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Her Sweet Revenge by Authorfavour

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63 Will you marry me
Elle smirked and looked at Damien.
"This is one of the things we need to bring him down. We should take good opportunity of this..." She said,
"Since I'm going to start working there tomorrow. I'll start monitoring his every move and I'll try to make a video of when he
confesses about it..." Damien said and stood up too.
"We can't wait for that.." Elle said.
"We can't wait for the elections to proceed to bring him down. Let's start ruining him bits by bits." Elle said in gritted teeth.
"We can edit people faces right and insert this voices to it.." Elle said.
"Yeah, Sabrina and the others are a pro at it..." Damian said and she smiled.
"I'll send it to them and you know what to tell them to do.." She said and Damidm nodded
"And senator Leo? We really need to finish him up. He's the backbone of the Madison and about Langford, don't release him yet.
There is more secrets that he hasn't spilled out. I need to find out what he and Lauren are hiding..' She thought and Damien
"Elle.." Damien called and she looked up at him.
"It's about Senator Leo..."
"What about him?" Elle asked keenly.
"You know he is related to me right?" He said and Ells nodded.
Damien sighed and closed his eyes before speaking out.
"He's my father.."
"What?!" Elle said with widened eyes.

"He's your father. He's your dad!" She yelled angrily and Damien opened his eyes. He sighed again.
"I'm sorry Elle, believe me. I didn't want to hide it from you but I did so. It was not intentional. I didn't know how to tell you. That
was my problem!" He said.
"You should have told me. I would have understood. I would have known what to do next but now.. " She groaned and hit the
"Why Dam?" She yelled again.
I'm really sorry but how could i tell you that when I didn't even accept him as my dad. He's not my father. He just gave birth to
me.." Damien said and tears fell from his eyes. Elle was shocked. This was the first time she was seeing Damien tearing up
before her. He had always acted like the strong type. He prefers to hide his pain from others and bear it alone.
"Dam.." She called and touched his shoulders.
"What happened? You can tell me everything?" She said and cupped his cheeks.
"My dad was just agree his business. He is the reason our family broke apart. Ever since he started pursuing politics, my dad
changed drastically. He started taking drugs, smoking drinking. Our loving family became a nightmare. It was now a house of
chaos and arguments. Mum and dad could no longer stand each other so she left us. She abandoned me because of that. Since
my mom left, I never saw her again and my dad, he didn't have time for me. It was his business meetings and conferences each
time. At sixteen, my dad decided I should school in Australia. It was through an accident I met with Lady red. She took care of
him cause even my dad who heard the news of my sickness could not come because of a conference. That was when I met you
and baby Kiera. That's all.." He said and tears fell off Elle's eyes. She wiped it off and also wiped off Damien's tears with her
"I'm really sorry, Dam. I'm really sorry this had to happen to you. I'm sorry.."Elle said and patted his back gently. Then she broke
the hug.
"But that doesn't mean I will let him go free just because he is my father. He wronged the people by taking part in illegal
businesses. I'll expose him for that.." Damien said and Elle smiled. She hugged him again and Damien pulled away from the
"I need to tell you something Elle.." He said and held her hands.
"What?" Elle asked.

"I know this is not the right time to say this but I have to say. Maybe once I do so, I'll be able to let you go.." He said and Elle's
heart skipped.

"What are you talking about Dam?" She asked and Damien cupped her cheeks. Then he bumped her forehead on hers.
"Dam.." She whispered.
"I love you Elle.." He said and Tears fell from her eyes. She was not shocked at all. It was very evident but she chose to be blind
to it.
"I really love you so much and I really dreamed of us being a big happy family with Kiera after we achieved our mission.." He
"Dam.." Elle said in tears.
"Ssh, please don't say anything. Let me do the talking!" He said and then he removed his forehead from hers, then he hugged
her tightly.
"I really loved you from the start and I hoped that you would see through my feelings and also fall for me but I was wrong. He
was still in your heart. Those seven years you used to train yourself for this revenge mission. You were nor even to hear his
name at all. But I knew it was all for show. I know he was still in your heart. You were still madly in love with him. I saw the way
you would look at Kiera and then go to your room to cry.." He said and then broke the hug.
Elle was now crying too.
"I'm sorry.." She said. She really felt guilty. She knew he was in love with her for all these years but she couldn't even reciprocate
his feelings.
"I'm sorry.." She said again and he shook his head.
"You don't have to be. And yet, you are doing what I hate the most. You are pitying me.." He said and poked her nose.
"I know you never had feelings for me but I was the one who kept hoping. So it's not your fault in any way. I know how much you
love Jason and it has even become stronger recently. And I can also clearly see that he loves you too. I saw everything at the
bar. He's just fighting back his feelings perhaps not to hurt his brother and his so called fiancee too. But it's obvious he loves you
too. So let's be quick with our mission, so you both can finally be together. Together with Kiera. He really deserves to know about
his daughter. It's not fair you know. You have someone with you but he has no one.." He said and Elle hugges him again.

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"Thank you very much. Thank you so much Damien. You are really my best friend and I love you very much. Much more than
you can imagine.." She said and he kissed her hair.
"Strangely, I feel very relieved after saying this.." He said and then Elle raised her head to look at him and she pecked him.
"I really love you so much.." She said and buried her hair in his chest.
"Stop saying that. I might take it the other way.." He said and they both chuckled.
Giselle smirked as she applied the eye liner on her eyes. Her phone rang and she smiled when she saw it was Jason calling.
"Hey baby.." She said after she answered the call.
"What's this stunt you are pulling? Why did you move our engagement. Two days time? Are you nuts?!" He yelled and she
"That's because I badly want to get married to you. That will be my greatest achievement. You don't know how much I love you.
If you do, then you wouldn't have taken me for granted. I will fight the word to be with you!" Giselle said.
"And clearly you don't know how I can be when I'm mad? You clearly don't have any idea what you are doing. Marrying me will
he the greatest mistake you would ever make in your life.." Jason said and immediately fear gripped Giselle. She hung up
"What was that? I have never heard him speak that way before!" She said.
"No, don't think about it. You can't get scared now. You have to do it..' She said and grabbed her phone.
She dalied someone's number and the person answered the call immediately.
"Did you get the picture?" She asked.
"Of course ma'am." The feminine voice said.
"Good, I want you to abduct her on my engagement day which is two days from now. And if she resists or causes you any
problem. Finish her off.

Elle came down from her car. She brought out her phone and dailed Tyson's number. He answered the call immediately.
'Tyson, I'm here already. Do I come in or you will come to meet me?" She asked.
"Yeah, come in.." He said and she walked in. The living room was unusually silent and suddenly every where went dark. Elle

gasped and immediately took her hands to her bag to bring out her gun.
Suddenly there were lights every where and the sounds of music playing. Elle heaved a sigh of relief and then roses started to
fall on her.
"What's going on?" She asked herself.
"Tyson.." She called looking around. Tyson tiptoe behind her and wrapped his hands around her waist taking her bu surprise.
Elle quickly faked a smile. She removed his hands from her waist and faced him.
"Hey, what's all this for?" She asked him and he smiled and gave her a red rose.
"Thanks.." She smiled again.
"But why all these arrangements?" She asked again.
"For you.." He said and then he went on his knees and brought out a box. Elle's eyes widened immediately.
"Oh no! I'm doomed!" She thought. He opened the box revealing a shiny beautiful diamond ring.
Elle started to shake her head in denial.
"I don't want this. I don't want to marry him.." She thought.
He smiled.
"Danielle Browns, will you be my wife?"

"I raally lova you so much.." Sha said and buriad har hair in his chast.
"Stop saying that. I might taka it tha othar way.." Ha said and thay both chucklad.
Gisalla smirkad as sha appliad tha aya linar on har ayas. Har phona rang and sha smilad whan sha saw it was Jason calling.
"Hay baby.." Sha said aftar sha answarad tha call.
"What's this stunt you ara pulling? Why did you mova our angagamant. Two days tima? Ara you nuts?!" Ha yallad and sha
"That's bacausa I badly want to gat marriad to you. That will ba my graatast achiavamant. You don't know how much I lova you.
If you do, than you wouldn't hava takan ma for grantad. I will fight tha word to ba with you!" Gisalla said.
"And claarly you don't know how I can ba whan I'm mad? You claarly don't hava any idaa what you ara doing. Marrying ma will
ha tha graatast mistaka you would avar maka in your lifa.." Jason said and immadiataly faar grippad Gisalla. Sha hung up
"What was that? I hava navar haard him spaak that way bafora!" Sha said.
"No, don't think about it. You can't gat scarad now. You hava to do it..' Sha said and grabbad har phona.
Sha daliad somaona's numbar and tha parson answarad tha call immadiataly.
"Did you gat tha pictura?" Sha askad.
"Of coursa ma'am." Tha faminina voica said.
"Good, I want you to abduct har on my angagamant day which is two days from now. And if sha rasists or causas you any
problam. Finish har off.

Ella cama down from har car. Sha brought out har phona and dailad Tyson's numbar. Ha answarad tha call immadiataly.
'Tyson, I'm hara alraady. Do I coma in or you will coma to maat ma?" Sha askad.
"Yaah, coma in.." Ha said and sha walkad in. Tha living room was unusually silant and suddanly avary whara want dark. Ella
gaspad and immadiataly took har hands to har bag to bring out har gun.
Suddanly thara wara lights avary whara and tha sounds of music playing. Ella haavad a sigh of raliaf and than rosas startad to
fall on har.
"What's going on?" Sha askad harsalf.
"Tyson.." Sha callad looking around. Tyson tiptoa bahind har and wrappad his hands around har waist taking har bu surprisa.
Ella quickly fakad a smila. Sha ramovad his hands from har waist and facad him.
"Hay, what's all this for?" Sha askad him and ha smilad and gava har a rad rosa.
"Thanks.." Sha smilad again.
"But why all thasa arrangamants?" Sha askad again.
"For you.." Ha said and than ha want on his knaas and brought out a box. Ella's ayas widanad immadiataly.
"Oh no! I'm doomad!" Sha thought. Ha opanad tha box ravaaling a shiny baautiful diamond ring.
Ella startad to shaka har haad in danial.
"I don't want this. I don't want to marry him.." Sha thought.
Ha smilad.
"Danialla Browns, will you ba my wifa?"
