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Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets by Dolly Molly

Chapter 49
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Chapter 49 This Man, I’m Not Ashamed

Jason Hill’s face turned dark when he heard this.

this woman!

Over the past few years, I have been abroad, but I have developed a fluent mouth.

He narrowed his eyes dangerously, chuckled, and said, “You don’t need the money, I don’t need it, but

I’m quite

concerned about the words on that note, it made Ms. Rogers

once!” so dissatisfied back then. It can be made up

Aletta Rogers froze.

This man … how could he say such shameful things in such a calm tone?

“You … !”

Embarrassed, Aletta Rogers gritted her teeth and glared at him.

Then I met his gaze …

In the depths of the man’s dark eyes, there seemed to be something surging.

Her heart s kip ped a beat, and she was inexplicably cramped.

This man… is really not ashamed!

Aletta Rogers immediately moved to the side, and said coldly,” Mr. Hill, please respect yourself, or I will

get out of


Chapter 49 This Man, I’m Not Ashamed

the car.”

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Seeing her avoidance, Jason Hill snorted softly and said, “Paper tiger!”

As long as you can say it, you will be discouraged at once!

Aletta Rogers couldn’t be more angry, but she was afraid that this person would say something

shocking to the world again, so she could only look out the car window and ignore it.

The two remained silent all the way until they arrived at the old house of the Hill Family.

I haven’t been here for many years, but everything around me hasn’t changed at all.

Looking at the familiar environment in front of her, Aletta Rogers felt a little emotional.

Mr. Barret heard the sound of the car, came out to greet him with a smile, and subconsciously shouted,

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“The young lady is here, please come in!”

Aletta Rogers glanced at the man beside him, and said to Mr. Barret,” Mr. Barret, stop shouting like

that, I’m not


Mr. Barret paid attention to Jason Hill, and seeing that he didn’t say anything, he said, “I’m used to

shouting, and I can’t change it for a while, so come in first.”

Aletta Rogers nodded and stepped through the door.

Jason Hill was behind her, looking at her back with a gloomy

Chapter 49 This Man, I’m Not Ashamed


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The two entered the hall, Mr. Hill’s son-in-law had been waiting for a while.

He was making tea. When he saw Aletta Rogers, he couldn’t help being overjoyed. He got up and said,

” Girl, are your here? Come here and let grandpa see!”

Old Mr.’s joy cannot be concealed.

Aletta Rogers walked over with a smile and greeted, “Grandpa, long time no see.”

Mr. Hill nodded and said, “Yes, long time no see.’

He looked at Aletta Rogers for a while, then nodded with satisfaction, “Not bad, not bad, after all, there

have been some changes over the years. It looks more beautiful, like a different person.”

Aletta Rogers couldn’t help laughing when she heard the praise, and took out the gift she had

prepared, “Grandpa, I specially picked a gift for you, let’s see if you like it.”

Mr. Hill’s wife was very happy to see her, but now she received a gift, and her wrinkled face was even

more happy.

“You’re still a caring and sensible girl, unlike some people who get angry just looking at you

These words obviously mean something!

Talking was not enough, by the way, he glared at his grandson in disgust.

Chapter 4 This Man, Em Not Ashamed

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Jason Hill seemed to be used to being like his master, his expression remained unchanged, and he sat

down on the sidelines.

Mr. Hill snorted, didn’t bother to talk to him, and enthusiastically pulled Aletta Rogers to sit down.

Then he couldn’t wait to ask, ” Girl, how have you been living abroad these years?”

Aletta Rogers saw the only old man in front of her who was kind to her, put away his usual alienated

appearance, and said truthfully, “It’s pretty good.”

Old Mr. shook his head and sighed.

Back then, Aletta Rogers was just a little girl with no money and no background, and she was far away

in a foreign country, how could it be good…

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help blaming himself, “You girl, you still like to report good news and not

bad news so much. At the beginning, it was Hill Family who was sorry for you. If I knew this bas ta rd

would leave you … I would not agree to anything of!”

Aletta Rogers didn’t expect that Mr. Old would say this, and she was obviously taken aback.

Jason Hill was also slightly taken aback, then frowned.

“Grandpa, these are all things in the past, don’t mention them again, let’s talk about you …

Aletta Rogers didn’t want to review the past again, so she

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quickly stopped the other party’s conversation, and asked, “How have you been all these years, is your

body any better?”

Old Mr.’s tone was casual, “I’m old, I’ll go back to the hospital every three days, so that’s it… ”

Aletta Rogers raised her eyes, took a look, and found that the old man’s complexion was really not


If Jason Hill is not around, she can still feel the pulse of the old man!

Right now, he can only give up.

She comforted her with a smile, “It’s okay, Grandpa, I know Aletta, a genius doctor. I’ll find her to see

you later! Besides, she knows a lot of ways to take care of your body. I’ll ask for some later. Your body

will definitely slow down.” Slowly getting better!”

After hearing this, Mr. Old laughed, and responded happily, “That’s a good thing, it’s still a girl, you miss

me, an old man!”

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a strange voice coming from the door.

“Are you trying to curry favor with Mr. Old? You hurt Gail back then, causing her to still have leg

problems. Why don’t you see your heart?”

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Aletta Rogers! If you have any conscience, go find Aletta and fix Gail’s leg!”

Chapter 40 This Man, I’m Not Ashamed

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Aletta Rogers couldn’t help but look over upon hearing this.

Here it is Jenny Bates.

Followed by Gail Rogers!

Aletta Rogers’ expression softened visibly.

Jason Hill glanced at her, then moved his eyes lightly, and said to Jenny Bates, “Mom, why are you


Old Mr. also frowned, and sternly said, “What nonsense are you talking about as soon as you come?”

As soon as he had a good chat with Aletta, he knew he was spoiling the fun!

“Dad, I’m not talking nonsense!”

Jenny Bates squinted at Aletta Rogers, her eyes were slightly cold, and she accused,” Aletta Rogers

pushed Gail down the stairs. It was a fact, and it caused her to be unable to walk properly for so many

years! A few days ago, I asked Jason to take her Attended a dinner party and invited Aletta to see a

doctor, but in the end, if people didn’t see it, this woman must have made trouble again!”

Old Mr. frowned when he heard this, and disagreed with this statement in his heart!

How can one draw conclusions on what happened back then!

This daughter-in-law has too much prejudice against Aletta …

After hearing these words, Aletta Rogers reacted lightly, as if

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Chapter 49 This Man, I’m Not Ashamed xo.com fast update

she didn’t take Jenny Bates’ words seriously at all.

At this time, it was Gail Rogers who pulled Jenny Bates and comforted her, “Auntie, didn’t you agree to

come today and not talk about it?”


As she spoke, she stepped forward, handed over the gift box in her hand, and smiled at Mr. Old.

“Grandpa, my aunt and I mainly came to see you today. Congratulations on your discharge from the

hospital! This is a tonic I asked someone to bring from abroad. It is good for your health.”

Mr. Hill’s son-in-law glanced at it, but didn’t answer it. He just said lightly, “You really have a heart… But

I don’t lack these things here, so don’t buy them for me, take them back.”

Gail Rogers was a little embarrassed by such a

straightforward refusal, with his eyes lowered, he seemed aggriev