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My Wife is a Hacker novel (Nicole)

Chapter 3262
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Chapter 3262

Doretta cast a glance at Ellar, her expression turning serious. "There's a situation. | thought it best to discuss it in


Hearing these words amidst their personal joy seemed to dampen the mood.

"What's going on?" Ellar, noticing the sudden change in Patricia's demeanor, furrowed his brows in concern. 'Why

do | get the feeling that they all know something | don't?" "Let's sit down and talk about it," suggested Charlie.

Initially, Charlie hadn't planned on informing Patricia. But considering she was close to Nicole, he thought she

might need to be prepared for what was coming, or perhaps it could be beneficial for her to know.

Hence, seeing their door open, he had decided to cin with Doretta.

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Since Ellar was there, it seemed fitting that he should know as well. Besides, if Patricia and Ellar were together, it

would be hard to keep secrets from him. He was bound to find out sooner or later, so there was no point in hiding

anything now.

Once everyone was seated, Doretta shared the information she had gathered.

"Lawrence already has forces moving in Mecrounia and might cto San Joto?" Patricia's complexion turned

pale, a sense of dread creeping in.1 Lawrence is indeed planning something, just as Nicole suspected.’ "Why

would Lawrence suddenly target Nicole?" Ellar seemed puzzled.

"He's always been ambitious. Previously, Everett provided cover for him, allowing him to bide his tin the

shadows. Now, with Everett gone, and because of something that happened in the past..." Doretta briefly

explained the situation.

"What?!" Eliar’s voice rose in shock and anger at the details.

"Not many people know about this. You need to keep it a secret. Nicole hasn't told everyone because she doesn’t

want to cause unnecessary worry, " Patricia said, noticing Ellar's expression and cautioning him.

Clenching his fists tightly, Ellar struggled to contain his fury, taking a deep breath before responding, "I

understand." "Patricia, be careful too," Doretta cautioned her.

Since Patricia was closely associated with Nicole, Doretta felt she might be at a higher risk.

"I understand. You all take care as well,” Patricia replied, her gaze somber.

"If there's any new information, I'll notify Charlie. We can discuss any new plans then," Doretta said, glancing at

the time. "I need to leave now." "I'll walk you out," Charlie said, standing up to accompany Doretta as they both


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Ellar let out a sigh and held Patricia's hand. "Once this is over, I'll ask Charlie to assign someone else to follow

Nicole. You should stop doing this and cwith me."

He knew Patricia wouldn't agree to leave her responsibilities now, so waiting until the ordeal was over was the

only option.

Patricia nodded slightly, aware that she couldn't step away at this moment.

ok gk

The next morning, in Nicole's office at Riddle Corporation, Lulu, with a face full of joy, mentioned, "Sally is being

discharged today, right?" "Yes, all her check-up results were good, and she can be discharged and return home

today. Steve has arranged everything, and Mom and Emma have gone to the hospital too, to bring Sally and the

baby home," Nicole confirmed.

"That's great to hear," Lulu responded, visibly relieved.

There was a knock on the door, and then Patricia entered.