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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter

Chapter 9
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Chapter 9

Chapter 9


His hand was still holding mine, and I was fighting the pain and the tears in addition to the urge of not

dissolving like a puddle in his arms.

King Callahan pushed my hands above my head and held them with one hand while the other traveled

down to prop my chin up.

I shivered at the touch as he forced me to look in the eye.

“Yes, you are neither weak nor timid. You are a feral, rogue pup. A pup I found in the wild when it

accidentally stumbled

across me.”

I hissed. “I am no pup nor am I feral”

I was awarded with another chuckle as he brought his face near and our noses almost touched.

“Yes, you area wild, wild pup. Or let us say kitten.”

Ok now, he was just mocking me.

I should have opened my mouth to yell at him, but I was too busy trying to not let my gaze dip down his


His shirt was askew, and it was just enough to give me a tantalizing glance of his perfecily sculpted


“And do you know what I do with them?”

Oh dear. His voice was doing odd things to me, things I had never imagined.

He kept looking me in the eye, his hand resting on my wrists, pinned above my head and his lips

merely a hair’s breadth from mine.

I whimpered as I looked into those golden orbs that seemed to have lit up like fire. I had momentarily

lost all other rational thoughts and all my focus was on his lips and how it would feel to kiss him.

His eyes dipped down to mine as if he had read my thoughts and answered his question,

“I tame them”

I gave a mirthless chuckle, “You can keep dreaming that-”

I had begun, but the words were cut off because he simply fulfilled my fantasy as his lips came

crashing down on mine.

My heart raced wildly as Callahan’s strong grip pushed me against the cold, unyielding wall. I could feel

the hardness of the concrete against my back, a stark contrast to the warmth emanating from his body.

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His piercing gaze locked onto mine, filled with a potent mix of desire and determination that sent a jolt

of anticipation through my veins.

In that moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only Callahan and me in our own intimate


I could hardly breathe as his hold on my wrist tightened, a possessiveness tinged with a gentle touch.

Every nerve in my body came alive under his fingertips, stirring a hunger that I had long suppressed.

Callahan’s head descended slowly, his warm breath teasing my earlobe and electrifying my senses. A

shiver cascaded down my spine as his lips gently grazed my jawline, leaving behind a trail of delicate


His soft, full lips were perfect and when they met mine, stars exploded behind my eyes. I was a hot

mess the instant his lips.

touched mine.

Each touch felt like a tender caress, promising a passion that threatened to consume us both. My

heartbeat quickened, mirroring the rhythm of his own.

My knees turned wobbly and my body was ignoring all the warning signals my brain was trying to send

to it.

I should have thrashed harder, pushed him away, but it was as if my body had grown a mind of its own.

When our lips met, a surge of electricity surged through my entire being. The kiss was intense, a

collision of longing and desire that left me breathless. Callahan’s lips moved with a ferocity that set my

body ablaze, his tongue exploring the depths of my mouth, igniting a fire that burned deep within me.

Instinctively, my hands tangled in his hair, pulling him closer, yearning for more. Our bodies melded

together, fitting perfectly as if we were meant to be intertwined in this moment. The world around us

faded into insignificance as we lost. ourselves in the whirlwind of emotions and sensations.

Or atleast, that was what happened to me.

Time lost all meaning as the kiss deepened, our bodies pressed tightly against each other. I was

overwhelmed by the taste of him, the sensation of his body against mine, and the intoxicating scent

that enveloped us.

Chapter 9

The feel of his lips on mine was heavenly. It could be because I had never kissed anyone, nor ever

imagined anybody, to ever

want to kiss me.

And here was the most handsome man of the entire kingdom, the ruthless yet oddly charming Lycan

king himself. devouring me whole.

1 tried again in vain to thrash against him, but his lips were glued to mine and slowly my hands stopped

trying to push him away. They had never wanted to do that either way.

And against my brain’s better judgement, they snaked up his broad back and pulled him closer to

myself. Just what was wrong with me?

The way his lips opened mine made all the rational thoughts fly out of the window. My brain, too,

followed suit and all my thoughts, all my feelings, were concentrated on his expert lips as they teased


The kiss was soft at first, gentle and sweet, but when I did not open up, he forced my lips open.

And I would be lying if I said I did not enjoy that.

Every nerve in my body was tingling, and it was as if he was not just kissing my lips, but my entire body

at once.

I whimpered again as his lips opened mine and my hands continued roaming over his broad back,

wanting more of him. His touch was already addictive, but the way he kissed me was beyond my

wildest imaginations.

I whimpered and moaned as his hands traveled downwards toward my legs. A wave of desire rippled

through me as he pushed me up, his hands holding my thigh and bringing me to eye level.

His rough, calloused hands ignited sparks as they touched my bare skin and I wanted more of this,

more of him.

So instead of pushing him away, my lips opened up to give him more access. His other hand went

behind my head and played with my hair, tugging at them as my eyes fluttered shut.

I was dissolving in a puddle as his lips caressed me, sending shivers up and down my spine. I had lost

the battle against him. long ago and I was not even sure when I joined him in the efforts to let him do

what he wanted.

So far, I had not allowed anybody to touch me, much less kiss me, but with him, everything I had lived

by seemed to change.

I was a virgin and, except for the lustful gazes men had thrown at me, that told me how they thought I

was good for nothing except a breeder, had made me wary of every man’s touch.

However, Callahan was doing nothing like that. He was kissing me as if he too craved me, as if he too

wanted me.

And that feeling was phenomenal. I was not sure if I was reading it right, but he could have just any girl

he wanted, so why would he even waste his time toying with me?

His tongue flicked over my teeth and clashed with my tongue that gave up the moment he demanded

submission. His hands gently tugged my head backward, and I let him as his lips left mine and began

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leaving a trail of hot, fiery kisses downwards.

There was nothing subtle about it. Every kiss knotted my stomach and then a wave of euphoria

crashed upon me, making me feel as if I was jumping off a high cliff, only to land on the ground

unharmed when his lips left my skin.

And I would race back to the top, hurtling down the next moment when his lips grazed down to kiss me


His hands went around my legs and he pulled me up, positioning me at the perfect angle, and wrapped

my legs around his


And I let him as his kisses deepened. I was whimpering and moaning and I felt my body was on fire as

his lips evoked feelings. that had been long buried in me, that nobody had managed to bring to the

forefront in the twenty years or so that I had been alive.

His lips traveled down, pushing the flimsy fabric of the gown away as his lips reached my collarbone.

Each kiss spoke to me of how much he liked this, wanted this, and I could only do everything in my

power to let him.

I wanted nothing else in life except being pressed against him as he kissed me senseless. All my

earlier plans of wanting to run away from the Lycan king and the world of werewolves suddenly felt


Where was the human settlement, and why did I even think of going there?

The fire ignited within me as the Lycan King’s lips grazed my skin was what I had been missing all my


He pulled back after a deep kiss and my heart almost jumped in my mouth. His wild, unruly hair had

fallen on his golden fiery orbs that were staring at me with an intense emotion.

Igasped as he pulled back, and my body simply wanted his lips back on mine. But the moment he put

some distance, the rational thoughts came flooding back to me.

“It would be interesting to tame you, kitty, especially with the way you respond.” He spoke, and 1

hissed, much to his


Chapter 9

“Let me go!!”

But he brought his face closer and was about to answer me, but he seemed to sense something.

He looked up through the window behind me and I saw his eyebrows furrow as a cloud of fire rose in

the greenery outside reflected in his eyes. I only peered into his eyes as the cloud rose higher in the air,

followed by a loud explosion.
