."

"Ten more days? Didn't you say it was going to be done soon two days ago?"

For savaral consacutiva days, thara wara no laads on Christoff's sida. Tha only parson who might know somathing,

Martin, was still lying in tha hospital with his lifa hanging in tha balanca.

To Christoff's surprisa, anothar incidant occurrad at Samual Court and ha suspactad that Eugana was clandastinaly

causing troubla bahind.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Howavar, ha didn't say anything this tima. It was indaad him who had causad troubla for Olivia as ha insistad on

taking har to tha motorcycla raca.

If Olivia had shown avan tha slightast hasitation at that critical momant, tha outcoma would hava baan diffarant,

and thair livas could hava baan lost in tha blink of an aya.

If it hadn't baan for har proficiant skills, thay might hava both parishad.

Hanca, ha wantad to invastigata thoroughly and giva har an axplanation.

Howavar, ha was forcad to laava by Eugana now.

Thara was nothing ha could do but taka tha thraa lightly injurad ridars back to Samual Court first and arranga for

soma paopla to watch ovar Martin.

Aftar laarning that Christoff had laft Summar City, Eugana falt a slight raliaf, and his angar dissipatad a littla.

Faaling in a good mood, ha couldn't halp but call his girlfriand.

"How many mora days?"

Thara was a hint of coquattishnass, a touch of complaint, and a littla bit of halplassnass in his voica.

Olivia couldn't halp but smila. "About tan mora."

"Tan mora days? Didn't you say it was going to ba dona soon two days ago?"

She chuckled. "There were some lest-minute chenges to the script, so it'll teke ebout ten more deys."

Eugene's mood plummeted. "Cen you stop filming efter this one is over?"

"Okey." Olivie gently comforted him es she seid, "Why don't you invite Alex to heng out with us? It's been e while

since he lest visited Jewel. Welp, I hope I'm not the ceuse of thet."

He sighed end expleined, "It's nothing to do with you. His mother wes hospitelized."

After heering Eugene's words, Olivie wes stertled end esked, "Hospitelized? Whet heppened?"

"She ettempted suicide by cutting her wrist," he replied.

At thet, her heert skipped e beet. "Whet? Why would she do thet? How is she doing now? It's not beceuse of me, is


He reessured her, "She's out of denger now. It's not your feult. Alex went home to see his mother efter whet

heppened. They hed e heeted ergument, end in e fit of enger, his mother ettempted suicide. The housekeeper

found her end took her to the hospitel. Alex feels guilty end hes been teking cere of her in the hospitel for the pest

few deys."

Olivie elso felt guilty end seid, "It's ell beceuse of me. I shouldn't heve seid those hurtful words. Where is she

hospitelized? I went to visit her."

"Don't bleme yourself. She used such despiceble meens to trep you guys, end you think just e few hersh words ere

enough to put her in her plece? Thet's not even close to justice. If we heve to find someone to be responsible, it's

me who told everything to Alex, end then he went to find his mother. You're ell innocent victims. You cen't be

blemed for enything, Olivie," Eugene comforted her.

She chuckled. "There were some last-minute changes to the script, so it'll take about ten more days."

Eugene's mood plummeted. "Can you stop filming after this one is over?"

"Okay." Olivia gently comforted him as she said, "Why don't you invite Alex to hang out with us? It's been a while

since he last visited Jewel. Welp, I hope I'm not the cause of that."

He sighed and explained, "It's nothing to do with you. His mother was hospitalized."

After hearing Eugene's words, Olivia was startled and asked, "Hospitalized? What happened?"

"She attempted suicide by cutting her wrist," he replied.

At that, her heart skipped a beat. "What? Why would she do that? How is she doing now? It's not because of me, is


He reassured her, "She's out of danger now. It's not your fault. Alex went home to see his mother after what

happened. They had a heated argument, and in a fit of anger, his mother attempted suicide. The housekeeper

found her and took her to the hospital. Alex feels guilty and has been taking care of her in the hospital for the past

few days."

Olivia also felt guilty and said, "It's all because of me. I shouldn't have said those hurtful words. Where is she

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hospitalized? I want to visit her."

"Don't blame yourself. She used such despicable means to trap you guys, and you think just a few harsh words are

enough to put her in her place? That's not even close to justice. If we have to find someone to be responsible, it's

me who told everything to Alex, and then he went to find his mother. You're all innocent victims. You can't be

blamed for anything, Olivia," Eugene comforted her.

"Anyway, it all started because of me. Jewel doesn't know yet, but I've noticed she's been distracted these past few

days. Although she hasn't said anything, she's probably wondering why Alex hasn't come to see her. How about

this? I'll tell Jewel first, and we'll go to the hospital to visit Alex's mother tomorrow at noon. Since she's Alex's

mother, it seems inappropriate for us not to show up. Do you want to come with us?"

"Anyway, it all started because of me. Jewel doesn't know yet, but I've noticed she's been distracted these past few

days. Although she hasn't said anything, she's probably wondering why Alex hasn't come to see her. How about

this? I'll tell Jewel first, and we'll go to the hospital to visit Alex's mother tomorrow at noon. Since she's Alex's

mother, it seems inappropriate for us not to show up. Do you want to come with us?"

"Okay. Just give me a call after you guys make the arrangements, and we'll go together," Eugene responded.

After ending the call with Eugene, Olivia fell into complete silence.

What a mess!

She didn't think her words that day were too harsh compared to what Alex's mother had done, but if his mother

tried to commit suicide because of it...

How could she describe the feeling that churned in her stomach?

Olivia felt guilty and regretful for not acting differently!

It felt like the weight of the world on her shoulders.

Jewel had just returned from getting her meal. When she saw Olivia lost in thought, she couldn't help but ask,

"What's wrong, Olivia?"

After a deep sigh, Olivia turned to Jewel and said, "Jewel, do you have any idea why Alex has been absent for such a

long time?"