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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 86
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Can’t leave without giving him my number.

Ethan clenched his fists, and the air around him turned even colder still. Brr… Derek was right beside him, and he

noticed Ethan clenching his fists. For some reason, he felt a stab of pain coming from his neck. He’s going to choke

someone, but who?

“Done.” Alice finally finished telling Keith her number, and she saved Keith’s number as well. “When you have


She’s still trying to flirt around with him? Sh*t. Ethan’s looking positively angry. Derek snapped, “Don’t waste our

time, Alice.” Ethan was already at the doorway, and he would be out of the room soon. Derek was getting

impatient. “Come on, Alice.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Alice heaved a sigh. What’s the hurry? I’m not even a criminal, you know?

Keith looked at Ethan, and solemnity flared in his eyes. I don’t think Derek’s in a hurry. He doesn’t need to be in a

hurry. This is slander. Alice doesn’t even have to go to the police department.

Keith knew that Ethan had been searching for a person after that night seven years ago, and he wondered if it was

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Alice. He didn’t really know if Alice and Ethan had met that night. Or maybe Ethan ran into her like he did and fell in

love with her. He couldn’t forget her, which was why he didn’t give up looking. Maybe the one he’s been looking for

isn’t her. I hope that’s the case.

“You should go home, Ethan.” Derek wouldn’t really take Alice to the police department. After they left Royale, he

told both of them to go home.

“To the police department,” Ethan interrupted him.

Derek froze. But this isn’t even something big. What are you doing, Ethan? He had a feeling Ethan was throwing a

tantrum. This isn’t the calm and collected Ethan whom I know. What should I do?

Alice didn’t think much of it. She thought it was normal she had to go to the police department, so she got in the

police car. Derek’s lips twitched. Ethan’s mad as hell, and she’s not even trying to calm him down? Don’t get in the

police car, you dolt. “The car’s full. Take Ethan’s.” Derek closed the door. He still didn’t call her by her name. Once

again, he still thought Alice was not worthy of Ethan.

Alice was bemused. What? But there’s only the driver and you. I can obviously fit. They were right outside Royale

Mansion, and there was another police car right behind them. Emma’s probably in there.

Her marriage with Ethan must be kept a secret, especially from Emma and the Wolands. If Emma found out, she

might try to do something crazy.

If the Wolands found out, they would do everything they could to take advantage of the Knights. Even if they didn’t

do it openly, they would still abuse the Knights’ name to get what they wanted. That would put Caroline in a rough

spot, and she would not let that happen.

She knew Emma was keeping an eye on her from inside the car, so she absolutely could not get in Ethan’s car. Just

then, a cab stopped in front of Royale, so she took that ride. Quickly, she said, “To the police department.” She

arrived before the other police cars could.

Derek froze in shock. What the hell is she doing? What is this? She didn’t even talk to Ethan back in the room, and

now she’s not even letting him give her a lift. Is she trying to hide their relationship? Is this her idea or Ethan’s?

Ethan saw her off and laughed mirthlessly. She can do anything just to make sure no one knows we’re married.

Caleb noticed Ethan’s anger, and he almost shivered in fear. He had never seen Ethan getting angry, let alone

getting this angry. The madam’s on a whole other level, huh? “Should we go to the police department, sir?” Caleb

asked carefully after some hesitation. She’s there to get her statement taken. Should we go?

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Ethan shot Caleb a look.

Ethan said nothing, but Caleb knew what he was thinking. “If we set off right now, we’ll be there in time to take her


Ethan had been looking angry ever since he got in the car. Even Caleb felt anxious and nervous, so he kept quiet

most of the time.

Ethan and Derek hadn’t made it to the police department yet when Alice arrived. The cop who searched her bag

back in Royale talked to her, and politely so. “You didn’t have to come, Miss Woland. We’ll handle this.” The cop had

no idea what happened in the room after he left. He thought he could exempt Alice from the process because

Derek was giving her preferential treatment anyway.

And so, Alice left without even leaving the car. She didn’t think Ethan would come to the police department.

When Ethan arrived and found out Alice had gone home, he closed his eyes and leaned on the car seat. Perhaps he

was mad about it, or perhaps he was used to her shenanigans. Either way, he went home, and he arrived at the

residence almost at the same time as Alice.

Rosy was surprised to see Alice getting out of a cab. “Why didn’t she ride with Ethan when they’re both coming


“To avoid arousing suspicion. She never saw herself as a part of our family, so she wants to keep the media’s eyes

off her relationship with Ethan.” Lawrence saw through Alice right away. She had been making it very obvious for a

while now.