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My Bestfriend Slipped Inside Me (An Alpha’s Secret) by Demiah13

Chapter 113
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Avery's pov My scream echoed off the walls as I watch the man who stood a few seconds ago, in human form, now turn into an animal, a beast, a wolf! My heart pounded in my chest the rhythm scaring me. I stumbled back, my hand going to my chest as I look at the massive wolf staring back at me. My mind struggle to underhand what was happening.

Perhaps I was still in the hospital on heavy drugs and not really here. I must be drugged up. This wasn't real.

"X-a-den," I stammered, my heart now in my throat as the wolf shook its fur. "I must still be in the hospital." | whispered, my voice shaky as I begin to pinch myself.

"You're fucking scaring her Henry!" Xaden snarls.

He shifts to block my vision from seeing the huge wolf and I lift my eyes to his, terror filling my body. "Why am I not waking up?" I whispered as I pinched harder.

His eyes soften and he reaches out to, grabbing my hand firmly yet gently to stopfrom my harsh pinching, trying to groundinto the reality I didn't want to believe was true.

"Little V," he started in a soft voice, coaxingout of my frantic thoughts. I shook my head, swallowing. "This is a dream. A terrible dream." I stammered on a shaky tone.

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He gripped my hand harder, trying to pullout of my head. "You're not dreaming," he said softly, holdingtight as if he was afraid I'd run for the hills.

"I know this is hard for you to grasp but this is real. What we are," he swallowed and his Adam apple bobs. "Is real. We are werewolves." I shook my head, tears welling up in my eyes. This must be a joke. A silly joke. Yet, his eyes, Xade's eyes. They were feral, wild, beast, animal. There were times where he sounded more animal than man too. And when we had sex, his groans and bring of pleasure sounded so beast like.

I tremble.

The test results. They said I had animal DNA in my blood. Does that mean our baby........I am carrying a werewolf in my belly? Xade....was a werewolf? "I know it's hard to believe little V," Xaden croaked. "But trustwe didn't want you to find out like this.” I searched his face, waiting for it to blur and then I'd wake up. But the longer I stand and stare into his eyes, reality starts to sink in even more.

This was real.

They were real.

"Why didn't he tell me?" I choked out, my throat hurting from the emotions that bottled up inside. My lower lip wobbled.

For years we have been so close, best friends. I thought I knew every part of him and he knew every part of me. But I was wrong. I knew nothing of the life he kept hidden from me.

Did he not trustat all? Xaden looked away. "He was scared you'd never see him the sagain. He thought he was protecting you from our world. We thought- I shook my head, looking around the room and tug my hand out of his hold. "Keeping that you two are not really human from someone you see as family translates to you trying to protect me?" My voice cracks and I swallow.

"Avery, you must understand our world is far different than yours. You don't- A sudden pained sound comes from down the hall and my heart stops. Xade. He was in pain.

I whip around, and rush down the hall toward the room where the sound cfrom. I didn't care that I had just learned that he was a werewolf or care that he kept it from me. Not now at least.

Because even now, I remember that vow we did when we were younger. A vow we swore to never break. And not break it ever.

*flashback* Xade groans as he fixes the fake mustache under his nose. It was hanging for its dear life. I giggled and he glared down at me.

At the age of twelve he was a lot taller than the guys in our year. It's like he had an early growth spurt.

"Keep quiet. Why do I have to wear this stupid thing again?" He pouted adorably.

I glanced at Xaden who's holding a n open bible in his hand. He was dressed in a tux too, because apparently he is our priest.

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"It's not that bad," I smile, clutching the flowers in my hand as Xaden recited the prayers. We were playing wedding and it was Xaden's idea to marry us. Why? Because he just got done watching a wedding show on the TV and thought he'd do a better job at directing the scene...

Xade and I had no choice but to play along and let him use us like his puppets.

"You two may say your vows." Xaden groomed his voice into a fake manly one that madebite my tongue to stifle my laughter.

Xade rolled his eyes and then smiled at me, his eyes warming up as they stare into mine. "I'll go first." "Avery, from the first moment I saw you," he started, his voice soft and gentle. "I knew you were the one. I loved you since then and I love you even more now," My heart skipped. It felt like those words were true. Why do they feel as though they were true? "You mean the world toAvery-

"Say you'll burn the world for her," Xaden cuts in. "It gives it more of a wow.

Sflavor You won't understand because you're boring." He shrugged when Xade sent him an impatient glare. "I'll burn the world for you Avery." "Boo!" Xaden huffed. "More feeling, more- "Enough," Xade said and took my hand in his and we took off laughing while Xaden yelled at us for being traitors.

We stopped at the little pond in his back yard and we walked to the edge of the deck, still hand in hand until we sat down.

"How about we make our own vows?" Xade suddenly said, makingturn to him. The sun glistened in his blue eyes and my breath hitches.

"What do you mean?" I whispered, hoping he'd not notice my shaky voice.

His eyes roamed my face. "A real vow we both won't ever break."

My heart fluttered and I nod. He grinned happily. “Let's vow to never put anyone else first before the other. To always love each other no matter what. To always be beside each other. To be each other's other half. Until death do us part." He outstretched his pinky forto take and I do, locking them.

I smiled and nod. " Until death do us part." My smile widens. "You know Xade, you'll be stuck withforever because of that vow." His eyes lit up warmly with yearning. “That's what I want V. Until death do us part."