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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 116
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“What’s the matter? Alice, have you heard about Tanner West?” Although Alice only had a subtle reaction,

Lawrence still caught it.

“I’ve heard of him while studying in Cliaria.” She forcefully swallowed the food in her mouth. However, she did not

want to lie to him, but her identity as Tanner West still needed to be kept a secret because it would play a pivotal

part in her plan to deal with the Yeager Family. Also, they might not believe her if she said she was Tanner.

“Really? Why don’t you tell us if he’s as brilliant as people say?” Lawrence had always been easy-going, so he

casually conversed with Alice.

“I’ve only heard of him, so I’m unsure.” Albeit guilty, she could not tell them outright that she was the Tanner West

that Lawrence wanted to invite into the company.

Even if she did, they would have to believe in her.

“I heard that he has never lost a case in his hand or any project negotiations he was responsible for. Others even

dubbed him the business prodigy.” It was obvious that he admired Tanner because he was not shy with his


Yet, it left Alice unable to continue the topic. If she concurred, that would be bragging about herself, and she was

not that shameless.

“I also heard that he’s very young and only in his twenties, but he already has a seven-year-old son. Alice, have you

heard about that while you were in Cliaria?” Lawrence never put up a pretense, so his conversations with Alice

were casual.

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Gazing down, she could not help but praise secretly, As one would expect from the renowned Lawrence Knight.

He’s so thorough when asking questions.

Back then, many knew Apollo was Tanner’s son, especially people from Cliaria. Therefore, Alice was not surprised

that Lawrence had found out about that. Not wanting to lie, she pondered for a moment and nodded. “Yes.”

To the outsiders, Apollo was Tanner’s son, but she was Tanner, so Apollo was her child, no matter how one would put

it. So, it was not considered a lie.

“How are you so sure? What do you know?” Ethan, who had been quiet throughout the conversation, suddenly

asked a probing question. He could hear that she was confident about her answer, but how?

Secretly releasing a breath, Alice discovered Ethan was quick to react, and his questions were straight to the point.

How was she going to answer that question?

Luckily, her dilemma did not last too long because Lawrence saved her. “Watch your tone. Who’s Alice to you? Why

are you asking her like you’re interrogating a criminal?” No wonder you’re still sleeping alone. You have yourself to


At that, Alice instantly felt her body fill with warmth. Since the passing of her parents seven years ago, there had

not been an elder who had defended her like this!

Ethan was dumbfounded. Is there something wrong with what I just said? I had a doubt, so I asked a question.

What’s wrong with that?

However, he dared not rebuke his father, so he could only obey the elder. Although he did not think he had done

anything wrong, he would just go with his father’s words.

However, Lawrence did not want to let Ethan off the hook. “I asked you to find Tanner, but you haven’t returned

with any news after so long. Also, you refused to return home to help me and didn’t take it seriously when I asked

you to get a helper. What’s the meaning of that? Are you trying to tire your old man to death?”

He knew his son well, and it was blatant that Ethan did not take his instructions seriously after not receiving any

news for so long. He doesn’t know how to help out his father. He deserves to be ignored by his wife.

Meanwhile, Caroline looked at her mother and then at her seemingly angry grandfather. She pondered for a while

before speaking up, “Grandpa, don’t be angry. You can ask Mommy to help you out. It would be the same.”

Alice was shocked. Why would Caroline suddenly say that?! Although there were things she did not mention before

Caroline, she knew Caroline was intelligent and might have discovered some things on her own.

The startled Lawrence looked at Caroline, dying to know the meaning behind those words.

On the other hand, Ethan set down his utensil but did not look at Caroline. Instead, he looked at Alice.

“Caroline, do you want your mommy to help me at the company?” Lawrence did not overthink it but somewhat

agreed with Caroline’s suggestion.

If his son would not help him, getting help from his daughter-in-law was also a good choice.

Caroline nodded. “Mommy is good at doing business and earning money.”

When Alice heard that, she lowered her gaze slightly. Could Caroline have discovered her secret?!

“How do you know your mommy is good at business?” Ethan knew Alice kept nearly everything from him and would

not tell him if he asked her. So, it would be better to ask Caroline.

Alice secretly released a breath. Was Caroline going to reveal the secret she kept for seven years? But she never

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wanted to lie to Lawrence, so Caroline could say whatever she wanted because Alice could not stop her.

If Alice did, it would evoke suspicion, and Ethan would become even more doubtful of her.

“That’s because Mommy had previously earned tons of money doing business.” Caroline did not have any concepts

about money, but she knew her mother had earned a lot.

Ethan glanced at Alice and saw her with her head down, seemingly focused on eating. She’s feeling guilty, isn’t she?

A faint smile appeared on his face. “Caroline, do you know how your Mommy makes money? Does her business

earn a lot?”

“Of course, I do.” Caroline nodded seriously.

The smile on Ethan’s face grew even more. “Why don’t you tell me about it?”

“Mommy used to be the president at Woland Group. She runs the place and earns a lot of money. Didn’t you know

that, Daddy?” Caroline blinked her bright eyes at him and looked like she was asking why he did not know that.

“I do know about that.” Ethan took a deep breath. Of course, he knew about it. Chris had told him about it in great

detail, and he also knew she gave Woland Group to Bruce.

“Caroline, you’re still young, and there are some things you don’t understand. Although Woland Group has earned a

lot of profits, it doesn’t mean your mommy is good at doing business.” Rosy was worried Lawrence might agree

with Caroline’s suggestion and bring Alice into the Knight Group, so she could not hold back her urge to say that.

Meanwhile, Alice understood Rosy’s intention. She never intended to enter the Knight Group, so Rosy’s words

remained unaffecting to her.