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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 16
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However, the wedding hadn’t been brought forward over the past seven years, and the Woland Group

was still in Alice’s hands, all of which made this even better worth pondering.

Caleb was astounded by Ethan’s ideas. “How is that possible? Isn’t that just a coincidence? After all,

Miss Woland is such a naive, innocent, and simple-minded person. She only said that at the time

because she loved Bruce deeply and wanted to marry him.” Everyone knows that Alice Woland is naive

and innocent—or, to put it bluntly, stupid and ignorant. How could she possibly be capable of such

shrewdness and such deadly resourcefulness?

A faint, unreadable light flickered in Ethan’s eyes. Just a coincidence, huh? Well, it doesn’t matter if it’s

just a coincidence, but what if it isn’t? Alice?! His gaze rested upon her scarred cheek… Wait a minute.

Scars? His eyes narrowed slightly. Perhaps I overlooked some details seven years ago.

Just then, cries of disbelief suddenly broke out from the wedding hall downstairs. “Oh, my God! What’s

this? What’s all of this?”

At this moment, a video was playing on the big screen in the wedding hall.

“What’s that?”

“Is that Alice?”

“Oh, that’s Alice! How disgusting! How could she do this?”

“How disgusting! How shameless!”

“How could she have the nerve to show up here and marry Mr. Yeager after doing such a thing?”

Bruce cried, “Alice, how could you actually do such a thing? You’re… absolutely disgusting!” Having

known the truth already, he expressed his anger perfectly at this very moment, questioning Alice

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righteously as though he were justified in doing so. One would have to admit that he was quite a good


Alice slowly looked up at the big screen. Disgusting, huh? She thought Bruce had used the word

perfectly. Indeed, those scenes on the big screen were disgusting. The woman in those scenes had

scars covering most of her left cheek. At this moment, the big screen was showing photos of her joining

a few disturbing occasions with all sorts of men, as well as photos of her in bed with different men.

Some scenes even showed her doing drugs, after which she behaved in an even more frenzied,

confused, and disgusting manner. As expected, Mrs. Yeager is as vicious as ever.

The whole wedding hall instantly burst into an uproar, with Alice being harshly, mercilessly, and

viciously attacked by jeers, insults, and words of abuse. No one could be blamed for this, though. After

all, the video playing on the big screen at this moment was intolerable enough to deserve public

condemnation. These scenes, playing one after another, were offensive enough to destroy a woman

and doom her forever.

At this moment, everyone only had one thing in mind—that Alice was finished for good. There was no

way whoever found themselves caught in such a situation could get out of it unscathed, let alone the

stupid, ignorant, and good-for-nothing Alice Woland, who was now left with nothing to her name after

losing her parents and giving her company to someone else! At this moment, this stupid and good-for-

nothing idiot might not even be able to put up a struggle.

Everyone was able to figure out that this was probably the work of the Yeagers, which was why they

knew full well that there was no way Alice could free herself from such a predicament. After all, they all

knew what Naomi was capable of. Alice, who had always been an idiot, would have no way out in such

a situation.

At this moment, most of the crowd present at the scene were looking on indifferently, while some were

gloatingly waiting for something fun to watch. Personal interests went above everything else in such

capitalist business circles. Human kindness was scarce, and so was compassion.

Bruce could hardly hold back his delight. At last, I’ll be able to get rid of this stupid and disgusting thing!

Now that the Woland Group has come into my hands, I have nothing to worry about anymore! As he

believed in Naomi’s capabilities, he knew that Alice would certainly live a miserable life after this.

At this moment, most of those present at the scene were looking at Alice and waiting for her response.

They wondered how she would react in such a situation. Is she gonna put up some kind of resistance

or some last-ditch struggle? Of course, however much she struggled or resisted, it’d be futile in such a

situation. They were just looking for more fun by watching what kind of a spectacle an idiot would make

of herself in such a situation.

Alice had been silent ever since she watched those scenes from the video. She neither moved nor

spoke; it seemed to the outsiders as though she had frozen in shock. Everyone thought it was normal

for her to have such a reaction at this moment. After all, it’d be strange for someone as dumb and

stupid as her to not be aghast in such a situation.

Even Caleb was stunned by such a scene. How cruel of the Yeagers to do this! “This has got to be the

Yeagers’ doing. They’re so cruel; they’re trying to destroy Miss Woland for good!” He quickly turned to

look at his boss. He didn’t recognize at a glance that the photos were fake; in reality, he didn’t spot any

flaws in those photos. At first glance, one would think it was really Alice in those photos, but with her

naivete and the Yeagers’ wickedness, it was a no-brainer what was actually going on.

Ethan looked up lazily at the scene displayed on the big screen without so much as a flicker in his

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imperturbable eyes. After taking a look at it, he rested his gaze upon Alice’s face again—or, to be

specific, the scarred side of her face. The next instant, his eyebrows raised almost unnoticeably, and

the corner of his mouth seemed to turn up slightly.

Caleb asked, “Mr. Knight, should we do something about this?” All the evidence they had found seven

years ago indicated that Alice wasn’t the person who had slept with Ethan before successfully escaping

from the latter the other night. However, the fact that Ethan was stopping here to watch her wedding

right now meant that the matter had taken on a different meaning. And besides, Ethan hadn’t been able

to find the woman from the other night over the past seven years.

On the other hand, Emma matched all the evidence they had found. The portrait was hers, and so was

the handbag. Also, her fingerprints matched, and the date and time and everything else matched up,

too. However, all of this was meaningless as long as Ethan refused to acknowledge her as the woman

from that night. What if Miss Woland really is the woman Mr. Knight is looking for? So, we can’t let

others bully her, no?

“Just keep on watching…” Ethan’s languid voice had a hint of significance to it as his eyes were fixed

upon Alice downstairs.

Caleb was startled somewhat. “Just keep on watching?” How can he just keep looking on from here

while Miss Woland is being humiliated like this? No, wait a minute. Since when did Mr. Knight become

interested in being a looker-on? How come I don’t know about this? Mr. Knight has to deal with tons of

things every day, so he’s always blunt and straightforward in whatever he does, thus achieving the

highest productivity in the shortest time possible. And now, he’s merely standing here and looking on

without doing anything despite his suspicion toward Miss Woland?

Ethan’s ink-black eyes were stony and fathomless as he looked at Alice. Yeah, all the evidence seven

years ago indicated that it wasn’t her who slept with me. But of all places, I happen to be here at this

very moment today. If…