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I Became His Sweetheart by Bright Eyes

Chatper 405
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Chapter 405 Snow Between the Brows

The next day, Melanie took Jeffrey’s private plane to Medonia.

Throughout the journey, she enjoyed the full–service treatment from the entire staff on the plane. She

had even better treatment than the injured Jeffrey.

Cyrus also arrived at the venue for the fragrance competition. Knowing that Melanie was back, he

specifically asked her to take him to the fragrance blending room to smell the fragrance she had


“Is this fragrance a mystery, or a solution?” Cyrus asked.

“Mystery.” Melanie replied.

“The fragrance base is deep, melancholic, with middle notes of mimosa and musk. When you smell it, it

immediately accumulates in your heart, bitter and lingering. What mystery are you creating?”

“Emotion,” Melanie said.


“Yes, the most unpredictable thing in the world is emotion. The word emotion is like flowers and dew, or

clouds and moon. They appear to be intertwined, but are forever separated. What’s love supposed to

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be? It makes one hold no fear in the face of death,” Melanie explained.

Cyrus put down her fragrance and lowered his head, remaining silent for a moment before saying,

“Indeed, I could smell the feeling you describe in this fragrance. It makes me feel like I’m carrying a

heavy curse and fate.

“Does it have a name?” Cyrus asked again.

“This is an international competition, and I want to highlight the characteristics of our domestic

contestants. Coincidentally, the Yorks intend to invest, so I plan to design the perfume packaging in an

ancient Ustalian style, in collaboration with the family’s patriotic reputation. I’ve thought about the

name, and I intend to call it ‘.

Snow Between the Brows.“”

“Deep feelings pile up like Snow Between the Brows, which looks like Snow Between the Brows…”

Cyrus raised his eyebrows. “This name has a unique charm.”

“Thank you for the compliment, sir.”

“So, do you have any ideas for the corresponding solution? Have you thought about it?” Cyrus asked.

Melanie smiled. “Originally, I had no idea, so I returned to Ustal to handle some matters first. I planned

to return to Medonia when I had a clearer idea. Just these few days, I’ve experienced some things, and

ideas are

slowly taking shape.”

Cyrus couldn’t help but be curious. “Can you reveal a little in advance?”

“I’ll tell you when I’ve finished it. I want to keep you in suspense,” Melanie said playfully.

Cyrus pretended to be displeased, and crossed his arms. “When do you plan to make it? Tonight?”


“Master, you’re too impatient. I plan to go to the Yorks today. I’ll come back in a few days to work on it,”

Melanie said.

Cyrus raised his eyebrows. “You’re going to the Yorks? I just made an appointment with Joseph. Let’s

go together.”


Melanie agreed without hesitation. With Cyrus providing cover, it would be easier for her than going to

the York family alone.

The York estate.

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Harlow also returned from Harbor City. To show loyalty and filial piety, he didn’t change his clothes and

went straight to Joseph’s study to report on the business development in Harbor City.

Only when Joseph nodded did he breathe a sigh of relief and return to his own courtyard.

In his room, Sylvia, wearing a strong fragrance and a sexy nightgown, was waiting for him. As soon as

she saw him, she clung to him without letting go.

“Harlow, I’ve missed you so much.”

“Get lost!” Harlow impatiently pushed her away.

He had indulged her for a few days before, so this woman thought she was something. If he wasn’t in a

hurry to return to Ustal with Luis a few days ago, he would have sent her away long ago. He didn’t

expect her to still cling to him like this.

Sylvia, seeing that Harlow was indeed disgusted with her, could only grit her teeth and change her

strategy.’ Harlow, did you instruct not to let anyone treat that bastard’s injuries?”

“What’s wrong?”

Harlow loosened his tie and leaned against the sofa, impatience evident on his face.

“His injuries have actually healed! It’s only been a few days, but I already saw him starting to play

football on the field yesterday. A few days ago, he was still running a fever and his wound was infected.

If no one had bought medicine for him, how could he have recovered so quickly?”