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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1711
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Chapter 1711

Vicky smiled politely and replied, "It's true we didn't provide a satisfactory service experience to our customers.

However, we can't apologize for things we didn't do, Miss Thompson. Are you suggesting our studio should offer

services beyond the scope of our work just to please customers?"

Miss Thompson had a strong personality. Despite her young age, she managed a large company. Her employees

and subordinates always treated her with utmost respect and flattery. Wherever she went, service staff bent over

backward to cater to her whims. There were times when service staff would apologize to her at her command even

if they did not do anything wrong.

At this moment, Miss Thompson perceived Vicky's words as a direct challenge.

Her cold gaze swept from Jennifer to Vicky, and a hint of jealousy flickered in her eyes.

She was not unattractive herself, but in the presence of Vicky and Jennifer, she felt overshadowed.

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The man sitting beside Miss Thompson, although appearing timid, could not resist sneaking glances at Vicky and

Jennifer from time to time.

His subtle actions did not escape Miss Thompson's notice. She harbored a deep-seated jealousy toward women

more beautiful than herself, and her impression of Vicky and Jennifer was extremely unfavorable because of that.

Miss Thompson smirked. "I thought this was a legitimate clothing studio, but it seems to be nothing more than a

group of scheming harlots who seduce men for a living. One fox in the den was sent to prison, and now the more

experienced vixen comes to her rescue. Even from here, I can smell the stench of a vixen on you."

Jennifer had encountered various difficult customers over the years. Still, she never met anyone like Miss

Thompson, who displayed immediate hostility toward other women.

Despite her good temper, Jennifer could not help but react." Miss Thompson, you are our customer, not our master.

Please show some respect in your speech!"

Miss Thompson lazily raised her gaze. "If you don't like it, you can leave. I didn't beg you to come here. You were

practically begging to see me. If you're asking for a favor, you should do so humbly and get off your high horses.

You came for that little sl*t, right?" Miss Thompson continued, her tone condescending. "You want me to release

her, correct?"

She shifted her posture. "You two should get on your knees and apologize to me. If you do that, I will agree to drop

the charges and release that little sl*t. Otherwise..." With a sinister tone in her voice, she continued, "Your

employee can stay in jail to reflect upon her actions. Oh, by the way... your employee has a natural inclination for

violence. If she starts a fight inside and ends up getting herself killed...that

would be horrible, wouldn't it?"

Jennifer detected the threat in Miss Thompson's words and said indignantly, "It was your husband who harassed

Willow. She merely defended herself. Are you seriously willing to harm someone's life over this?"

At this point, the man sitting beside Miss Thompson hurriedly defended himself. "Bella, you know I've always been

devoted to you. How could I look at another woman? It was that woman who seduced me! When she realized I

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wasn't interested, she got angry and slapped me on purpose, trying to create a false impression that I was hitting

on her!"

Miss Thompson, finally identified by her first name Bella, coldly stated, "Did you hear what my husband said? That

woman seduced him."

Jennifer retorted, "His words aren’t credible at all!"

"Am I supposed to trust a bunch of scoundrels over my husband?" Bella completely disregarded the reasons.

"Either you all get out right now, or you kneel and apologize immediately."

Vicky reached out to stop Jennifer, who was about to say something, and looked into Bella's eyes.

"Miss Thompson, if you want to know what happened, just check the surveillance footage. Are you accusing our

employees of seducing Mister Ridge because you don't like her, or is it because you have a problem with me? Are

you deliberately using this as an excuse to make things difficult for me?"

Bella's expression changed. "What do you mean?"

"We've tried calling you countless times before, Miss Thompson, and you always refused to meet. I made one call,

and all of a sudden, you agreed to meet. If I'm not mistaken, you're using this incident to cause trouble for me,
