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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 162
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Coolest Girl in Town Readonline/Audio Chapter 162

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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 162

“Thank you, Julius,” Elise answered earnestly.

However, Julius merely smiled. “We are good friends, so there’s no need to be so


Right after they walked out of the room, she locked the room from inside before walking to the elevator.

“I still remember the last time I left and even quietly thought that I would never be here again. Less than

two years have passed and I’m here once again. It’s quite emotional,” she said slowly.

He gently looked at her. “Actually, from the beginning, I already knew that you’d return. It’s all a matter of

time. Fortunately, I waited until this moment. All the best for the competition tomorrow. I will be there to

cheer you on and I look forward to seeing your performance.”

Elise grunted. “The competition tomorrow will be among small groups and I will do my best.”

After she walked out of the elevator, she directly headed for the garage that stored her favorite car. Even

though it had been parked here for around two to three years, there wasn’t a lot of dust on it because

Julius had asked people to regularly maintain


Elise sat on the driver’s seat where she seemed to have discovered the familiar past. The moment she

started the car, she floored the accelerator to drive the vehicle out.

As the fancy sports car sped on the road, it had attracted many people’s attention. However, she ignored

them and drove all the way to the hotel. After she removed her cap, she casually left it on the passenger

seat whereupon she started to tidy her hair before exiting the vehicle.

The moment that she walked into the lobby of the hotel, she ran into Alexander, who was engaged in a

call. It seemed that they had entered the elevator one after another, which now resulted in her standing

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right next to him.

“Settle this matter first. If there are any problems, contact me again.” With that, he immediately hung up.

When he looked at the reflection in the mirror, he was slightly

repulsed by the coincidences he had with Joy. What he never expected was the woman to actually

attract him and subconsciously made him desire to be closer to her. What the hell?

“Did you just return, Miss Sinclair?” Alexander broke the silence by asking.

Elise initially planned on feigning that she didn’t notice him. Now that he had taken the initiative to speak

to her, she hummed in reply.

There was no further exchange of words after her response. When the elevator doors opened, she

walked out first before they both returned to their respective rooms.

As soon as she returned to her room, Elise entered the bathroom to take a shower. When she

reemerged, she grabbed a towel to dry her wet hair before she stood in front of the French windows to

gaze at the city’s night scenery. The bright neon lights and the exciting night life were indeed difficult to


Ding dong!

It was at this moment when her doorbell rang and aroused her curiosity about the person who rang the

bell. Who would look for me at this hour?

She walked to the door and asked, “Who is it?”

“It’s me!”

Upon hearing those two words being spoken in a familiar tone, she froze. Then, she opened the door

with slight incredulity. “Mr. Griffith, why are you here?”

Alexander asked, “Do you have hot water here? My kettle is spoiled.”

Elise blinked before answering, “Yeah, I do. Give me your cup and I will fill it up for you.”

Then, he passed the glass in his hands to her. After she took it from him, she went inside to fill it with hot

water while he waited quietly by the door.

“Here you go, Mr. Griffith.” Elise handed the full glass to Alexander as he stretched out with his hands to

accept it. When he did so, his gaze involuntarily fell on her hands and saw a black mole on the back of

her hand that was quite conspicuous. Without thinking much about it, he took the glass and responded,


After that, she closed the door and returned to her room without thinking too much about the encounter.

Somewhere deep in the night, Elise woke up with a violent cough after choking on the thick smoke.

However, the smoke seemed to get thicker and made her realize that something was amiss, which

forced her to immediately open her eyes. Smoke was already permeating the huge room at this stage; it

was as if the place was on fire.

The fire alarm rang outside along with the cries of men and women. She couldn’t stop coughing because

of the smoke and quickly snatched the towel to cover her nose and mouth while stumbling to the door.

As soon as she opened it, she saw that people were fleeing for the safety exit along the corridor. Upon

seeing this, she joined them.

All of a sudden, many people from the hotel gathered together and ran down the

against the wall. She stopped walking for a moment as she inhaled deeply. As the crowd had been

leaving one after another, there were only a few people behind her.

“Are you alright?” Alexander’s voice suddenly rang in her ears.

She quickly nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. Why are you still here? Quickly head down…”

There was slight anxiety in Elise’s tone as she subconsciously tugged his elbow while running

downstairs. However, he was stunned to the point where he froze for a second, which gave rise to a

familiar feeling when he saw such a sight. He didn’t have the time to think it through and merely ran

downstairs with her. As he did so, he quietly held her hand.

Both of them ran all the way to the ground floor from the tenth floor. She was panting for breath, feeling

as if she had narrowly escaped death while the crowd chattered noisily.

“Are you alright?”

“Are you alright?”

Alexander and Elise spoke at the same time, thereafter staring at each other. It was only at this moment

when they realized that they had interlocked their fingers and

released their hands almost instantaneously.

“What is going on? Everything was fine. Why is there a fire?” Elise asked as she still panted. She wasn’t

the only shocked person; those around her were questioning the same thing as well.

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He raised his head and looked at the fire above them. “When I was running downstairs, I saw the room

next to us on fire. The fire was so massive that it nearly affected all ten floors of the hotel…”

Meanwhile, the fire brigade quickly drove to the venue one after another to extinguish the fire. As many

voices were mixed together, it led to a rather chaotic scene.

“What would happen to us for the rest of the night?” Elise asked as many people around her demanded

a solution from the hotel.

The hotel employees quickly attempted to pacify the crowd and said, “Please don’t be anxious. We will

think of a solution for everyone.”

The fire was too sudden and it had happened during the middle of the night. After the firemen had spent

around half an hour extinguishing the fire, the situation was finally under control. Fortunately, it was

caused by electrical appliances and no one died in the accident.

“Please be patient. We have already arranged a new place for everyone to stay, but there are limited

rooms. Two people need to share a room together. If you have any friends or know anyone, you can

share the same room. You can request the room keys from me now.” The moment the manager finished

his words, many customers went to him in pairs to get their card.

Since both Elise and Alexander were on their own, they wanted to look for another person to share the

room. However, everyone had already left by the time they waited, which left them as the only remaining

people there.

They stared at each other before concurrently asking, “W-What should we do, manager?”

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