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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 13
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Thomas and Elijah both dared to swing by with the intention of ending their lives and destroying the

evidence of their crimes. It was obvious that they would harm their brother as well.

She did not know how injured her brother was and was worried that she couldn’t protect him.

Therefore, she wanted to divert everyone’s attention to her alone so that she could secretly seek

medical treatment for him.

“How about you?” Archie observed the delicate girl in front of him calmly instructing him and didn’t

know how she felt at that moment.

“I’m alright. Please help me to file a police report. The cops will send me to the hospital.” If she wanted

to successfully hide her brother from view, she would have to make things worse than it was.

“Okay.” No matter what, he was extremely convinced by the girl who had just turned eighteen.

Seeing that Alice was not severely injured, Archie helped to move the unconscious Pierce with caution

into the car.

“I’ll come back after sending your brother over,” Archie said as he glanced at her keeping guard on her

brother. Her eyes were red, but there were no tears, which left those around them distressed.

“No, take good care of my brother. Don’t look for me as I’ll look for you in due course.” Alice was aware

that she had another battle to fight after this.

If anything were to happen to her brother, she would lose her mind.

Archie grunted in a deep voice because he understood that Pierce was severely injured and needed

medical treatment as soon as possible.

After Archie left with Pierce, Alice looked at her parents. Her vision seemed to be stained by blood,

which also caused her eyes to redden. Yet, she did not burst into tears. No, I can’t cry. If I cry, I’ll

definitely collapse and not be able to hold on.

She wanted to reach out to them, but she was frightened. I’m scared. I’m so scared.

Her father and mother—those two adults who had only just addressed her as their baby moments ago

—were gone for good.

She was the only sole survivor.

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Alice was petrified that she would not be able to cope and that she could not handle the situation well.

Although her grandfather had taught her from young and she learnt a lot from him, the fact was that

she had only just turned eighteen.

Now that she suddenly needed to deal with a lot of matters, she was genuinely frightened.

Yes, she was frightened, but she still trained her gaze on them and continued to do so.

It was not until Alice heard the sound of the police arriving that she lay in the car and feigned


Her eyes were tightly closed, but she was wide awake. She was well aware of being lifted into the

ambulance and transported to the hospital.

Before the cops had arrived, she had spoken to the hospital chief, Mr. Winters, on the phone.

Mr. Winters was her mother’s friend from childhood and someone trustworthy.

As such, the minute Alice arrived at the hospital, Mr. Winters took over the case.

She had only sustained superficial injuries on her leg and would make a full recovery with time.

However, Alice asked Mr. Winters to issue an announcement that her face was seriously injured with

the left side of her face ruined.

She woke up in the hospital the next day.

Then, she read something shocking on the news. Uncle Elijah took advantage of my brother’s unknown

whereabouts to take over the Glenn Group.

Alice’s grandmother had passed away two years ago, and her grandfather followed suit due to his deep

heartbreak. At that time, her parents had drafted a will.

The Glenn Group, which had been founded by her grandfather, was transferred to her brother while the

Woland Group would be under her name.

Now that her parents were dead with her brother’s whereabouts unknown, Elijah decided to usurp

ownership of the company.

Now that she was “awake”, it would be sooner than later that the Woland Family would catch wind of it.

Elijah’s wife, Amelia White, got straight to the point. “Alice, now that your parents are gone, you are the

only one around. Why don’t you pass the company to your Uncle Elijah and let him handle everything?”

“That’s right. A girl like you doesn’t know anything. What if you are cheated by someone? I’m the only

one who’s able to help out.” Elijah had forgotten about destroying the evidence of his crimes and

laughed with a benevolent face.

“Alice, a girl should only dress beautifully and live life happily. Everything else should be handled by the

man,” Bethany added.

“Why should a girl care so much? You should transfer ownership of the company to your Uncle Elijah.”

Sophia was worse; she immediately insisted Alice to let Elijah have full reign of the Woland Group.

Alice’s heart was filled with hatred as she closed her eyes. She was worried about revealing her hatred.

All of them were allegedly her relatives. Her parents had died in a car accident while her brother’s

situation was touch-and-go, and she had lost her beauty due to her injuries.

Yet, there was not even a word of concern from them. They don’t feel any pain for me and only want to

snatch what’s mine.

“Uncle Elijah, help me to contact the reporter.” When Alice opened her eyes again, she tried her

hardest to suppress the hatred in her eyes.

“Huh? Contact the reporter?” Elijah was stunned and couldn’t react for a second.

“Alice wants to transfer the Woland Group to you, so hurry up,” Amelia spoke as she urged him self-


Alice was silent and pretended to admit that Amelia was correct.

“Okay. Okay.” Elijah’s face blossomed with joy as he rushed to give the reporter a ring.

The reporter came as fast as lightning and when he saw the gauze wrapped around Alice’s face, he

was shocked. “Did you hurt your face, Miss Woland? Is it serious?”

“Yes, it is quite serious. The doctor said that my face is ruined.” Alice lowered her eyes slightly and it

was only now that the tears finally fell. It was not for her wounds, but rather for her parents.

The wounds on her face were fake, which meant that the blood on her at that time was all from her

brother and parents’ injuries.

In an attempt to display her weakness and to protect herself, Alice had no choice but to do what she

was doing. If Thomas and Elijah had discovered that she survived the incident unscathed, they would

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be suspicious.

“Then, do you have anything to say by asking us to come over, Miss Woland?” The reporter was a

living person, so he naturally had sympathy when he saw her current self. So, he couldn’t bring himself

to ask any tough questions.

Alice wiped her tears away as she raised her head. Then, she slowly said in the expectant presence of

the Wolands, “The Woland Group is my dowry since I’ll be marrying Bruce when I turn twenty-five.”

Now that she was surrounded by hungry wolves with no way of resisting them, she had to strike a

balance and have the Yeager Family suppress Elijah instead.

At that, the Yeager Family could openly gain ownership of the Woland Family, which meant that her

relatives would not be able to take the company from her in the meantime.

The Yeager Family wanted full ownership of the Woland Family and would not want to share it with

Elijah, so it was a given that they would help her to keep Elijah at bay.

It was only through that method that she could protect the Woland Group as well as her brother.

Seven years. She gave herself seven years. Seven years later, she would deal with them one by one.

At the same time, after the results of the fingerprint comparison were released, Caleb took the report to

his boss. “Mr. Knight, the results are out. The fingerprints on the handcuffs are a definite match to

Emma. It’s not a match for Miss Alice Woland.”

Ethan was shocked, after which he retrieved his hand that was about to take the report. He stood there

in silence and did not move without giving an indication of what he was thinking.

“Mr. Knight, the Woland Family had a car accident. The Woland couple died on the spot while Pierce

Woland is missing without a trace. Alice Woland… has a disfigured face.” It was only at that moment

that Caleb discovered that the Woland couple had a car accident and Alice was admitted to the hospital

with injuries.

Liam had previously obtained Alice’s fingerprints by heading over to the hospital to do so. For Liam,

work was work and he never cared about anything else, so he did not mention anything when he


However, Caleb felt that it was necessary to inform Ethan about this.

Ethan quickly raised his head; for someone who was impervious to his desires and passions,

something had changed in him.

Then, when Derek entered with the live broadcast being broadcasted on his phone, Alice was then

heard saying, “The Woland Group is my dowry since I’ll be marrying Bruce when I turn twenty-five.”