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Mr Billionaires Secret Baby

Chapter 10
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Chapter 10

For the first tin the entire day, | felt the exhaustion of all of it crash over me. The dull ache in my head had

now turned in to a full blown headache and the sun rays shining in through the ample windows of my office.

It didn’t help that | had Dante standing overin my office adding to my already stressful day. His question,

which | had heard loud and clear, hung in the air unanswered. It wasn’t that | didn’t have a response but | was

stunned that his tone had turned threatening and cun ning like he was willing to expose the company’s

predicament to the rest of the investors.

I should not be shocked in the slightest that Dante was aware of the struggling finances of the company. He

didn’t reach the height of his wealth by being aloof and irrational. What did catchof guard was that he was

using it against me.

What on earth did he want fromafter all these years? Had he not been the one to throwout of his life

with out so much of the chance to get a proper explanation? Yet here he was standing in the middle of my office

when he could have been anywhere else.

“You do not have an answer | see.” He responded in a smug tone like he was betting on it. “I wonder what will

the other investors think of this when they hear of it. Swill definitely pull out their sizeable investments

whilst others may even take to the media to expose the dishonestly conducted by such an esteemed company.”

The look on his face grew more tarty as he continued to threatentaking my silence as a weakness and

assuming that he hadright where he had wanted me.

“It’s a minor fix. | said lightly with a wave of my hand. “It isn’t any thing a little guidance and determination can’t

fix.” | leaned back in my seat pretending to be unphased by the information he was using over me. If | did not

give power to what he was saying then perhaps it'll discourage him altogether.

Except instead of looking appeased, his eyes grew brighter. “You're a little too wistful for your own good,

Sophia.” My nrolled of his tongue like it yearned for him to say it. | had forgotten how my nsounded

coming from his P*ps.

“On the contrary. I've assessed the figured and damage myself and | can assure you, along with any one else

who may be concerned, that the recent figures are only so due to the fact that the business was left unattended

since my grand father’s death.” | paused to take a quick breath before going on. “A steady hand will fix the

issues in no time. Of that | am sure so you can take your condescending tone and doubtful, threatening words

and pis s off.” | snapped growing infuriated with his presence and his intent of even showing how here to begin


His jaw clenched at my harsh tone causing the tendon to stick out over his defined,

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Chapter 10

chiseled cheeks. His eyes were ablaze as his anger began to rise but | was no afraid of him at all.

“If you are that confident in this then why not disclose or to the others. Tell them what- the figures currently

stand at and inform them of where you intend on taking it. It shouldn't be such a difficult-"

“There is no need to create unnecessary discord and worry between the company and its investors. At least not

over sthing so miniscule.” He raised a sardonic brow at


Dante leaned forward, his hands dripping the back rest of the seat on from of him with such force that his fingers

cause an indent on the material beneath his weight. His eyes locked with mine and for a small second | caught

my breath.

“You are playing a dangerous, dangerous game. One that could easily back fire and go south fast.” He warned

but I didn’t need to pay him any heed. He didn’t see the figures yet to know how fixable it was.

“Then that is forto bare the brunt of.” | responded defiantly but my eyes slowly narrowed in as | focussed on

his face which made him a little uncomfortable. | crossed my arms over my chest and rested my elbows over the

hardwood desk between us.

“It sounds like you are concerned about my well being.” | taunted knowing that that would annoy him. “A busy

man such as yourself has shown up to my office in the midst. of a work week to serves as an advisor in hopes

that | would stay away from making over zealous decisions.” My words were tic yet each on every last

nerve of his, “On the contrary, | only care for my own financial gain or loss.” She said with an aloof shrug. “Your

company is leaning towards offeringthe latter of the two and that is what | want is to stay ahead of.” He

justified in a co cky, rough tone.

| sighed and rose to my feet. My n*eck hurt cleaning to look up at him and | felt like | need my height to

intimidate him. Regardless of the fact that | was still a whole foot below him.

“Then you have wasted your tshowing up here because you are at no financial detriment, Mr Crawford.” His

nostril twitched at being addressed so formally again. “I have a good, experienced advisor that | trust so you

need not to worry.”

He snorted, pressing his I*ps in to a thin line. “Is that advisor Adam Huxley? The man you parade yourself around

with no title.” His eyes darkened with irritation but I couldn’t understand why.

“He is an excellent man, One whose advise and judgement | trust.” Adam was not much of an advisor as much

as he was a very close friend that happened to give his insight on my business predicament but | knew it would

infuriate Dante to think other wise.

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Chapter 10


What ever his dislike towards Adam was for, | might as well use it to my full advantage.

“So be it. If you are so sure in your company and Huxley's advise then allowto lay a proposal at your feet.”

He stood up straight now, buttoning his blazer as he did so before fixing his cuff links.

| raised a quizzical brow at him awaiting him to go further. “Go on.” | pushed even though that uncertainty was

wreaking havoc on my insides.

“Allowto propose a bet- on agreement.” Sh it.

My eyes may have widened the size of saucers when he said that. He was openly challenging me, testing me,

provoking me.

“What the hell is going on here?” Adam’s intruding voice sounded from the now open. jar but neither Dante nor |

had looked at him. We were too busy glaring at each other refusing to look away and be the one to crumble.

“If you, by smiracle, manage to get those figures up by fifteen percent then I will invest 1. 7 Billion in to

your company but if you fail to do so then | want to buy out your company entirely.” He spoke ignoring Adam

entirely but his eyes did grow angrier since. his presence was made known. Dante's face was firmly set just as

his offer had been. Hist breath was harsh and so was mine.

All | could think about what how rediculous his proposal was. It was extrand not to mention unfair.

“This is preposterous! Sophia, do not agree to it!” Adams voice filled with urgency rang in my cars, his foot steps

grew louder as he stormed in to my office.

| knew I should listen to Adam and not allow my ego to driveto a decision that | could potentially regret. It

would be the biggest mistake | ever did second only to marrying Dante years ago.

“Go ahead, listen to your lover like you don’t have a brain to make your own decisione

Dante shifted his gaze over to Adam and if it weren't a crime, Dante looked like he would have killed Adam


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Adam grunted angrily, his torso over lapping with my shoulder protectively but Dante watched this small

movement and his I*ps thinned. | couldn’t understand why he disliked Adam so much. Was it because Adam

served as a pillar of support guidingthrough this.

“Why don’t you leave her alone? It’s not like you haven't caused a lot of damage already.” Adam spat out and

Dante took a step in his direction ready to tackle him.

“Look at you being a good guard dog. Did she neuter you already?” Dante mocked and

Chapter 10

Adam took a step forward.

“Not as much as that twi nky of yours has-" Adam started but | had hear enough of this


“Stop it!” | yelled loud enough that my words bounced of the walls and echoed through my office.

Dante stopped mid- launch and | moved in front of Adam in case Dante reconsidered his decision but that only

seemed to have triggered Dante further. He trembled with fury, his nose flaring like a bull ready to obliterate it’s


Adam inhaled besidethen let it out. His expression softened when he looked at me. “Sophia, do not agree to

it. It is a trap and nothing more but a distraction.” | knew that, too. | knew it was no good.

“Go ahead. Refuse to agree to my bet but that only says all | already know. You do not truly have it all in hand

which only makes sense forto disclose the truth of the matter on your behalf to the rest of the share

holders.” Dante watchedclosely looking for even the slightest of cra ck in my composure.

| squared my shoulders and | looked up at Dante's towering, overbearing figure. He still thought that | was the

weak woman he once knew and just for that, | was going to prove him wrong.

“You want to have a bet- on agreement? Fine, so be it but 1. 7 Billion is far too little a bet. It isn’t a fair stake.

Instead, when the company rises by its 15% then you will invest 10 Billion in to the company and not a penny

less.” Dante merely scoffed like that was not even a challenge at all and it probably wasn’t to him but | could use

that money to do a lot of expansion in places necessary.

“What are you doing?” Adam asked in disbelief but | would deal with him later.

“What needs to be done. | can’t handle the man constantly doubting my capabilities.” | snapped wanting to just

be alone right now and away from Dante. His mere presence threw one off my game.