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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51 More Than Qualified to Be a Judge

It was out of Eugene’s expectations. However, he found that it made sense too—with her abilities, she

was more than qualified to be a judge. There were a total of five judges, and Olivia sat right in the

middle. After sitting down, she playfully smiled at him when she noticed that he was still watching her.

In response, the corners of his lips naturally lifted too.

Curtis nearly cried tears of joy upon seeing the smile on the president’s face. Recently, Eugene rarely

smiled. Occasionally, he even became distracted and lost focus during work. I was right to ask him to

come and watch the finals of the competition.

At that moment, the host on the stage began his opening speech. “Good morning, ladies and

gentlemen, distinguished leaders, and esteemed guests. Thank you all for taking the time to attend the

2019 Glamor Vogue Grand Fashion Design Competition! I am the host for today, Seth White.” As soon

as those words sounded, a round of applause rang out.

Then, the host smiled and continued, “This competition has lasted for three months, from the day we

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started accepting registrations to the day of the semi-finals. Among the thousands of works that we

received, only the top ten works that were rated the most popular and the best-looking were selected!

Today, those designs have been transformed into ready-to-wear outfits! And, we are going to showcase

each and every outfit today! Now, allow me to explain the scoring rules: the judges hold a total of 8

points, including 3 points for design originality and creativity, 3 points for the presentation and

showmanship, and another 3 points for attention to detail and craftsmanship. Last but not least, we

have 2 points for popularity, which will be decided by our audience. Take a look at the voting device in

your hands; you can vote for any of your favorite designs by the designers! With this, I officially

announce the start of the 2019 Glamor Vogue Grand Fashion Design Competition! Let us welcome the

first of our designers on stage! Welcome, Jasmine Thomson!”

After the host got off the stage, the surrounding lights dimmed suddenly, leaving only the U-shaped

stage lights on. Then, four girls walked out, one after the other, as soothing music played softly in the

background. They didn’t walk as quickly as they normally would on the runway. Instead, they took their

time—almost as if they had to think before taking the next step.

Jasmine Thomson’s designs were bold and bright. Her four designs utilized four colors and portrayed a

good sense of depth. Olivia studied the models on stage without blinking, feeling somewhat pleased.

Although the design had some flaws which interrupted the flow of the works, the overall creativity was


The presentation of the four outfits took around ten minutes. After that, the host invited Jasmine

onstage. When Jasmine came onto the stage, she went through the routine of bowing, greeting the

judges, expressing her gratitude, and introducing herself. During this entire spiel, she didn’t even dare

to lift her head to look at the judges.

It wasn’t until she heard Olivia’s voice, “Tell me about the concept behind your four designs.” Then, she

raised her head in confusion. When she saw Olivia, she was so shocked that she froze in place. Isn’t

that Anna’s sister? Isn’t she participating in the competition? Why is she a judge?

Upon seeing her standing there in a daze, the host kindly reminded her, “Miss Thomson, please tell us

about the concept behind your designs.”

At that moment, Jasmine panicked as she began to explain, “I-I’m from the north. In the north, the four

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seasons are very distinct, and that became the inspiration for my designs. I used light green to signify

spring, hoping to make people slow down their pace in life, ease up on the pressure of competition, and

pay more attention to the essence of life…”

Olivia nodded while listening to her introduction. “Okay, that’s good. Your ideas and concepts are good.

Still, your designs are a little rough on the edges. There is room for improvement in your designs.”

Jasmine bowed. “Thank you.”

Following that, the host said, “Judges, please score her!”

Jasmine clenched her fists nervously, secretly regretting her rash actions just now. So many people

went over during the commotion, but only I blabbered the most. Will this judge give me grief out of

spite? Thus, she waited anxiously with a bitter expression.

Of the five judges, Olivia gave a score of 7.5 while the other four judges gave a score of either 7 or 7.5.

Combining those scores with the results of the popularity vote, Jasmine received an overall score of
