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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 38
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At the entrance, Irvin ended the call and shouted to grab Ethan’s attention, “Ethan, she’s upstairs!”

At the same moment, Aurelie’s car had already sped out of the yard from the service hall.

“You’re incredible.” Aurelie turned to the side and praised her companion from the bottom of her heart.

“It’s all thanks to you. You’re the best helper.” Alice’s compliment was as sincere as the other woman’s, and she

wasn’t only making it up.

Since Ethan brought a group of people in search of her, Alice also brought in outside help as a precaution. Thus,

she seized the opportunity to call Archie when she was descending by the elevator.

Never did she expect the person coming to her aid would be a big help. Aurelie’s history alone was enough to help

Alice throw suspicion off. Besides, Aurelie’s acting was also convincing.

Most importantly, Aurelie and Ethan were acquaintances. Ethan would lower his guard and suspect them lesser due

to what he knew about Aurelie.

After all, he could conveniently reach out to Aurelie for information as he knew her background if he changed his

mind later.

“You’re good at imitating people’s voices. Are you a natural?” Aurelie was still wondering about the way Alice’s

voice worked.

“I practiced hard.” Alice didn’t bother going into details regarding the topic due to the complex web of interests. It

wasn’t a hard thing to learn at all once you got the hang of it.

Even so, she put in a lot of effort to practice at that time.

Her master also contributed to her achievements today. Her master taught her unique ways to disguise in both

appearance and vocal aspects according to the family teachings with a long history.

Once the car turned around the corner and completely out of Ethan’s view, Alice requested, “Miss Freeman, can

you pull over? I’ll get off here.”

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Even though the call a moment ago distracted Ethan from his plan, she wanted to make sure nothing went wrong.

Aurelie was taken aback for a moment before she understood Alice’s motive. “All right.”

Alice slipped out of the car and immediately hopped into a cab passing by.

In order to get the upper hand, she was racing against time.

As long as Ethan wasn’t going after her at the moment, she had the opportunity to escape unscathed. It seemed

like her conversation with Irvin was a success.

She was aware that her tricks might not be able to fool Ethan, but at least the half-truth could confuse him for a

few seconds.

Even so, he was a clever man, and her plan wasn’t going to work any longer. Alice was only hoping that Ethan

would hesitate even for the slightest of moments, then she would earn herself the upper hand.

And it seemed like Lady Luck was smiling at her today.

Meanwhile, Ethan didn’t move from the entrance, while Irvin was anxious to get ahold of the situation as he urged,

“Ethan, she’s staying upstairs right now. Don’t you want to go find her?”

Irvin was worried about the project as he recalled the team leader telling him there were a few sets of data errors

in the plan. Everything would go wasted if the plan ended up getting rejected, and nothing could compensate for his


However, her threat came into mind and he hesitated whether he should bring Ethan with him or not.

“There’s no need. She isn’t there.” Ethan cast a glance at the other man. His voice was quiet but betrayed a hint of

unquestionable authority.

“It’s impossible! She’s there! You heard that from my employee just now. They’re together at the moment.” Irvin

always knew that Ethan was on another level, but the call from his employee had told them everything.

“Remember? My employee was the one who called me. She’s with him and another one f my employees. I can

guarantee that.”

Ethan arched his brows in amusement. He saw no point in doubting Irvin’s words if the other man believed it to be


However, Ethan was guessing that Alice imitated others’ voices all by herself. There are a lot of surprises in her.

As for how she managed to get hold of the phone that belonged to Irvin’s employee, Ethan presumed that she was

making precautions in case they came for her.

She has prepared the ‘surprise’ for me.

Ethan admitted it was pretty impressive in a twisted way.

One day, he would teach her a lesson.

Ethan was still standing in front of the car when his gaze fell into the distance. A crooked smile slowly formed at the

corner of his lips. She’s indeed as cunning as a fox.

She did a good job of causing the distraction. He only slowed down in the first place because he heard her familiar


Her voice brought him back to the night seven years ago. She was begging him through sobs in the same husky

voice. The begs were a melody to his ears but piercing his heart at the same time.

His feet rooted to the ground when he heard the familiar husky voice of hers.

As if he was moved by her determination to escape him, his usual steel-cold heart softened a little.

At last, she managed to get away when he was hesitating.

In the end, Ethan decided to call it a day. He had lost the golden opportunity for not going after Alice when he found

out her plan.

If he took an immediate response, he was confident that he would have caught her before she could make it even

five hundred meters.

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Even though he was at a disadvantage, it wasn’t too late and he could still get into the car and go after her.

However, Ethan was worried that his constant pursuit would stress her out and cause her to get involved in an


Since the road was busy at the moment, it was best to avoid a hot pursuit. He wanted to see her get away rather

than get hurt.

She may run away for the time being and think her disguise is perfect, but she is leaving traces.

Ethan had the opportunity to observe Alice when they met each other in the lobby a while ago. He noticed that

there was a tiny red mole on the back of her left earlobe. She might need to disguise herself to escape, but it was

not necessary to even take care of the said spot.

He affirmed that the mole was a natural one instead of a detail in her disguise.

He had always suspected that Alice was the same woman he spent a night with seven years ago. He was looking

forward to seeing her again, so he could also find out the truth.

With that said, he would gladly allow his little fox to get away and enjoy her victory this time.

Once he caught her in the future, he would deal with her on everything she put him through, one at a time.

Bradley was waiting in the car as he watched Ethan, who was lost in his own world, with mixed feelings. He noticed

that Ethan indeed hesitated for a moment, but Bradley himself was a good driver, and the others didn’t stand a

chance of escaping them.

He could tell Ethan had given up the pursuit.

The only reason for Ethan’s refusal to go after the woman when he had the chance was that he didn’t want to

endanger the woman.

Bradley was known among his peers as a workaholic with his braveness, skill, and carefulness. He was aware that

Ethan was looking for a woman, and she was an important one due to what Caleb’s attitude had suggested.

Mr. Knight indeed cares about her. He’s already spoiling her!

On the contrary, Irvin was utterly lost. Due to his observation, Ethan was confident that Alice wasn’t with the

planning team. Irvin also began to doubt himself when his employee never called him the second time.