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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 185
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Chapter 185 The Love Rival (2)

“Well, I guess I should leave you both to it. I shall return to my room.” Alice reckoned she should sensibly walk away

at that moment, thinking it wasn’t appropriate for her to be a third wheel around them. Therefore, she quickly

made her way to her room upstairs as soon as she finished her sentence without even waiting for Ethan to respond.

Meanwhile, Ethan was left with a darkened expression on his face as he watched Alice leave.

“Wait a minute, isn’t she the babysitter? Who is she, then?” Lorien could tell from Ethan’s darkened look that she

had gotten the wrong idea about who Alice was. Apparently. Alice was not who she thought she was. After all, she

naturally assumed that Alice was the babysitter since she hadn’t admitted or denied it.

“Is she your soulmate or lover? Your girlfriend, perhaps?” Before Ethan could answer her question, she went on and

kept guessing even though she didn’t expect an answer from Ethan. Knowing him, he’ll respond to my question with

nothing but silence.

“I’m married.” Ethan revealed the answer, refusing to keep her guessing all day.

“Y–You’re married?” Lorien couldn’t help but exclaim in surprise and disbelief, for she didn’t expect to hear

that answer.

Lorien gulped and blinked as everything began to dawn on her. “So, is she your young


Ethan didn’t answer the lady’s question but instead turned grimmer. What do you mean by saying she’s my young

wife? Do I look old to you? I’m only three years older than her, you know.

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When Ethan didn’t deny it, Lorien quickly knew she was right. Thus, she chuckled gleefully and said, “Why do I have

a feeling that she doesn’t love you that much? In fact, it even looks like she’s trying to bring us together.”

“You talk too much” Ethan glared at Lorien angrily as a sign of warning, and he spoke intimidatingly. I can tell what

Alice is up to by myself. There is no need for you to remind me, lady!

At the thought of that, he felt a strong urge of strangling Alice to death for rewarding his love unfairly. Then, when

he noticed that Lorien was already finished with her dishes, he couldn’t help but feel even more annoyed about it.

After all, he had never tried his own wife’s cooking before, yet Lorien beat him to


“Come on, why are you so mad? I was just saying. You don’t have to be so worked up, plus I’ve never seen you

acting so emotionally before.” Lorien’s eyes were filled with excitement as she knew Ethan was someone who

wouldn’t get emotional so easily, but he seemed to be mad over something she deemed trivial this time. “Hmm,

I’m sensing some other possibilities here. Could I be right?” Lorien grew even more curious after finishing her meal.

Upon hearing the lady’s words, Ethan gazed at the lady with a pair of furrowed eyebrows, trying to figure out the

meaning behind her words.

“Could she be pretending as if she doesn’t care about you at all to hide her jealousy? Could she be crying alone in

her own room every time she does that?” Lorien reckoned her hypothesized scenario was highly likely, considering

how outstanding Ethan was. As such, she didn’t think there was any woman who could resist his charm.

Ethan was stunned, glaring at Lorien before he rose from his seat and headed upstairs. Seeing the man’s reaction,

Lorien was slightly surprised; it seemed to her that Ethan was taking her word for it, although what she said about

Alice earlier was just her mere speculation. He seems desperate, which means he really cares about her. In that

case, it looks like he’s fallen for her during the marriage.

At the thought of Ethan’s feelings for Alice, Lorien couldn’t believe why she hadn’t received about their marriage;

even Charles hadn’t heard anything about it either.

any news

Having been by Charles‘ side all this time, Lorien was convinced he had no idea about Ethan’s marriage with Alice,

not to mention the fact that she just came from that old man’s place. What’s going on? How come Ethan didn’t say

a thing about his marriage to Charles? What’s that woman doing in her room? Is she crying sadly like I think she is?

I’d be happy if she is, but what if she isn’t?

In the meantime, Ethan, who had just gone upstairs, made his way to Alice’s room. Before he could even reach for

the doorknob, he could already hear her laughter from the inside. As his eyes darkened, he opened the door

straight away without even bothering to knock. Then, he saw Alice lying on her belly in the bed with her carphones

on as she appeared to be happily chatting with someone through a video call. Crying sadly? That’s not even close!

Meanwhile, Alice, who was too absorbed in her video call, wasn’t aware of Ethan’s presence due to the earphones

that prevented her from hearing any movement. At that moment, she was busy talking to Apollo over the video call

without paying too much attention to her surroundings. More importantly, she didn’t think Ethan would come

bothering her; instead, she believed he must be having a sweet time with


Shortly after, she turned around and realized the lighting right in front of her had turned dimmer. It was then that

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she saw Ethan standing right in front of her bed. In that instant, she felt cold sweat trickling down her forehead, and

she asked herself how she hadn’t noticed him at all.

Damn it! That was close! Thank god I told Apollo to fetch something for me. I doubt he saw Apollo. Alice then

secretly ended the video call. She didn’t want anyone from the Knight Family to know about Apollo, including Ethan.

The moment Ethan saw Alice ending the video call, he squinted and radiated a menacing aura. “When did you

come in?” Alice nervously gasped for breath but did her best to calm herself down.

“What’s wrong? Why can’t I come in?” Ethan responded with a tone cold enough to send chills down anyone’s


“Where is Miss Thelva? Don’t you have to keep her company?” Alice took a deep breath and wondered what was

wrong with Ethan. Shouldn’t he feel happy that the woman is visiting?

Ethan’s face darkened, and he felt a strong urge to strangle Alice to death. On the other hand, Alice pursed her lips

in silence when she saw the scary look on his face. He’s obviously pissed now. I’d be foolish to pick a fight with him


“Who were you talking to over the phone?” Ethan felt panicky, recalling the happy look on Alice’s face when he

entered her room. How could she leave me alone with that woman and return to her bedroom just to chat with

someone else so happily?

Alice blinked, trying to figure out an explanation. After all, she didn’t want to expose Apollo until she resolved her

conflict with the Woland Family. However, her phone started ringing just then, and it was Apollo’s customized video

call ringtone. Alice was stunned, and her eyelids twitched uncontrollably. Damn it! I told Apollo to show me

something, and he’s back now. I ended the call earlier, so he must be calling back now without knowing what’s

going on here!