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Even After Death Novel (Olivia)

Chapter 88
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Chapter 88

Stunned, Olivia stopped what she was doing and said sternly, “Madam, you’ve crossed the line. I want

to talk to my father alone. Please leave.”

“Alright.” The nurse closed the door gently and left.

As usual, Olivia patiently wiped Jeff’s body and trimmed his hair and nails. Had it not been for the

electrocardiogram displaying his even heartbeat, she would have thought that he’d left her for good.

Compared to the snowstorm before, the weather was great today, so she pushed the curtain away to

let the sun’s warm rays shine into the room.

“Dad, I won’t be able to stay with you for long. If you don’t wake up soon, you might never see me

again. Oh right–Ethan and I are divorced now.”

Olivia’s voice was gentle as she spoke to her father, updating him on her life. Sunlight fell on her face

as she smiled.

“He wasn’t very kind to me these two years, but he’s been quite generous since our divorce. He’s given

me what he should, including a house, a car, and some shares. I’m filthy rich now.”

“I remember you telling me after Mom left that life should have its regrets, because only then would we

learn to appreciate things. Since then, I’ve treasured everything and everyone around me, but, in the

end, I haven’t managed to keep anyone by my side,” she continued.

“I’ve got some good news too, Dad. I heard that Mr. Crosby has decided to auction our house. I’ll win

the auction and get our house back.

“After Leo treats you and you recover, you live there. I’m sorry I have to leave you alone and for not

being able to send you off.

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Olivia talked on and on until it was dusk, yet Jeff showed no signs of walding up. She forced out a

laugh helplessly. “Just as I’d expected… Miracles only happen in storybooks.”

On her way home, Olivia noticed a piece of news titled “President of Miller Group Customizes Priceless

Wedding Dress for Fiancée.” There was a picture of the dress, “Milia Stellae,” attached as well.

To be honest, Olivia didn’t mind Ethan remarrying or having children with someone else, but the fact

that he was giving his new wife this dress was heartbreaking.

There were so many wedding dresses in the world to choose from. Why did it have to be this one?

It took her back to that day three years ago. She’d just taken a shower and was lying lazily on the

couch. She’d been watching a high–end luxury brand’s press conference on TV.

Pointing to one of the dresses displayed, she’d exclaimed, “Wow! I just love the way Emy designs her

dresses! All of them are special. They’re elegant and stylish, but not flamboyant at all. It’s a pity that we

didn’t hold a wedding ceremony.”

Ethan had pulled Olivia into his arms out of habit. “Who said you could only wear a dress like that

during a wedding ceremony? I’ll give you the most unique dress of all, Liv.”

A month after that, Olivia had come across a draft of a gown design on the table in the study. There

had been other designs. wedged in the sketchbook too.

Seeing them, she’d realized that the reason Ethan had been working late into the night was because

he’d been designing a dress for her.

“Do you

like this one?” Ethan asked. He had appeared out of nowhere and hugged her from behind.

He rested his chin gently on her shoulder as he spoke, making the atmosphere ever so romantic and


“I like everything you draw.”

“I’ve discussed things with the designer. The dress will take three years from material selection to

completion. Can you wait

Chapter 88


until then?”

“I’ll wait for it even if it takes 30 years,” Olivia said. “There are so many diamonds on it. Why don’t we

call it ‘Milia Stellae‘?”

“Sure. It’s all up to you.”

“Then, I’ll wear this dress only for you.”

Olivia could still clearly recall the time they’d made this promise. She just needed to close her eyes to

remember the smile that had spread on his lips that day. His gentle eyes shone like stars in the

midnight sky, too.

Now, she didn’t need to wait for the dress anymore. All her waiting had brought her was seeing him

give the dress to his new


Olivia recomposed herself before she headed home. Eve had packed her things in a hurry and moved

to her house yesterday.

When Olivia arrived home, Eve was humming and waving the spatula in the air as she prepared food in

the kitchen. The years she’d spent saving money to pay that douchebag’s bills had made her develop

excellent cooking skills.

As the broth boiled in the pot, she busied herself with the ingredients, mixing them together step by

step until the dish’s aromatic fragrance filled the entire room.

It warmed Olivia’s heart and made her feel as though she’d just climbed back from the depths of the


The aroma of the food helped improve her mood. It dissipated some of the sadness that had been

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weighing her down.

After stirring the broth with a ladle, Eve took a spoonful out of the pot, blew into it a couple of times, and

tasted it. “Hmm. This isn’t bad. Liv will love this.”

“I like anything you cook,” Olivia said as she entered the kitchen. Eve was the only person by her side


“You’re back! How’s your father?”

“The usual.”

“Don’t worry. He’ll get well soon. After all, you already donated all that money today. What a shame,

too. You’re too generous.

Olivia smiled. “You truly are a money–grubber. One needs to be alive to spend that money. No matter

how much money we have, it’s useless when we die. It’s better to use it to help others.”

“You’re right. That money came from an asshole anyway, so you should spend it however you want.

Otherwise, it’d go to that scheming bitch,” said Eve.

She continued, “I’ll never forget that he was the one who kicked me down the hill. As of late, I even

dream of kicking him all the time.”

“Oh, Eve.” Olivia couldn’t hold back a smile.

“Freeze.” A camera appeared in Everly’s hands out of nowhere. “Stay still. This is the smile I want to


Olivia covered her face with her hands. “You know that I don’t like taking photos.”

“I have to take more photos of you while you’re still in good shape. That way, I’ll have something to

remember you by in case. you leave…” Everly’s voice trailed off.

Olivia then took the camera from her and smiled softly.

“Then you must put on some filters for me. After all, women like to look pretty all the time. I’ll have to

smile more so that you’ll feel better when you see these photos in the future.”