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Shattered Girl (Emmy)

Chapter 80
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Chapter 83 Panting Patrick pressed his body against mine, has forchrad The cool tiles of the shower wall.

"Damn love, that was amazing. He whispered still trying to catch his breath. All I had the energy to do was nod my head in agreement and pat his back. After a couple more minutes standing that way, Patrick slowly sliddown the wall until my feet hit the floor of the shower. He took a step hack hands still holding onto my hips, until I told him I was good to stand on my own. We both rinsed off, Patrick getting out first and holding a towel up for me, wrapping it snuggly aroundwhen I climbed out.

Alter drying off, I wrapped my hair in another towel and went to charge into the clothes I had left on my bed. While I was dressing, Patrick walked by with a towel around his waist. He stopped to giveanother kiss before heading out the door to his own room. I quickly brushed out the tangles in my hair, then put it up in a messy bun to keep it out of the way.

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Walking downstairs again, I spotted the twins sitting on the couch, ganse controllers in hand. They were playing stype of shooting gin which. they battled against a horde of zombies, and I stood off to the side and watched them shoot their way through an ever-growing zombie heard. When they beat the level, I made my way between them and the TV; Jake and josh both shifted over on the couch, givingroom to sit between them. I gine. them both a quick kiss just as their gwas loading them into a new mission, this time, they were fighting zombies in the middle of an abandoned city, the run down building with broken and boarded up windows remindingof the neighborhood I grew up in with my father. Not wanting thoughts of the past to main my mood, I snuggled down between the twins, enjoying the comfort of being with them and laughing as they gave each other a hard tfor dying.

Once their mission was over, Josh paused the gbefore it loaded them into another round. "Drew and Mike decided to go into town to pick up a couple of things for dinner tonight." Josh told me, "While they are gone, do you want to helpmake the rest of the sides?" 'I would love to, what were you going to make?" I asked curiously.

: "Well, the guys were talking about picking up sribs to grill, so I was going to make cornbread, coleslaw, and maybe sbaked beans to go with it. Josh said standing and reaching out a hand to helpup..

"Fair warning: If any of you eat beans, then none of you are allowed in my room tonight," I threatened. on the way home." *How about corn on the cob then? Josh said turning to grab his phone. I will text Drew right now to have them pick sup on "You wouldn't really ban us from your room for just eating beans, would you, sweetheart? Jake asked, givingbig puppy dog eyes. "Not only would I ban you fr from my room, but 1 might also make you all sleep downstairs with Jamie and Sean, I threatened with a grin. "OK, the guys are bringing hscom, so scom, so stop with the threats of banishment, baby girl," Josh called from the kitchen.

"All right, you all are safe, and you can sleep in my room tonight. I grinned at lake, kissing him before going into the kitchen, washing my hands, and going over to Josh for instructions. He handedscarrots and cabbage from the fridge, bringing them back to the sink; I washed the vegetables and started peeling the carrots, We had just finished putting the coleslaw together when Drew and Mike got back from town. They both cin from the garage, each with a bag of groceries in their arms. I took the bag from Mike, kissing him, before setting it on the counter. I then went over to Drew and gave him a hello kiss as well. Drew and Mike began prepping the ribs and corn, Patrick joining them to help. The three of them soon disappeared outside, to start the grill. while josh began givingdirections on how to make thebread. Jake wandered into the kitchen right as I was putting the pan of combread into the oven. Wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, and kissing my shoulder. I relaxed into his embrace when Josh finished loading the dishwasher, and the three of us went back into the living room. Jake pulledonto his lap while Josh lifted my legs up, resting them across his lap.

"I am really enjoying this, I admitted, leaning back against Jake.

"Good, I like hearing that. You are all we have ever wanted, baby girl," Josh said, giving my leg a squeeze. The aroma of the baking cornbread began wafting through the air, causing my stomach to let out a loud rumble, to my embarrassment. Jake wrappedin a gentle embrace, as I blushed.

Don't be embarrassed, sweetheart. Would you like a snack? It'll still be a while before dinner is ready." Jake said. Before I even said anything Josh was up and heading for the kitchen, returning a few minutes later with ssliced fruit, and cheese Smiling at Josh, I thanked him as he set the plate down on the coffee table in front of me. Before sitting down again, he took the remote and flipped through the channels until he found a show he wanted to watch.

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When I had finished my snack, I reached for Josh's hand, linking our fingers together the three of us enjoyed the show, only separating when the timer Chapter 83

for the cornbread beeped, and Josh went into the kitchen to check amit. A few minutes later he cback, saying the cornbread was cooling and that ve should be able to finish w we were watching before dinner was ready.

h was right; our show was just ending when Patrick cin, telling us the ribs would be done in five minutes and that we could eat outside if we ated to.

somds like a nice idea," I told the guys, patting Jake on the hand so he would letup. The twins stood up, up. too, gronning and stretching but inginto the kitchen and taking the stack of plates and utensils I handed them to bring outside. Like RICH WOMEN? These women desperately want a mature men! JOIN NOW *Waming these rich women will persue you.