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Flirting With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 82
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She had no choice but to withdraw her gaze and look a t the name list in front of her, feeling very bored.The Smith family was
particularly influential in the showbiz so tonight Alexander was an important guest.The moment Alexander entered the venue, he
saw Scarlett sitting in the guest seat. Raising his eyebrows, he signaled a worker not far away.And the worker walked towards
him immediately. “M r. Smith, what can I do for you?”Alexander pointed to Scarlett not far away. “Is there something wrong with
your arrangement? Don’t you know who Scarlett is? You arranged her to sit there?”The worker’s face became stiff, as he felt a
little embarrassed. “Mr. Smith, sorry. I’m not responsible for the seating arrangement and...”Alexander didn’t want to listen to his
explanation and said, “Raymond will be here in a while. Change Scarlett’s seat quickly.”From Alexander’s words, the worker

knew what he should do.This seat was arranged according to the importance o f guests. Scarlett was the president of Crain
Vision Entertainment Co. Ltd and Raymond’s ex-wife, so shewas important and her seat was near the middle of the front now.
But because she was not as important a s Ralph and Alexander, her seat was not in the middle.The worker answered,
“Okay, Mr. Smith, I’ll change the seat right away.”The seats were not easy to change, but when Raymond was mentioned, other
guests did not dare to complain.The worker originally thought that it was difficult to arrange other guests’ seats. But he didn’t
expect that Scarlett’s seat would be the most difficult to arrange.”Ms. Reed, I’m really sorry. Please move. Your seat is there. The
worker misplaced your name.”Scarlett glanced at the location pointed at by the worker. It was in the middle of the front. If she sat
there, she could not avoid it when the camera raked around.She didn’t want to move. “It doesn’t matter. Sitting here is
okay.”Anyway, these seats were arranged according to the importance of guests. The more central a guest’s seat was, the more
powerful the guest was. Scarlett knew that no guests in the middle of the front were willing t o change seats.The worker did not
expect that Scarlett would refuse. I f a star who sat at the back was invited to sit in the middle of the front, she would agree
happily, as it could show that she was an important person. Looking at Scarlett’s expression, the worker found that Scarlett was
serious. So, he had to lie. “Ms. Reed, I’m really sorry. Guests taking different seats will take part in different activities.”Scarlett
understood. “Okay.”She got up and followed the worker over there.As soon as she sat down, Scarlett found that the person
sitting next to her was Alexander.Scarlett raised her eyebrows, not wanting to greet him.However, Alexander greeted her. “Long

time no see, Scarlett.”Scarlett pressed her lips. “Mr. Smith, we are not familiar with each other.”There was no need to greet each
other.Alexander ignored her words and praised her. “You are very beautiful tonight.”Scarlett didn’t say thank you. She asked him
a question instead. “Has Mr. Smith met Miss Suny?”Alexander’s face became stiff, “...no.”‘Scarlett is really annoying. I praise her
for her beauty. It’s okay that she doesn’t even say thank you. But she i s still vaguely indicating that I am ugly.’Scarlett was very
satisfied with Alexander’s reaction and smiled at him. “Mr. Smith is handsome tonight.”Alexander felt annoyed.’She indicates that
I am ugly and then praises me?’Alexander didn’t want to talk to Scarlett anymore.Scarlett felt happy, as she made Alexander
silent. But after a few seconds, her mood became worse again.