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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1753
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Chapter 1753


Aurora sighed in relief. "Vicky, we've been out for quite a while. Shall we head back?"

Vicky glanced at Aurora. "Can we finally go back now?"

"Yes, we can go back... Huh?" Aurora sensed something was amiss. "Vicky, do you...know something?"

Vicky smiled. "Every time I go out with friends, Tyler always bombards me with questions about when I’ll be back

and insists on picking me up. Strangely, he didn't ask me anything today. Also... I remember that it's my birthday


Aurora was left speechless as she realized Vicky saw right through her act.

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By the time they got home, it was starting to get dark outside. Inside the mansion, it was quiet and pitch-black.

Suddenly, a warm, yellow candlelight gradually illuminated the darkness, revealing a handsome face.

"Happy birthday, Vicky," Tyler said.

Vicky gazed at the flickering candles, feeling a bit dazed.

It was then she remembered that during the early days of their relationship, he had prepared a birthday surprise


this for her as well.

Time seemed to have passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, 10 years had gone by.

"Make a wish," said Tyler, holding her hand as they walked over to the dining table filled with delicious dishes.

Looking at the spread, a hint of amusement danced in Vicky's eyes. "You still remember, huh?"

On her birthday 10 years ago, Tyler himself cooked a candlelit dinner for her.

Vicky had long left behind her girlish tendencies, but at this moment, she felt as if she had returned to the

excitement and joy of that day.

In a deep and melodious voice, Tyler said, "I never forgot."

His face glowed with what could only be said as unwavering affection.

After they reconciled, Tyler swiftly arranged for their remarriage the next day. Vicky knew he had buckets of

insecurities, so she went along with it.

Vicky slowly closed her eyes and began making her wish. After making her wish, she blew out the candles.

From across the table, Tyler asked, "What did you wish for?"

Vicky smiled and replied, "The same wish I made ten years ago."

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"What did you wish for ten years ago?"

Vicky held his hand, and their matching wedding rings sparkled under the lamplight.

"I wished that we'd live happily ever after and never part from each other for all eternity."

Time flew by.

18 years later, Tyler handed over the position of Hart Corporation's head to their son, Lufian, while he and Vicky

enjoyed some alone time together.

Tyler organized a wedding for Vicky, though it was not extravagant, and only close friends and family were invited.

In the presence of their loved ones and friends, Tyler slowly lifted the veil from Vicky’s face, planting a gentle kiss

on her forehead. 2

Even after all these years, his feelings for her remained as they were. 7

In his eyes, Vicky was still as radiant as when he first met her.