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Love Of A Billionaire

Chapter 169
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Chapter 169 I Love You

She didn’t know much about Justin, but judging from his expression, he must have something to say.

Since she had decided to use him, she would settle the matter once and for all.

This was also why Justin did not have to worry. Arya was indeed very smart. Not only was she talented

in acting, but she also had high emotional quotient.

Otherwise, Luna would not have stayed by her side for so many years.

“Get in the car.”

On the way, Justin took the initiative to speak, “In the past, I, Maria and Walter were friends, but

something happened five years ago. Now that I am back, I am their enemy.”

“Got it.” Arya did not ask another word.

“I will take back what they owe me, but don’t worry. I will not use you.”

Arya had heard about what happened five years ago. She also knew that if Justin did not experience

those things, his position in the entertainment industry would definitely be extraordinary. Perhaps it was

a good thing that he was her manager.

“Prepare the signing ceremony well. The Aorai is definitely worth you joining.”

Arya nodded. In some ways, she, Melinda and Justin had coincided.

Maria and Walter had a very high position in the Aorai. She was bound to be restricted by them when

she entered the Aorai, but she liked challenges. She wanted to let her see if Maria and the others still

had any tricks up their sleeves.

On the other side, Allen, who was far away from here, had also been learning about the situation here

through Luna.

“Although Justin will be Arya’s manager in the future, the person she needs the most is still you.”

Luna smiled and acknowledged, “But I feel that the person Arya needs the most right now is you. After I

went to the airport to pick her up, she was always out of her mind. Melinda even asked if there was any

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relationship problem. I guess Arya must not be asleep yet.”

Allen frowned and hung up the phone. He directly connected to Arya’s video.

Sure enough, she was not asleep yet.

“Allen, are you done with your work?” Arya playfully smiled and looked at the handsome face on the


“Yes, how about you? I heard Luna say that you met them today. Did you guys have a good chat?”

“You already heard it from Luna, why are you asking me again? We had a good chat but I miss you

very much.” Arya lowered her voice and said into the microphone, full of temptation.

Allen immediately opened the website and booked the fastest flight home.

He could not bear to not have Arya by his side for every minute. This incident had been dealt and he

could not attend the meeting tomorrow.

Since his wife said she missed him, he had to appear in front of her immediately.

The two of them talked for a long time before they reluctantly hung up the video.

Arya was lying on the big bed at home. She smelled the familiar smell from the pillow and blanket and

slowly fell asleep.

Her longing and reliance on Allen had exceeded her expectations.

The next morning, Arya was about to go out and meet the director, but as soon as she went

downstairs, she heard someone open the door.

At this time…

She hurried downstairs and saw the person whom she wanted to see the most.

He was wearing a black and blue windbreaker. He was worn out. When he saw her coming downstairs,

he immediately opened his arms.



Arya shouted his name and ran to his arms. The two of them hugged each other tightly.

“Why did you come back earlier? Why didn’t you tell me? I wanted to pick you up at the airport!” Arya

buried her face in his neck and softly muttered.

“Because I missed you too much.”

Allen held her waist and kissed her lips. He slowly grinded her lips and deepened the kiss of longing.

“I love you.”

Arya spat out these three words between her teeth.

Nothing could express her love more than such a passionate confession.

“I love you more.”

Allen lowered her head and looked at her. He knew how painful her past had been. Now she could truly

open her heart for him. Allen was very touched.

He swore in his heart that he would love and cherish her for the rest of his life…

“You still have work to do. Go. See you later.”

Allen said gently and walked her out.

Arya was ten minutes late. Once she got into the car at the door, Justin’s face darkened. “You are

wasting your acting life by wasting your time. Is that man worth your effort?”

Arya was stunned for a moment. Then she nodded seriously.

“He is worth it.”

“It seems that you don’t want the position of International movie star but the relationship between man

and woman. Then why did you insist on getting the contract of Aorai? Other acting companies are more

suitable for you.”

“How do you know I don’t want it? I don’t think there is any conflict between these two matters.”

Justin was silent. At this moment, he saw another woman in Arya.

Back then, Rachel had also said the same thing.

His eyes were shaking and his expression was complicated.

Arya guessed that he had thought of the past, but she and Allen would not repeat the same mistake.

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“I know what I am doing now. I love my work but I will not give up on my lover.”

Seeing Arya insist Justin did not continue. He looked outside the window, “That will depend on how

long you can last. Let’s see how capable the man you are hiding is. I hope I am just worried.”

Arya’s voice sank a little. She said firmly, “If it was not for him, I would not have been able to walk until

today. If I succeed and he is not by my side, then I would rather have nothing.”

The car was very quiet. Justin understood what Arya meant.

In a trance, he thought of the memories that had been sealed in his mind. He and Rachel had known

each other for a long time. Just when he was about to leave the circle and fully focused on supporting

Rachel’s career, their relationship was exposed by Maria and Walter. Rachel misunderstood that he

wanted to break up and they had a big fight. Rachel then…

At that time, her emotions were not only stable. If he could discover it earlier, he would not let her have

any thoughts of letting her off lightly.

Very quickly, they arrived at the hotel where the production team was located.

“This movie will start next month. Although it’s just a guest case supporting role, it will be released

during the Golden Week holiday, which will greatly increase your exposure. This is also what you lack

the most right now. If you take this role and solve the later problems, it will be much easier.”

Arya needs to gain a firm foothold first before she can continue to walk higher.

Since it was a job, Arya would definitely cooperate.

“What I’m worried about now is that Maria will also let her artist Clara fight for this role. Also, there is

also the virgin girl under Walter… They will all be your competitors. Right now, the matter of you

signing a contract with the Aorai cannot be announced to the public, so we are at disadvantage for the

time being.”

“In addition, their means of obtaining opportunities are always very inferior, so this battle is not easy to


“I have seen it before.” Arya only replied faintly.

It was just that no matter how strong the opponent was, she would kill her way out of the encirclement!