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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1728
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Chapter 1728

Avery sealed her fate when she set the horde of reporters to humiliate Vicky.

'No one else in the world can bully Vicky except for me,' thought Tyler then.

He thus humiliated Avery with the raunchy video during the wedding ceremony to teach her a lesson.

That night, Brielle received a call from Tyler.

"You should send Avery to the mental hospital. It seems she's not right in the head," he said.

Brielle immediately understood what he was saying. "Okay, will do."

The next day, Brielle received a call from Vernon.

"Brielle, come to the hospital now!" he said.

Brielle quickly rushed over to the hospital and saw her father's young mistress, who was only two years older than

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her, lying on the hospital bed, crying about how Avery pushed her down the stairs, which caused her to have a


"Vernon, you must make Avery pay for killing our son!" cried the young mistress as she held Vernon's hand. "Our


didn't even get a chance to see this world before he died!"

Brielle scoffed inwardly.

Vernon had numerous mistresses over the years because he wanted a son. He even went as far as to announce he

would marry any woman who was able to give him a son.

Years had passed, and none of his mistresses managed to even get pregnant. That was, of course, until he

happened to meet the young mistress lying on the hospital bed in Zendonia a few months ago.

According to him, the young mistress got pregnant after a night of drunken s*x, but that was impossible since Avery

investigated and found out Vernon had lost the ability to have kids.

In other words, the baby was not Vernon's. Thus, Brielle had hinted to the young mistress that she would have the

baby go through a paternity test once he was born. Only if the result showed that the baby was indeed Vernon's

would she allow the mistress to marry into the family.

The young mistress immediately panicked as she knew the baby was not Vernon's. However, she was so used to

living the rich life that she came up with a plan that involved Avery, who she thought was brainless.

She deliberately provoked Avery to push her down the stairs. It was like hitting two birds with one stone-she could

get rid of both the baby and Avery.

The young mistress wailed in anguish as though she wished she could die with the baby.

Vernon's face contorted in fury, and he clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

"That little b*tch!" Vernon was getting older, so he did not really have the energy to sleep around with other women

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anymore. This meant his chances of getting a son grew slimmer with each passing day.

Thus, he was understandably furious at losing his unborn son, which he had come by with some difficulty, because

of Avery.

"I'm going to beat that little b*tch to death!" he roared.

"Dad, a lot has happened lately. I'm sure Avery didn't mean to cause the miscarriage. In any case, she's still your

daughter, and blood is thicker than water," said Brielle.

Vernon turned purple with rage. "I've always given her whatever she wanted since she was little! Not only is she

ungrateful, but she dared to kill her own baby brother! Oh, what have I done to deserve a daughter like her?"

Seeing Vernon getting angrier, Brielle said, "She's always cooped up in her room studying herbs for hypnotizing

people, so there's a chance she was acting under the influence of those herbs... Maybe that's why she's so

emotionally unstable lately."

After a pause, she continued worriedly, "I'm afraid that she's going to cause even more trouble with her current

condition. It'll be the end of our family if that happens!"