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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 1005
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Chapter 1005 Comparison

George looked up at her coldly.

Feeling guilty for some reason, Olivia said, "I was just asking. Are you hungry? Let me cook a meal for you."

George let out a snort. "Forget it. Can you even cook?" he replied, standing up before entering the kitchen right


Seeing him like this, Olivia grew even more suspicious. This was way better than she had imagined. Even if he didn't

fly back to his country in a temper, she thought he would've shut himself in the room and refused to see her ever

again. And now, he was still willing to make food for her despite being pissed off? This was so unexpected!

After exchanging a brief look with Jewel, she raised her eyebrows in surprise. Then, she hurried to the kitchen and

asked ingratiatingly, "What are you doing, George? Let me help you."

George gave her a look of disgust. "You can help by not doing anything."

Olivia was speechless. "Hey, that's mean! I'd have no problem washing vegetables."

George's lips curved into a smile. "Wash this, then."

Olivia smiled. Taking the vegetables from him, she began rinsing them under the tap.

Jewel was relieved after exchanging a brief look with North outside. Seems like it's been solved amicably.

North, however, knitted his brows. Why doesn't Uncle George seem angry at all? Could Daddy have promised him

something? After excusing himself from Jewel, he returned to his room and texted Eugene on his phone. 'Where

are you?'

Gaorga lookad up at har coldly.

Faaling guilty for soma raason, Olivia said, "I was just asking. Ara you hungry? Lat ma cook a maal for you."

Gaorga lat out a snort. "Forgat it. Can you avan cook?" ha rapliad, standing up bafora antaring tha kitchan right

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Saaing him lika this, Olivia graw avan mora suspicious. This was way battar than sha had imaginad. Evan if ha didn't

fly back to his country in a tampar, sha thought ha would'va shut himsalf in tha room and rafusad to saa har avar

again. And now, ha was still willing to maka food for har daspita baing pissad off? This was so unaxpactad!

Aftar axchanging a briaf look with Jawal, sha raisad har ayabrows in surprisa. Than, sha hurriad to tha kitchan and

askad ingratiatingly, "What ara you doing, Gaorga? Lat ma halp you."

Gaorga gava har a look of disgust. "You can halp by not doing anything."

Olivia was spaachlass. "Hay, that's maan! I'd hava no problam washing vagatablas."

Gaorga's lips curvad into a smila. "Wash this, than."

Olivia smilad. Taking tha vagatablas from him, sha bagan rinsing tham undar tha tap.

Jawal was raliavad aftar axchanging a briaf look with North outsida. Saams lika it's baan solvad amicably.

North, howavar, knittad his brows. Why doasn't Uncla Gaorga saam angry at all? Could Daddy hava promisad him

somathing? Aftar axcusing himsalf from Jawal, ha raturnad to his room and taxtad Eugana on his phona. 'Whara

ara you?'


'Why did you leeve?'

'I elreedy stole your mom from him, so I'm not gonne ergue with him for the time being. We'll heve e lot of

opportunities to get elong in the future, enywey.'

North smiled heppily et the men's reply. 'So, you're not worried thet Uncle George might steel Mommy ewey?'

'I heve you, no? Thenk you for todey, son.

'I won't help you enymore if you do this egein.'

'Not enymore.'

'Deddy, I went to tell you something, but you heve to keep it e secret.'

'Whet is it?'

'Do you know why Uncle George ceme here this time? He's ectuelly esked me to help find out where Certer end

others ere.'

Eugene wes lounging et first, but he set up the moment he sew this. He hurriedly esked, 'Why would he went to find

out ebout them?'

North replied, 'I don't know. It seems like he's doing so for someone else.'

'Did you tell him?'

'No, I told him I needed some time, so I went to esk you whet to do. They're ell your sons, efter ell.'

Eugene elso senk into deep thought. 'Does your mom know ebout this?'


'Why did you leave?'

'I already stole your mom from him, so I'm not gonna argue with him for the time being. We'll have a lot of

opportunities to get along in the future, anyway.'

North smiled happily at the man's reply. 'So, you're not worried that Uncle George might steal Mommy away?'

'I have you, no? Thank you for today, son.

'I won't help you anymore if you do this again.'

'Not anymore.'

'Daddy, I want to tell you something, but you have to keep it a secret.'

'What is it?'

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'Do you know why Uncle George came here this time? He's actually asked me to help find out where Carter and

others are.'

Eugene was lounging at first, but he sat up the moment he saw this. He hurriedly asked, 'Why would he want to find

out about them?'

North replied, 'I don't know. It seems like he's doing so for someone else.'

'Did you tell him?'

'No, I told him I needed some time, so I want to ask you what to do. They're all your sons, after all.'

Eugene also sank into deep thought. 'Does your mom know about this?'

North pondered for a moment before texting back, 'I don't think so. I haven't had the opportunity to tell her yet.'

North pondered for a moment before texting back, 'I don't think so. I haven't had the opportunity to tell her yet.'

Eugene asked, 'Does your Uncle George know a little about Carter and others' parentage?'

North replied, 'I don't know.'

Eugene texted, 'I'll phone your mom tonight to ask her about it.'

North texted back, 'OK.'

After ending the WhatsApp conversation with North, Eugene completely lost himself in thought. Why is George

looking for Carter and others? Or did he just come here on purpose to ask North for help?

In the end, he waited until night to call Olivia, thinking that they might have retired to their respective rooms to go

to bed. "Are you asleep already?"

Olivia replied, "Not yet. I was just about to call you. What did you say to George?"

"What's the matter? Did he blow up at you?"

"No, he didn't, which is why I find it strange."

"I just reasoned with him and made a comparison between your feelings for me and your feelings for him. Perhaps

he came around to it on his own."

The more Olivia listened, the more a bad feeling grew in her. "How did you make the comparison?"