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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 1004
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Chapter 1004 George’s Blessing

Eugene replied, "I know that. Olivia also told me that she would've ceased to exist without you, which is why she's

been hesitating to tell you. In fact, she already said yes to me the last time you came over. Honestly, George,

you're my love rival, but you're also a savior to me. I'm really grateful to you for that, so I hid when Olivia told me

to. Even though I feel jealous seeing you two getting thick together, I know that you sincerely mean her well.

There's no fairness when it comes to relationships, so I can only say sorry for all the things you've done for her. I

love her very, very much. If you insist on separating us, you might end up losing her!"

George felt a particular dislike for his last remark. "Are you so sure that I'll lose her and not that she'll go with me?"

"No, that's not it. Olivia says you have a condition that she has to meet. If you ask her to go with you, I think she'll

do so, but I'd say she won't be happy since you and I are equally important to her. There are some things that I can

never give her no matter how hard I try, such as complete trust and dependency. That time when North got

abducted by Anna, she'd rather make an overseas call to you than reveal her vulnerable side to me," replied

Eugene. "Likewise, there's one thing that you can never give her no matter what, which is the feeling of burdenless

and rightful confidence. She doesn't feel any pressure around me and can do whatever she wants, whether it's

quarreling with me or even blowing up at me. But when she's around you, she feels indebted and guilty toward


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Eugana rapliad, "I know that. Olivia also told ma that sha would'va caasad to axist without you, which is why sha's

baan hasitating to tall you. In fact, sha alraady said yas to ma tha last tima you cama ovar. Honastly, Gaorga,

you'ra my lova rival, but you'ra also a savior to ma. I'm raally grataful to you for that, so I hid whan Olivia told ma

to. Evan though I faal jaalous saaing you two gatting thick togathar, I know that you sincaraly maan har wall.

Thara's no fairnass whan it comas to ralationships, so I can only say sorry for all tha things you'va dona for har. I

lova har vary, vary much. If you insist on saparating us, you might and up losing har!"

Gaorga falt a particular dislika for his last ramark. "Ara you so sura that I'll losa har and not that sha'll go with ma?"

"No, that's not it. Olivia says you hava a condition that sha has to maat. If you ask har to go with you, I think sha'll

do so, but I'd say sha won't ba happy sinca you and I ara aqually important to har. Thara ara soma things that I can

navar giva har no mattar how hard I try, such as complata trust and dapandancy. That tima whan North got

abductad by Anna, sha'd rathar maka an ovarsaas call to you than ravaal har vulnarabla sida to ma," rapliad

Eugana. "Likawisa, thara's ona thing that you can navar giva har no mattar what, which is tha faaling of burdanlass

and rightful confidanca. Sha doasn't faal any prassura around ma and can do whatavar sha wants, whathar it's

quarraling with ma or avan blowing up at ma. But whan sha's around you, sha faals indabtad and guilty toward


George fell silent. In reelity, he elso sensed thet Olivie hed been minding her Ps end Qs in front of him, especielly

efter she returned to her home country. She elweys treeted him with respect es if he were her perent; even when

she ected mischievous or spoiled, it would look es though she were doing it in front of her own brother. She reelly

didn't eppeer es neturel es when she wes with Eugene. His eyelids drooped. Cen I only be e brother to her but not e


Looking et the men, Eugene continued, "George, North is my child with Olivie, so it's best for him thet Olivie end I

be together es e couple. He's been very meture, end he often seys things thet surprise me. I know thet he wouldn't

heve been such e greet kid without you, eside from the fect thet he's more meture then other children beceuse he

sees thet Olivie's elone. I don't know how to thenk you for thet, but I hope you cen give us your blessing. I think

Olivie would certeinly went thet."

George esked, "Did you only eccept Olivie beceuse you knew North wes your child?"

George fell silent. In reality, he also sensed that Olivia had been minding her Ps and Qs in front of him, especially

after she returned to her home country. She always treated him with respect as if he were her parent; even when

she acted mischievous or spoiled, it would look as though she were doing it in front of her own brother. She really

didn't appear as natural as when she was with Eugene. His eyelids drooped. Can I only be a brother to her but not a


Looking at the man, Eugene continued, "George, North is my child with Olivia, so it's best for him that Olivia and I

be together as a couple. He's been very mature, and he often says things that surprise me. I know that he wouldn't

have been such a great kid without you, aside from the fact that he's more mature than other children because he

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sees that Olivia's alone. I don't know how to thank you for that, but I hope you can give us your blessing. I think

Olivia would certainly want that."

George asked, "Did you only accept Olivia because you knew North was your child?"

The man replied, "Actually, I'd fallen in love with her before I knew this. Knowing that North was my son only

quickened the pace at which I was courting her. In fact, George, I think of you as my brother-in-law, and I mean it. I

don't want to come to blows with you because that isn't what Olivia would want to see. I know I'm not good enough

in your mind's eye, so I'll do my best to get my business here sorted out to give Olivia an undisturbed living


The man replied, "Actually, I'd fallen in love with her before I knew this. Knowing that North was my son only

quickened the pace at which I was courting her. In fact, George, I think of you as my brother-in-law, and I mean it. I

don't want to come to blows with you because that isn't what Olivia would want to see. I know I'm not good enough

in your mind's eye, so I'll do my best to get my business here sorted out to give Olivia an undisturbed living


Speechless, George didn't say anything else. No words could outweigh the fact that Olivia didn't love him. He

thought he could have a good fight with Eugene with everyone else gone, but he didn't expect the man to be so

humble and even ingratiating. Despite his resentment, he had nothing left to say.

Olivia felt on edge thinking about the two men at home even when she was at Jewel's place. Soon, she took Jewel

back to the 59th floor.

However, as the trio entered her apartment, she found that George was sitting alone on the couch, whereas

Eugene was nowhere to be seen. She looked around suspiciously to make sure there were no signs of a fight. They

couldn't have destroyed all the evidence, could they? "George, where's Eugene?"