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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 100
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Caroline’s eyes widened and blinked a few times before she speedily threw her room door open to rush downstairs.

She wanted to figure out if the hair she had found in her mother’s pocket actually belonged to her father.

When she got downstairs, she saw Ethan, who was still sitting on the couch. Instead of greeting him, she sneakily

edged over before she swung her hand over his head and quickly plucked a few strands of hair off of him.

“What are you trying to do?” Ethan noticed Caroline’s presence a while ago, and he had decided to just

compromise and allow Caroline to have her fun for a while. He hadn’t expected her to start pulling his hair. “Is this

how you treat your mother too? Do you pull her hair?” Ethan’s expression turned stern—his scalp was rather painful

after all that tugging.

“I… I don’t…” Caroline was shocked, and she put her tiny hands behind her back to conceal the hairs that she had

just pulled out.

“Why are you being so fierce? You’re scaring Caroline,” Rosy came downstairs to take something, and she

happened to overhear Ethan. She felt annoyed, especially when she saw the stern look on the man’s face. “You

shouldn’t fool around like that with Mommy, okay? You’ll hurt her if you do that.” Ethan then realized how stern he

sounded and how he might have scared the young girl. Caroline was an obedient and mature child, so he was sure

that she would obey him even if he spoke to her more patiently.

“Okay, I got it. I’ll take care of Mommy, and I won’t hurt her.” Caroline nodded a few times. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I

didn’t mean to do it. I just—”

“It’s fine. I don’t blame you for it. You should head upstairs,” Ethan uttered. She’s such a mature and sophisticated

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child. There’s no need for such a formal apology over such a tiny matter, right? Meanwhile, Rosy’s expression

changed as she watched the scene from where she stood at the bottom of the stairs. It seems like Ethan is starting

to get rather protective of Alice.

After Caroline got upstairs, she pulled out the transparent bag that she had found in Alice’s pocket and took out the

strand of hair from inside it. Then, she compared that strand of hair with the ones she had plucked off Ethan’s head

earlier. The hair that I just plucked out seems a little longer, but they’re both black and rough. So… Does this belong

to Daddy?

Caroline was thoroughly focused on examining the hairs when she heard the sound of the bathroom door opening.

Is Mommy done with her shower? Caroline panicked for a moment before she hastily kept the hairs in the plastic

bag. She was too flustered, so she ended up mixing all the strands of hair. A few strands of hair fell to the ground,

too—Caroline only managed to stuff the hairs between her fingers into the bag. She hurriedly placed the bag back

into Alice’s pocket.

However, at that point, Caroline no longer knew if the hairs in the plastic bag were hairs that were originally there

or if they were hairs that she had plucked off Ethan’s head earlier.

After putting the bag back into Alice’s pocket, Caroline started questioning herself. Why am I being so nervous? Why

did I panic? Mommy said that I shouldn’t touch other people’s things without permission, but I wasn’t doing it

intentionally. I just wanted to help Mommy wash her clothes, and I only looked through her pockets because of that.

Well, now that I’ve returned the item to its original spot, I won’t have to tell Mommy about it, right? she thought as

she tried to reason with herself.

From that point onward, Caroline decided that she would be the most obedient child ever so that her mother would

love her too much to ever leave her. Let’s just forget about whatever happened—I’ll be good from now! “Are you

done showering, Mommy?” After comforting herself and telling herself that she hadn’t made a mistake, Caroline no

longer felt as flustered and nervous as before.

“Yeah. I came over to be with you after I changed out of the clothes I was wearing earlier.” Alice didn’t seem to

notice anything out of the norm. She walked over to the balcony to retrieve the clothes she had been wearing

earlier. Based on her memory, she recalled how she had opened the room door right after Keith handed her the

tiny plastic bag with his hair in it. She recalled stuffing it into her pocket as she didn’t have the time to keep it in her


Apollo’s hair, on the other hand, was kept in her bag. Alice took the tiny plastic bag with Keith’s hair out of her

pocket. She didn’t know about what happened just moments ago, and she simply placed the plastic bag into her

handbag alongside Apollo’s sample. I’ll bring these over to get a DNA test tomorrow, she thought.

“What are you going to do with that hair?” Caroline watched as Alice carefully kept the hair samples in her bag. The

young child was rather puzzled. “I need them for something,” Alice replied without explaining too much.

“What do you need them for?” Caroline clasped her hands together. Does Mommy need them? What are they for?

Did I mess up the strands of hair earlier? Will it affect whatever Mommy wants to do with it? Should I tell Mommy

the truth? But… It’s just hair, isn’t it? What could she possibly use it for? Isn’t everyone’s hair all the same? She can

probably use anyone’s hair—it wouldn’t matter, right? Since it won’t affect anything… I don’t have to tell Mommy

the truth, right?

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Alice had already returned to the balcony to wash her clothes at that point. The words of truth were at the tip of

Caroline’s tongue, but the young girl decided to keep her mouth shut in the end. After Alice was done washing her

clothes, she began to tell Caroline a bedtime story. Alice only stopped when she saw that Caroline had fallen asleep.

Right then, Alice happened to receive a text.

The text was from Ethan. Alice could sense his domineering aura even through his simple message. ‘Come out. We

need to talk.’ Alice frowned at his message. Talk? What’s there to talk about? Alice didn’t reply to his message

immediately. In fact, she wanted to just ignore it.

‘Do you want to come out, or should I go in?’ Ethan texted her again.

Alice took a glance at Caroline, who had just fallen asleep. He’ll wake Caroline up if he comes in now. After letting

out a huge sigh, Alice eventually got to her feet. She opened her room door only to find the man standing in front

of her. Alice blinked puzzledly. Has he been standing here this whole time? So… He heard me telling Caroline a

bedtime story, and he figured that Caroline had fallen asleep when I stopped my story. That explains why his text

came so aptly. What does he want to talk about? Is it something important? Did something bad happen? Before

Alice had the chance to say anything, Ethan’s deep voice filled the air. “Did Keith propose to you?”

Alice froze. She was too dumbfounded to respond for a moment. What’s going on? How did Mr. Knight know about

Keith’s proposal? Keith and I might have bumped into him while we were leaving the room, but he wasn’t around

when we first went in, Alice thought. The waiter had walked in and out of the room a few times, so Alice knew that

someone would’ve noticed Ethan’s presence if Ethan had been standing outside.

So, Alice figured that Ethan had probably just arrived minutes before she walked out of the room. If that’s the case,

then how does he know about Keith’s proposal?