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Marry Ex's Uncle After Divorcement by Jacqueline

Chapter 809
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Chapter 809 The Anxious Waiting

Rose wobbled over and asked, “Mom and Dad, how is Jimmy now?” Death was a

horrible concept to Rose, and Jimmy’s suicide was a bolt from the blue for her! It

reminded her of the scene where she had

gone to the hospital together with her father to visit her mother, who had been

involved in an accident… That was why she was transfixed with shock when hearing

the news of Jimmy’s suicide.

Rosales raised her head and looked at Rose, asking, “What happened when you ate

with Jimmy? He was always free of worries but was in low spirits when he returned

home today. What reduced him to this?” Rosales’ interrogation made Rose bend her

head down awkwardly. Since she had ignored Jimmy when he had confessed words

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from the bottom of his heart to her, she felt she seemed to be accountable for his

suicide. She hadn’t expected her conversation with Jimmy to be the trigger for his

suicide and was overwhelmed with panic.

Seeing Rosales lose control, Luna comforted her. “Mom, it was probably because

Jimmy was under too much pressure. He has been working in Cameron’s Group and

must have been ostracized by the people of the Cameron family.”

Gentry heaved a sigh. “I have been persuading Jimmy to join my company. Of

course, I did it out of disinterested kindness. But he refused me flatly. He is always

such a stubborn guy.

Rosales said, “Jimmy was so excellent before. It must be that Charlie who schemed

against him! We have been abject before the people of the Calsis family, but they

won’t be satisfied until Jimmy is dead.” Eric said, “If something happens to Jimmy, I

will settle accounts with Charlie! In the past few years, Jimmy has worked hard, only

to be bullied by such a villain.”

Rose stood aside and listened to their conversations, which reminded her of Jimmy.

She knew he was always hardworking and proud of himself. She spoke nothing and

waited silently for the doctor to come out of the emergency room.

In the morning, Theresa had just got up when she found Leticia come.

Leticia was preparing breakfast for the children together with Brenda.

Theresa was surprised by Leticia’s visit. “Auntie Leticia, what did you come for?”

Leticia looked at Theresa and smiled. “I came here to see the two children. Do you

mind it?”

Theresa was reassured by Leticia’s friendly manner and nodded. “No.” It was just

that after eating with Dick and his father, Theresa was ill at ease before the people

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of the Calsis family. Initially, she had believed they would be angry with her, who

got so close to their foe, Dick. But she hadn’t expected Leticia to remain friendly

when seeing her again.

Leticia said, “Wash your hand and have breakfast. Why did you get up so early? Will

you go out in the


“No,” Theresa said, “I just couldn’t sleep and took a look at what was going on

here.” After speaking, she went upstairs to call two children to come downstairs and

have breakfast.

At the dining table, Leticia watched two children. Despite their young age, they ate

attentively and were

not fastidious about food. They obediently ate up the nutritionally balanced
