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Her Sweet Revenge by Authorfavour

Chapter 108
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Chapter 108 A masked nurse
The next day.
Elle smiled and opened her eyes. Her phone beeped. She took it and smiled when she saw it was a message from Jason. She
smiled and texted him back. She then packed her hair into a ponytail and then walked into the bathroom..
Few hours later.
The hospital.
"You just need to finish this last drip and you will be fine and free to go.." The doctor said and Lauren smiled and nodded.
"Will your kids be here to see you off?" She asked her and Lauren nodded.
"Yeah. They will be here soon.." She replied her.
"This will make you very dizzy and you might take a nap close to an hour. But don't worry you will be fine.." She said and Lauren
nodded again.
"Hm, Doctor, will I still be able to walk?" She asked and the doctor sighed.
"I can't say for sure. But as of now, no signs of improvement has been shown but you should still have hope. You might walk
sooner than expected.." She said and Lauren nodded. She wiped off the tears running down her cheeks.
"This is my karma doctor. For all the people I've killed.." She said and the doctor placed her hand on shoulder to comfort her.
"I'm fine doctor. I'm okay with it. At least my kids are still with me.." She said and the doctor smiled.
"I'm glad that you regret your actions badly. I can really see that you have changed. Keep it up.." She said and Lauren smiled.
"Thanks doctor.." She said drowsily.
"I see the drug is taking its effect. I will take my leave cause I have other patients to attend to.." The doctor said and she nodded.
She smiled again and then she walked out. A few minutes later, another male nurse walked in, he wore a nose mask and kept
lowering his head as he walked. He smiled when he noticed policemen were guarding the room.

"I need to give her does.." He said.
"But the doctor just went out.." one of the policemen said.
"Yeah but she asked me to give her this second dose, it would hasten her recovery.." He said and they nodded. He opened the
door and walked in. Then he placed the tray on a nearby table. He smirked and then brought his mask down revealing his face.
James moved closer to her and touched her hair.
"Hun, you are going to die faster than expected. You will suffer an heart attack and died. Before anyone find out that I'm the one
who planned it, I will be long gone and you would be dead.." He said and then took the injection. He opened it and injected it to
the drip and just then she opened her eyes. Her eyes widened when she saw James.
"Ja.. James.." She stuttered and just then she started feeling a severe pain in her chest. Her machine started beeping and
making some sounds.
"That's what you get for cheating on me.." He smirked and wore his nose mask properly as Lauren started gasping for breath.
He hurriedly grabbed the tray and walked out. He has not gone so far when he heard a voice.
"Hey you!"
"Stop!" The voice yelled. James turned and saw it was Tyson coming. He smirked and then picked up the race. Tyson ran after
him but he eventually managed to get away.
Tyson stopped running breathing heavily. Then he remembered his mum, he immediately rushed back there. He opened the
door and dashed in. There he saw his mum lying on the bed, with a tube of oxygen in her mouth. He groaned and ran his hands
into his hair.
"Tyson we did all we could. We managed to save her but the poison had spread to heart and she has slipped into a coma. But
we won't stop until she gets better.." She said and Tyson sighed.
He had actually finished talking to the doctor and she had informed him that she had given Lauren the last dosage of her
injections and after that, she would be free to go. But then he saw a suspicious looking person coming out of his mum's room
and there he panicked and immediately ran after the person but he couldn't catch him.
"Mum.." He smiled and took her hand and then kissed it gently.

"Mum, you promised to change for the better. We still have a lot of time. Please don't leave us. Please don't.." He said and just
then Deborah walked in. She had heard everything from outside. Shd rushed to her mum and held the other hand kissing it,
tears falling from her eyes.
"Mum, please wake up. For our sake. Please.." She cried and Tyson stood and patted her hair.
"Stop crying. This won't help mum.." He said and Deborah hugged.
"Just when she had a change of heart this happened.." She said and he sighed.
"I know who did this.." He said with a cold look.
"Who?" Deborah asked disengaging from the hug.
"Our Dad. James Madison.." He said and Deborah's eyes widened.
Suddenly one of the policemen came in.
"Sir, we looked at the CCTV footage and we found out that the male nurse was not actually a nurse but James Madison.." He
said and handed him a photo and Tyson smirked.
"I knew it was him. But why mum?" He asked himself.
Elle's Mansion.
Elle was in her room dressing for work when her phone rang. It was Deborah calling. She smiled and answered the call. A few
seconds later, her eyes widened.
"What?!" She yelled and just then Jason walked in.
"Sugar.." He called and Elle hung up the call.
"Sparkle, your dad tried to kill Lauren at the hospital.." Elle informed him and his eyes widened.
"What?" He yelled..

"I knew he was evil but not this evil.." He added and Elle held his shoulders.
"Calm down Sugar. It's fine. We just need to be extra careful.." She said and he nodded. Then he smiled. He turned her back
and she furrowed her brows.
"What are you doing?" She asked. He didn't say anything but she gasped when she felt something cold touch her neck. It was a
beautiful diamond necklace. She immediately turned and hugged him.
"Thanks Sugar. It's really pretty.." She said and broke the hug then she kissed him shortly.
"I love you!" They both said simultaneously and they laughed.