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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 89
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Chapter 89,Coolest Girl in Town

After he left, Alexander pulled his hand away and arched his eyebrow at Elise. “You don’t get loyal guys

like that now. Sure you don’t want to give him a chance?” Elise glared at him. “Don’t give me

that! Staying under the same roof? Now that’s just cheeky!” Alexander replied calmly, “You called me

your boyfriend first. That’s cheeky too.” Well, true. I mean, the part where I called him my boyfriend. In the end, she stammered, “E-Even so, you can’t tell him we’re living together.

What will he think?” He shrugged. “But I didn’t lie. We are living under the same roof, just not in the

same room.” Oh god. I’m never hearing the end of this. “Forget it. I’m going to be late.” She hurried

away, and he saw her off. His lips curl into a smile, and his mood got better. Elise walked as fast as she

could to the classroom.

“Hey, why are you running, Elise?” Mikayla asked. Elise was frustrated, so she grumbled, “Mikayla, life

is hard.” That confused Mikayla. “Sorry? What are you talking about? Is it a game? But that’s Life Is

Strange.” Elise took a deep breath and calmed herself. “It’s nothing. We should get to class now.” It

took Elise the whole morning to calm down and put the morning’s events behind her. During the

afternoon break, Samantha and Riley asked Elise to eat out together, and Elise invited Mikayla as well.

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Just when they were about to exit the gates, she saw a familiar guy standing across the street, and her

heart sank. She thought she got the wrong guy, but when he took his sunglasses off and smiled at her,

she knew she wasn’t seeing things. Elise snapped out of it and told her friends, “You girls go ahead.

I need to settle some matters, so I won’t be coming.” Samantha was concerned, seeing that Elise was

leaving so suddenly. “What is it? Do you need our help?” Elise refused, “It’s fine. No big deal, so I’ll

handle it myself.” The girls said nothing more and left. Elise stared at the man across the street until he

finally came up to her.

“It’s been a while.” Elise was surprised that he was here, but she smiled too. “How did you find me?”

Noel smiled at her. “I met up with Julius. He told me about you, so here I am.” I see. “Let’s talk at a

more private place,” Noel suggested. Elise said yes, and she left with him. They went to a private

restaurant. It was located in a quiet spot, and the ambience was great. Noel and Elise got a room for

themselves, and the guy kept looking at her.

“Wow, that getup is ugly. Anyone else wouldn’t have recognized you.” Elise took a sip from her teacup

and said nothing. Since she was keeping her silence, Noel continued, “How have you been doing?”

Elise smiled. “What do you think?” Noel nodded. “Not bad, I guess. It’s a pity you left. You would have

been a great celebrity if you had stayed.” Elise didn’t respond. Instead, she looked outside the window.

“I heard you’re someone’s songwriter now.”

Noel answered, “You know the guy too. In fact, I came here on his behalf today.” Elise knew why he

came, but she would not budge no matter what. “Noel, you know I would never write another song.”

Noel interjected, “It’s been years. Can’t you let it go?” “Put yourself in my shoes. Can you let it go?”

“Um…” Noel wanted to answer that, but he couldn’t. She sighed. “If you’re here to ask for my help, then

sorry. I can’t. But if you just want to have a cup of tea and a little chat with a friend, then you’re always

welcome.” Noel knew Elise wouldn’t budge no matter what, though he thought it was a shame. Jack

was decently popular in the industry, but he needed a good song to establish himself. A celebrity built

on hype would never last.

If he didn’t produce anything good, it’d be difficult for him to make a comeback once the hype died

down. Jack had been his longtime disciple, and Noel had been developing his musical talent from when

he was an amateur. He didn’t want Jack to lose his future just like that. “Give it some thought, H. I just

need one song. You can write about anything. Just one song.” “Noel, you know where I stand on this

matter.” “I know, but this is just a simple thing for you.”

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Noel didn’t want to give up. Elise said nothing, but she still wouldn’t budge. Noel knew she was still

offended by what happened back then, and he knew she would never change her decision. That was

just how she was. “I’m sorry, H. I know it’s a difficult decision. Since you refused, let’s put this behind


He took out his card. “This is my personal number. Call me if you change your mind. You’re still my

friend no matter what, and that will never change.” She took it and put it in her pocket. “Dig in.” Noel

was glad she took his card. “Sure. Dig in.” After that, Noel sent her back to school. “You can call me

anytime you want, H,” he told her solemnly before she left.

Elise waved to him and went back to school. The moment she came back to the classroom, she saw

Mikayla typing away furiously on her phone. She sat down beside her friend and asked, “What

happened? Someone got on your nerves?” Mikayla answered without even looking up, “I need your

help, Elise.

These trolls are too much. They’re insulting my idol! Quick, make an account and troll them back.” Elise

huddled closer and saw Mikayla arguing with Jack’s haters on Twitter. Judging from the looks of it,

Mikayla wouldn’t back down until the trolls did.