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Love Of A Billionaire

Chapter 88
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Chapter 88 It Is My Honor To Be Able To Help You

“Alright, let’s go back first. There is no need to waste time with her.” Daniel looked at Caroline tenderly

and then raised his head to look at Arya. His eyes were filled with coldness, “Caroline’s meaning is

what I mean. After returning to the country, you better cooperate with the company’s arrangements.”

Arya replied indifferently, “Apart from this, is there anything else?”

Although she said these words calmly, it made Caroline very uncomfortable. “Daniel, you heard it. It

was kind to advise her. She still doesn’t know what’s good for her.”

Daniel gave Arya a meaningful look. “Wake up. I can’t be with you again. No matter what you do to

attract my attention, it’s impossible. In my eyes, Caroline is the only one in my eyes.”

In their eyes, Arya was in extreme pain. That was why she did not care at all. Caroline became even

more proud when she heard Daniel’s words. She felt that she had completely defeated Arya.

“Luna, let’s go back. This place is very noisy.”

“You!” Daniel clenched his fists.

Davina stopped him, “Forget it. Arya has no chance. When she returns, teach her the rules of the

entertainment circle well!”

“I’ve already arranged everything. All the news here has been spread to the country. Once this program

is broadcasted, Caroline will definitely become famous.”

Daniel said and wrapped his arm around Caroline’s shoulder.

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Outside the door, Luna took a deep breath, “Arya, I almost couldn’t hold it anymore. They are too

arrogant. I really want them to know the truth!”

Arya had long recognized the true face of that scumbag man. She had her own brand new life and

love. How could she pursue him relentlessly?

Julia nodded at the side, expression her agreement.

“It’s not the time yet.” Arya said calmly. Just as she was about to get into the car, she saw Jason

rushing over with two assistants.

“Arya, wait a minute.” Jason panted, “Luckily I caught up. I have a very good news for you. I wonder if

you are willing to accept it?”

His assistant handed him a contract.

“LKU is a luxury brand that our company has been working with for a long time. They want to invite you

to endorse a limited edition female handbag for the next season and become the only spokesperson in


This brand only had one exclusive store in China. Every year, the limited edition bags would be sold out

within a few days. Moreover, the price was high. It was the favorite brand of upper-class women.

Being able to get the favor of this brand was a good opportunity for Arya.

“I originally wanted to talk to you in detail during the gathering, but due to the people of Brilliant

Entertainment, I understand that those are your personal matters. Moreover, this opportunity is very

good. I want to introduce you to sign the contract alone and inform your Brokerage Agency later.”

Arya knew very well how rare this opportunity was. Her eyes were filled with excitement, “Jason, this is

really good news!”

“Are you willing to accept it?”

“Of course! And I also want to sincerely thank you. Under such circumstances, you are willing to help

me.” Arya reached out her hand to Jason and smiled.

“You will become movie queen again in the Grand Slam. You will even obtain greater glory. It is my

honor to be able to help you.” Jason replied with a smile.

Luna and Julia almost screamed in excitement. When Caroline kept endorsing those unpopular

products, Arya had already stood up. It’s on the other step. Her height was incomparable to Caroline.

When they found out, they would probably flip the table in anger.

“I will arrange a time with them.”

“Thank you.”

Jason watched Arya’s car leave. Fortunately, he did not listen to Davina and missed the opportunity to

work with such a good actor.

Arya looked at the street outside the window and smiled in relief.

“Daniel arranged for tomorrow’s flight. This time, it will be delayed again. I wonder if they will agree?”

“Davina wants Caroline to stay here for a few more days and get to know more directors and

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producers. The reason why she wants me to go back first is to pave the way for Caroline. She wants to

announce to domestic media that Caroline is the female lead in this shooting.”

“Then…” Julia looked at Arya and asked her what she meant.

“If I don’t leave, Caroline will still have the chance to humiliate me. She will be very happy.”

Arya did not care about those few words of inconsequential sarcasm.

“I will immediately return the plane ticket.” Luna said. “It is best to wait with them until the program is

broadcast and see how angry Caroline will be. Just thinking about it makes me happy.”

“Julia, you should know more about the LKU brand. Since we are going to cooperate, I want to make

sufficient preparations.”

“Okay, I will do it as soon as possible!”

Daniel had just sent Caroline back to her hotel when he received a call from Luna. He shouted angrily,

“Do you still have me in your eyes?”

Arya had repeatedly rejected the company’s arrangements and did not take him seriously.

“Anyway, we don’t have much work back home. We can relax here. No problem, right?” After saying

that, Luna hung up.

Caroline went closer to Daniel. She smiled and held his hand. “Forget it. She is already defeated by

me. Let her stay. Let’s see how I humiliate her!”

“Daniel, we are about to get engaged. I don’t want you to worry about her anymore.”

She gently leaned against Daniel’s chest. “I want you to only have me and our child in your heart…”

Daniel wanted such an obedient woman. He hugged Caroline back. “Regardless of whether Arya was

alive or dead, it had nothing to do with me.”