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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 150
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Ethan couldn’t help chuckling at those words, then he tickled Caroline’s nose lightly with his finger. “You’re such a


“Of course. I’ve been so worried about the two of you. Daddy, you really should work harder in the future. It’s

obvious that Mommy only married you for my sake. At this rate, it’s really hard to say whether you can keep your

wife by your side,” Caroline spoke bluntly.

His heart clenched in pain when he heard those words. This little girl sure does not forget to stab me in the heart

whenever she gets the chance.

“Daddy, are you heading to Cliaria? Can I go with you? I want to be with Mommy. Besides, I miss Uncle Pierce.” She

was very reluctant to be separated from her mother.

“Wait for me at home. I promise that I will definitely bring Mommy home.” He had no idea why Alice had gone to

Cliaria, he was worried that bringing Caroline along might cause some inconvenience.

Needless to say, the most important reason was that he wanted to have some alone time with his wife. He did not

want to bring along a third wheel that could hinder their time together. It was only recently that he realized how

they barely spent any alone time together even though they had been married for so long.

Caroline was clearly dissatisfied with his answer. Nevertheless, she was a sensible and well-behaved child. She knew

that she should not cause more trouble for her parents when they were busy with work. “Alright then, I’ll wait for

you and Mommy to come home.”

Afterward, Ethan made a few calls and arranged for a private jet to be prepared for his use. Thanks to his special

status, it was very convenient for him to schedule a private jet at any time.

Then, he instructed Caleb to check the details of Alice’s flight. If she was currently waiting for her flight, then he

could bring her to Cliaria by private jet. On the other hand, if she had already boarded the plane, then he could

quickly and easily find her when he arrived at Cliaria as long as he knew the details of the flight she was taking.

Caleb’s work efficiency was very high, so it did not take long for him to return Ethan’s phone call. “Mr. Knight, there

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is no record of Young Madam Knight heading to Cliaria. I even checked all the flights available, but I did not find any

record of her leaving the country. There are no records indicating that she booked a flight ticket either.”

Ethan frowned slightly when he received the report and turned to look at Caroline. “Caroline, are you sure Mommy

went to Cliaria??”

Caroline blinked quickly. “I guessed.”

Her mother had not told her where she was going, but she had the feeling that her mother was planning to head to


His heart clenched slightly at those words, then he discretely exhaled softly. “Why did you guess that she would be

heading to Cliaria?”

“Mommy always puts up a tough and gentle front at all times. The only time her mood becomes slightly depressed

is when Uncle Pierce is involved. When Mommy was on the phone with me, she sounded a little sad. So, I guessed

that she was going to visit Uncle Pierce.” Although she was very young, she was very smart and sensitive.

Ethan felt a stab of pain in his heart when he listened to Caroline’s statement. Alice’s warmth and devotion were

reserved only for Caroline. It was clear that she did not wish for anything to affect Caroline’s childhood.

Truthfully, her tough and stubborn appearance was merely a pretense to outsiders. The reason was that she would

not allow herself to show any weaknesses to others. To be more precise, she did not dare to allow her weaknesses

to be revealed.

Seven years ago, her parents passed away in a traffic accident. On the other hand, Pierce had been in a coma for

all these years. The members of the Woland Family had been eager to skin her alive, and some of them had even

attempted to take her life. Not to mention, the Yeager Family had also been eyeing her hungrily.

Ethan did not dare to imagine how she had managed to persist throughout these seven years!

In the past, he might have blamed her for concealing secrets from him. Nonetheless, it was different now. He only

felt distressed on her behalf when he thought of her past.

The innumerable dangers surrounding her had forced her to endure various burdens and stress over the years. It

was for that reason she no longer dared to place her trust in others, let alone rely on anybody around her.

“Can you search for Alice’s current whereabouts?” At this moment, Ethan’s priority was to find Alice as soon as

possible. Even if there was nothing he could do for her, he wanted to stay by her side.

She might not believe in him and even refuse to rely on him right now, but he was going to work hard so that she

would believe in him one day. Moreover, he wanted her to believe that he was somebody she could safely rely on.

“Okay.” Caleb could clearly distinguish the difference in his employer’s tone of voice. Hence, he did not dare to

make any nonsensical remarks and scurried off to search for Alice’s current whereabouts.

At this moment, Keith was sitting in a private room and waiting for his guest to arrive.

Without rhyme or reason, the other party had sent him a message that contained only a time, an address, and a

simple sentence that said, “It’s your choice whether to come or not. I will not wait past the agreed time.”

To be honest, he originally planned to ignore the message. He was so busy that he had no time to pay attention to

such nonsensical messages. Besides, he was very vigilant toward such pranks due to the nature of his job. He would

normally block and delete such obscure messages without a second thought, but he decided to show up at the

meeting place for some inexplicable reason. Even when the other party had neither answered any of the messages

he sent, nor picked up any of the phone calls he made.

He even went so far as to arrive at the meeting place early. The other party had made an appointment for

10.30PM, but there was no sign of the other party even though there were only two more minutes until the agreed


He abruptly felt that he was probably too free with his time recently. Why else would he show up at such a

nonsensical appointment for no apparent reason? It was just that he was already here, so he decided that he might

as well wait another two minutes.

At 10.30PM, he glanced at the time and stood up to leave the meeting place. The door to the private room creaked

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open at that very moment, and a young boy walked into the room.

The boy was very good-looking. In fact, his looks were so charming that he gave off an extremely lovable feeling.

He did not look more than seven or eight years old, but he carried an imposing air around him.

Keith watched as the young boy walked into the room and took a seat opposite him.

HE figured that such a young child would normally be accompanied by his parents, so he wondered whether the

young boy had entered the wrong room.

He was about to ask, “Kiddo, did you enter the wrong room?”

Before he could speak, the young boy sitting opposite him blurted out a sentence. “I am your son.”

The statement left him completely dumbfounded. He stared blankly at the particularly good-looking boy in front of

him and wondered whether he had misheard the boy.

He was neither married nor in a relationship with a woman, how could he have a son, especially a son of this age?

Even if the young boy was very good-looking and lovable, those were not valid reasons for him to randomly

acknowledge the existence of a son.

Keith secretly exhaled softly and opened his mouth to speak, but Apollo handed a copy of the paternity test in his

hand to Keith instead. “Take a look.”

At this moment, Keith was in a state of shock. He stiffly stretched out his hand and took the document. Then, he

glanced through the documents.

He could clearly see that it was a paternity report. Moreover, his name and another name ‘Apollo Woland’ were

written at the top of his report.

There was no mistake. It was his name on the report. In that case, ‘Apollo Woland’ had to be the young boy sitting

opposite him.

However, he had no son. It was impossible for him to have a son. Thanks to his strict upbringing throughout his

childhood, he did not dare to mess around when it came to romantic relationships between men and women.

Furthermore, he could guarantee that he had not fathered any illegitimate children without his knowledge.

Be that as it may, it did not look like the child was joking around. It was evident that the child had not mistaken him

for somebody else. That was because the child had invited him here. Not to mention, the child had not shown the

slightest hesitation or doubt after entering the room!